FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Friends are Friends

Dedicated to Anna,
The best buddy anyone
Could ask for.

What's up everyone!! This is another one of my crazy stories, but this one is extra-special to me. As you have read, this is dedicated to my buddy, Anna. She is my kindergarten buddy, and the best one anyone could ask for. Sorry but I never mention last names, hey this is the Internet!! Anyway (I'm talking to Anna Now, K?), Anna, this is my birthday present from me to you. I hope you like it. I love you very much. You're the best!! O.K. everyone, I, as usual, I want you to e-mail me and tell me what you think. For those of you who have not read any of my other stories, my e-mail address is prettyflower7367@aol.com (yes that is a hyperlink, if you're reading it on a computer). Most of you know that I always tolerate flames, but not this time. This story is very important to me. Sorry that I can't use the Japanese names or write anything in Japanese. The CCS characters are in 7th grade & the SM characters are in kindergarten. Madison is in 8th, though, and Rei is in first, but they are all great friends, K? I'm a big fan of S+S but this isn't a S+S fanfic; it's a friends forever fanfic.
In this story, I have made it so that someone in real life fits the character. Here are the changes:
Sakura- me, Alma
Ami- Anna
Madison- Michelle (in 8th grade, my best friend)
Rei- Nicole (in first grade)
Rita- Stephanie
Mina- Jenna
Nikki- Jacque
Serena- Rebecca
Chelsea- Patti
Lita- Angelica
Li- Jose (doesn't go to my school, doesn't have a buddy either)
Andrew- (Jose doesn't have a buddy, remember?)
Eriol- Joey
(I forgot what Serena's little bro's name is so here it'll be…)Benn- Sean
Zachary- Ramiro
(I ran out of SM characters) Chris- Adrian
Tori- Sal Aiden- Carlos Julian- Florence
Mrs. Taylor- Mrs. Zitney (don't get hyped up because I put two last names. Mr. Terada- Mr. DiCesaris These people may not even exist. You'll never know.)
I don't own any of these characters. The ever-so-wonderful ladies at CLAMP do.
O.K. on with the story

It was a bright sunny day as a robin was happily chirping it's sweet melody. Suddenly, a twelve-year-old girl with chestnut hair, which reached the middle of her back, and sparkling emerald eyes that could easily brighten up any gloomy day, who was skating down the street at world record speed, disturbed the peace. " Please don't ring, please don't ring, please don't ring," she whispered to herself as she skated to her school. This girl was Sakura Avalon, and she, as usual was late for school. In less that a minute, considering the speed she was going, she arrived at her school. She was surprised to see a few people in the yard. She looked at her wristwatch, which Julian had given her. " 7: 15, what!! Aw man, I could've been asleep right now!" she whined.
She decided to go and sit on the swings to rest. As she sat on the swing she was thinking about the year and how it would go. ' I can't believe it's barely the second week of seventh grade! Oh, wait. Today we get our buddies!! I wonder whom I'll get. I'm so happy that Mrs. Taylor decided to become the new kindergarten teacher. Madison's mom is too cool, she'll probably have ice cream parties every wee---' her thoughts were interrupted by a hard impact on her head. " Oww!! O.K., who did that??" she looked around, hoping to find the culprit, but saw no one. Then she heard a soft, seeming sinister chuckle. She immediately narrowed the list to two boys. It was either Eriol or it was Li. From that she was able to tell who it was because whoever had thrown the, whatever it was, must have thrown it from a tree. Li was the only one of the two who would climb a tree. She looked up to find herself correct. It had been Li who had thrown the object and he was, of course sitting up in a tree. Li was a good friend of Sakura's. He had messy chestnut hair and beautiful amber eyes. " You do realize that that wasn't very nice, right??" said Sakura " That's the beauty of it," he replied. When they first met, Li had not made a very good impression on Sakura. They immediately became rivals. Yet soon their rivalry ended and they became "Friends". Sakura crossed her arms and stuck her tongue out at him. " You do realize that that is very rude, right??" he said. She pulled her tongue back in and said " Good Morning, Li. Bye". Then she stomped away, only to run into Madison. " Hey Sakura. Has Li been bugging you again?" she said, seeing the look on her face. Sakura just looked at her and nodded her head. Madison shook her head and chuckled. "So aren't you getting your buddies today?" she asked. "Yes and I'm so excited!" replied Sakura. ' We're getting ours today too. Oh hey, my mom said that today, you guys are going to have a little party." " Really??" " Yeah, donuts & juice" " Yum! Your mom is the coolest."
" Your mom was too." "Yeah, was" Sakura's face was now filled with sorrow. Sakura's mother had passed away when she was very young and now she lived with Tori, her brother, and Aiden, her father. " It's aright Sakura. Remember that she's happy now and that she's watching you." " Yeah, I guess" She looked at her watch again and was surprised to see that it was already 7:50 " Wow, time fly's!" she said as she picked up her backpack. " Let's go!" They walked to their classes and said good- bye and went in.
***** In Sakura's Classroom
"Good morning class. I hope you all had a good weekend. " Said Mr. Terada. All the students moaned. " Hey, cheer up! It's the first day of the rest of your lives!!" he said. The students had no idea how many times they would be hearing that. " As you all know, today you will be assigned your kindergarten buddies. All the girls cheered. All but three boys just said whatever. Those three were Zachary, Eriol, and Li. Zachary
Was telling a story about how the Ancient Greeks used to pair up a teenager and a young child so that the teenager could teach them many things. Fortunately for him, Chelsea didn't hear him. Eriol was quite happy because he felt great compassion toward children. Li, of course, didn't say anything because he hardly spoke. He spoke to very few people, Sakura being the one who heard the most of him.
" Chelsea you'll be buddies with Lita,
Nikki with Serena
Li with Andrew
Eriol with Benn
Zachary with Chris
Rita with Mina
Sakura with Ami…"
He said some more pairs as Sakura wondered what Ami was like. She snapped back to reality just in time to hear Mr. Terada's instructions. " Line up at the back of the room, we are going to go meet our buddies and have-" he was cut off as Sakura said " donuts and juice" just a little too loud. ' Yes Miss Avalon, but next time wait until I'm done to add your comments" "OOOH!!" exclaimed the class. " Yes sir." Said Sakura as they walked out.
" O.K. students. Line up. I will call out your buddy's name and you come and pick them up, O.K.?" " Yes Mrs. Taylor!" exclaimed the 7th graders. Soon all of the buddies had been paired up and were eating donuts.
" So, how old are you?" Sakura asked, " I'm four, but I'm turning 5 on June 16."
" Oh" was all that Sakura said. She wasn't sure exactly what to say. They eventually said a few things, but not much. ' I so hope that the year won't go like this' thought Sakura.
***** Last Week of School
" O.K. today we're going to go have a little party with our buddies. We're going to go and make some stuff, play some games and have some treats O.K.?" " Yeah!!" cheered everyone, including Sakura. It was now the end of the year and Sakura felt closer to Ami. She was still at loss of words sometimes, but she got further than" So, how old are you? ". The students were lining up to go pick up their buddies as Sakura, Rita, Nikki, and Chelsea were talking about how great their buddies were. " Mine is the best, she's so small and cute!!" exclaimed Nikki. " No, mine is better, she is so smart."
Replied Chelsea. "Mine can be hyper active at times, but she listens well. My buddy is the best," said Rita. " All of them are special. Each of our buddies has their own special characteristics, making them special in their own ways." Said Sakura. ' Wow, Sakura! You're so wise and kind, I'll never measure up to you.' Thought Rita. Apparently, she had thought too soon, because right after that, Sakura continued," My buddy has all of those characteristics, therefore she is the best." Rita, Nikki, and Chelsea snickered. Sakura had always been very proud of Ami and wasn't afraid to show it. They picked up their buddies and went behind the cafeteria. First they made little picture frames with pictures of the pair inside it. It was hard to get the whole picture in it so they tried to get a sufficient amount of both of them in the frame. ' I should have ducked down' thought Sakura. They finished decorating their frames and took them so that Mr. Terada could paste magnets onto them. After he put glue on the magnets, Sakura felt a slight tug on her sweater. She bent down to hear what Ami was saying." He put the glue on the wrong side of the magnet." She whispered. Sakura turned to Mr. Terada and told him what he had done. Mr. Terada took the magnet and attempted to throw it into the grass, but failed for the magnet just stuck to his finger, the glue was all over his finger. " Ah, shoot!" he said. He eventually gave her a good magnet. Next they had relays in which the pair had to dress up, tag the next person, and take the costume off. Their team won. Next they had ice cream and strawberries. Afterwards, they went back to class. This pained Sakura, because it was one of the last times that they did something together as buddies. Sakura hoped that Ami would have a great summer, and that she would always remember her, because Sakura was positive that she would remember Ami. Ami had left a permanent mark in her life, one that Sakura would always look back to and remember all the fun that they had that year.

O.K. I'm done. I'm sorry that I don't have too many of my memories with Anna, but we've gone through so much that it'd take about a week to write. I know that it's short (in a way) but the point of this story was to get three messages across to Anna
1.) I love you very much Anna!
2.) You don't know how much you've changed my life
3.) I am very proud of you. Keep it up!!
I know that I use this song a lot but I really like it. You can say so many things with it!! I don't own this song either. I only made a few changes to it. O.K. here is At The Beginning.

We were strangers
Starting out on a journey
Never dreaming
What we'd have to go through
Now here we are
And I'm suddenly standing
At the beginning with you

No one told me I was going to meet you
What you did to my life
When I was sad
You made me feel happy
Thank you so much!

Life is a road
And I want to keep going
Love is a river
I wanna keep flowing
Life is a road
Now and forever
Wonderful journey

I'll be there
When the world stops turning
I'll be there
When the storm is through
In the end I wanna be standing
At the beginning with you

We were strangers
Going through a new school year
Never knowing
How our friendship would build
Now here we stand
Unafraid of the future
At the beginning with you

Life is a road
And I want to keep going
Love is a river
I wanna keep going
Life is a road
Now and forever
Wonderful journey

I'll be there
When the world stops turning
I'll be there
When the storm is through
In the end I wanna be standing
At the beginning with you

I knew there was somebody somewhere
Like me alone in the dark
Now I know that we'll always be friends
Friends forever we'll be
You'll always be a part of my heart

Life is a road
And I want to keep going
Love is a river
I wanna keep flowing
Life is road
Now and forever
Wonderful journey

I'll be there
When the world stops turning
I'll be there
When the storm is through
In the end I wanna be standing
At the beginning with you

Life is a road and I wanna keep going
Love is a river I wanna keep going on
Starting out on a journey
Life is a road and I wanna keep going
Love is a river I wanna keep flowing
In the end I wanna be standing
At the beginning with you

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