FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

This story is after Sakura got all the card and Syaoran was still denying his feelings for Sakura And I added 4 character Maruha, Sukuri, Omino. And Elian FROM THE HEART
By angelgirl PART I ?THE DREAM

It was a quiet night, all the children in Toemoeda was already sleeping. The moon is the only one that overcast the city. Two mysterious persons appeared.

“Is she the one that treat to all our powers. What can a little girl do? She is so weak. Even though I sense some power but still it’s way below ours. Why would Maruha be alarmed??said the blonde woman with a pair of shimmering red eyes.
“Silent Sukuri! Don’t underestimate her. She’s the Clow Mistress!?said the older man with his brown hair seemingly perfect with his blue shallow eyes.
“My apology Omino. I would watch her very closely. I won’t make mistake.?Said Sukuri
“So be it! I want the 5 elemental cards then I want her dead.?Omino took off.
“Consider it done. If would be fun little girl. Take all the rest you need for they might be your last.?She vanished.

“I’m in the tower, who are you? A young girl about her age appeared in front of her but she couldn’t see her face. “She’s holding somebody with her?Sakura said to herself. As she looked closer, she saw the face of the boy lying on a strange casket.
“Syaoran !!!?she yelled but as she tried to reached him two mysterious persons stood in her.
“Get out of my way!?she shouted at them. To her surprise they took some cards out. Firey, Earthy, Windy, Watery and Wood cards.
“This can’t be, their mine I captured them.?She didn’t know what to do.
Suddenly, she was pushed with such power she cried in pain and saw the blood dripping from her hands. She looked back to see who it was but somehow she couldn’t figure it out. It was familiar.

“Nnnooooo!!!!!!!!!!! Syaoran !!!!!!!!?Sakura scream as she woke up.
She held her breath as her heart still pounding so fast.

“Sakura! Are you alright??Kero asked.
After getting a grip from herself, she glanced at Kero.
“I’m fine, it’s just a bad dream. But its’s a teribble one.?Sakura said
“What’s it about??Kero asked
Sakura then told Kero what she saw in her dreams.
Kero didn’t response and was silent.
“Is there something wrong Kero??Sakura was looking at her friend.
“It might be something. That little brat’s there, Right!?Kero still look serious.
Sakura just nodded looking at the clock it’s 7:00 AM already.
“Oh my! I’m late again! Sakura ran to the bathroom. Afterwards she hurried down the stairs.

“Aren’t you gonna eat first? I cooked some pancakes!?A tall man wearing glasses looked at Sakura.
“I’m late dad got to go.?Wearing her rollerblades, catching up with her brother.
“Oniichan!!! Wait!!!!?She yelled at him.
“That’s what happen when you’re always late kaijui! Touya loves to call her that.
“Shut up Touya! I’m not a kaijui. How many times do I have to tell you!?She ran faster.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Where am I? Why am I wearing a black robe??Syaoran asked himself
“You’ll be mine!?a mysterious voice spoke.
“Who are you? What do you want? Syaoran look around him.
“Just wait and see my prince. But I won’t spare the life of your princess.?Said the mysterious voice.
Sakura was falling from the tower.
“Sakura!!!!!!!?Syaoran woke up in shock.
He sat in his bed. He stared at the floor
“What does she want with me and Sakura, ?he paused.
“I would never let anything happen to her. Never.?He punched the pillow besides him.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Good morning Sakura!?as her best friend greeted her.
“Good morning Tomoyo!?Sakura respond.
“You look so tired Sakura.?Her purple eyes saddened.
“I’m okay Tomoyo I just didn’t sleep well that’s all!?She smiled trying not to let Tomoyo worried.
Meanwhile she gazed to the chair nobody was behind her.
“Where’s Li-kun??Sakura asked.
“His not like this! I mean not late like me!?She held her hand closer to her chest.
As the class was about to start, a cinnamon-hair boy with a pair of brown eyes was holding his breath as if he just run to school.
“Li Syaoran, you’re late!?The teacher scolded at him.
“My apology senshi.?Syaoran, still catching his breath.
“I’m about to start a lesson. Take your seat.?The teacher frowned.
“Hai!?Syaoran nooded.
Sakura looking at him with concern.
“Something’s bothering him, what could it be??Sakura didn’t pay attention to her teacher.
“Kinomoto Sakura! Do you want to say something to the class? The teacher stared at her while tapping the stick in his hands.
“No sir.?She blushed in embarrassment.

It was lunch-time Chiharu, Rita, Naoko, and the others where together eating their lunches.
“Did you see where Li-kun go??Sakura asked Tomoyo.
“I saw him passed that building at the back. He always seems to go there.?Tomoyo replied.
“I have to speak to him. I’ll meet you later at the class.?Sakura waved as she went to the building.
“Oh! Good thing I brought my camera along. There’s something gonna happen today and I won’t miss it for the world.?She giggles as she followed Sakura.

At the back of the building, she saw a pair of disturb brown eyes.
“Li-kun!?Sakura called.
The boy looked up to her with a bit of surprise but still carry the silence in his eyes.
“What do you want??Syaoran yelled at her to hide what he was thinking.
Still the auburn hair girl smiled and her emerald eyes sparkled to him.
“We were just worried about you Li-kun. First, you were late then, you seemed to be thinking of something deeply that you didn’t even heard our teacher calling you three times.?Sakura glanced at him.
“She was concerned for me.?He said to himself.
For a moment he was silent then remembered that she was still waiting for his answer.
“I’m just exhausted!?Syaoran replied.
Sakura didn’t believe him. As she wanna argue with him a pair of red eyes glanced at them. Shouting angrily.
“What are you two talking about??Meiling then grab Syaoran’s arms. Syaoran frowned.
“We were concern about him.?Sakura replied.
Meiling still glares in suspicion.
“It’s true! I got it all in tape.?Tomoyo suddenly appear from nowhere.
Both Sakura and Syaoran sweatdrop.
“How long have you been there??Sakura asked as she slightly blushed.
“Long enough to tape everything.?Tomoyo giggled again.
“Everything!?Syaoran’s eyes widen.
“Uh hmmmm.?Tomoyo looked at them.
Both still blushing.
Meiling cut the scene.
“You don’t have to worry coz I’m taking good care of my fiancee.?Meiling start pulling Syaoran away. “How many times I have to tell you that I’m not your fiancee.?Syaoyan frowned again.
“Not yet!?Meiling smiled. Syaoran just lower his head giving up the conversation with his cousin.

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