FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks


Syaoran was still walking as he felt a sudden chill.
"Gee! I didn't think it would be this cold!" He said to himself.

But the wind grew colder as haze were formed. Snow started to fall.
"This isn't normal!" He sensed a powerful presence.
"Sakura!" He hurriedly run but the wind was pushing him back. The snow blew harder.
A young girl was staring at him.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"We have to get cover!! It's like there's a snow storm!" Touya shouted.
"It's all of a sudden! How could this happen!" Yukito was covering Sakura.

A man appeared as his blue eyes sparled like the snow.
Instantly it stopped.

Sakura eyes widened.
"That's him! He's the one that I saw in the park!"
"You mean you know this guy?" Yukito asked.
"He catched me when I accidentally fall from a tree!" She replied back.
"Well! He doesn't look like he want's to help you now!" Touya frowned.

The man jerked.
"I don't want to disturb your puny arguments but it's rather important I complete my task!"
"Give me the last element! Clow mistress!" He's eyes widened.

"Hey! Back off!! You're messing with my sister!" Touya stood up.
"What ever you want! You ain't gonna get it! Who do you think you are?" He was furious.

"I'm sorry! I should have introduced myself. I'm Omino, one of the elemental guardians. I think you already knew that!" He stared at Sakura.

"So that's why he's familiar." She said to herself.

"Sukuri was weak that's why she failed! This time it's my turn you will have no escape!"
"Spirit of Darkness bring forth to me Destruction of the World! Release!! Blizzard!!" He shouted.

The snow was swirling around as wind was pushing him back and forth. The place grew cooler. Snow was falling hard. They were freezing to death.

"It's so cold!" Sakura whispered as her color was turning pale.
"Sakura!" Touya hold her tighter to keep her warm. But this won't be enough.

A pair of wing wrapped around them.
"Yue!" Sakura exclaimed.
"But you can't! How about you? You won't stand the snow! You'll get cold too! Your gonna die if you continue this!" Sakura was crying.

"You're my master and my friend! I'll do everything to save you both!" Yue looked back at Sakura as he slowly froze.

"Yue!" Sakura hold him as tears were falling from her eyes.

"Touya stood up. He had a shed of tear in his eyes.
"You're gonna pay for what you did!" Touya shouted at him for he was angry.

"Well look at this! Another misunfortunate soul!" He smirked.

"You're the one that's in trouble!!! I'll get you!! He started to attact.

"Touya! Wait!!" Sakura was trying to stop him.

He made a move. He jumped at Omino using his martial arts expertise. He swung his feet at his head barely missing it. But as he put another punch, Omino was strucked in the stomach as he was pushed back to the tree.

"So you do have some trick under your sleeves! I should have known that."
He stood up. Pushing his brown hair back.
"Now it's my turn!"

He touched the floor.
"Release! Ice!" He commanded.
The whole ground was covered with ice but underneath was freezing water.

Touya grab Sakura as they jumped together. Stepping on the ground they fell for it was slippery. They were separated.

"Sakura! Are you alright?" Touya shouted.
"I'm fine! How about you?" She yelled back.
He nodded.

"Now I can both kill you with one hand!" Omino lifted his hands.

The ground was cracking making an opening toward Sakura and Touya.
He managed to move but Sakura couldn't as she slipped everything she stands up.

"AHHHH!!!" The floor opened as Sakura sunk into the freezing water.

"Sakura!!!!!" Touya shouted as he ran to her.

She was drifting to the bottom of the water. She couldn't move any longer. Her body was starting to freeze as her heart slowly beats.

A hand grab Sakura. It was Touya. He signed her to swim. But her body was so cold. Only her green pale eyes can look at him and smile a little at her brother.
Touya swum faster to reach the top. He pushed her up quickly.

"Touya." She whispered as her whole body was shivering.
"Grab to my hand!" Her voice was rough lending her hand to his brother.

"Fools!!" Omino jerked.

He waved his hand again. This time, the opening from the ground started to close as the water underneath freezed.
Touya was trapped frozen in the water.

"Touya!!!!" Sakura was screaming as tears rolled from her eyes.
"Please!!Touya!!!" She was punching the ice hard. Her hands were almost swollen.
"Onnichan!!!" She cried again. She wiped the crystal ice as she saw her brother's face.

"You have no choice! Clow Mistress! Either you use the card to help your friends or you might as well let them die!" He widened his eyes.

"Touya!! Yukito!!! I won't let you die!" Her emerald eyes were crying.
"Release! Firey!" She shouted.

The fire surrounded the place. The ice melted for it was warm.
"Touya!" She grabbed his cold hands, but he was too heavy for her.

A man stooded and lend another hand as Touya was lifted from the water.

"Yue!" Sakura hugged him.
"You're free too!" She exclaimed happy to see him.
Then she went back to her brother.

"Touya!!" She called worried for her brother.
"Sakura!" He whispered.

"Onnichan!!" She held him tight. Tears rolled from her eyes.
"If something happens to you! I will never forgive myself!" She was still crying at his shoulder.
"I'm alright Sakura! That's because of you!" He smiled at her. Sakura smiled back as she took her jacket off and put it in his brother.

Firey was now in Omino's hands.
"Humans! You're all weak. There's no such things as friends! In the end only the best will survived!!" He stared at them.
"No one can stop us now!"
"Release! Blizzard!"

Yue was about to confront Omino when somebody stopped him.

"Let me handle this one!" Sakura eyes were solid.
"No! Get out of the way!' Yue shouted at her.

"I won't! I will protect you with all my strength!" Sakura closes her eyes. A green aura surrounded her.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Syaoran was shocked when he saw the girls' face.
"She's the girl in my dreams! How did she get here?" He thought.

"I've been watching you Syaoran! I'm glad that we finally meet!" She stepped closer.

Syaoran was going to draw his sword but somehow he couldn't move.
"What! I know you did this! Let me go!!" He shouted at her.

"That's not the way to talk to the person you love!" She smiled touching his face.
"Hey! Get your hands off me!! I don't know you! And how did you know my name!" He was mad.
Still Maruha ignored him. Touching his face was like a granting a wish. How long have she waited. Longing forever.

"Elian." She whispered.
"Who?" Syaoran was confused and upset at the same time. But for sure, she was for no good.

"I'm not him! Can't you see that! And why are you always in my dreams? Why did you pushed her from the cliff!" He's eyes were staring at her.

She put her hand down.
"You mean the Clow Mistress! But what made you think that I'm the one that pushed her!" She smiled greedily.
"Well! Who is then?" He asked promptly.
"Do you want to know now?" She was pissing him off.
"Show Me!!!" He's voice was desperate.

Maruha took the green cloth out of Syaoran's head. She placed her hand at the symbol. It enlightened.

Syaoran saw flashes of faces, things, places, the sight of Sakura falling. Looking at the person behind he saw a shadow of a boy.

Maruha took her hand off from his head as he fell on the floor.

"There's been a change of luck!" She whispered as she saw a bright green aura from the sky.

"Wait!" Syaoran tried to stop her.
"Who is he?" He asked abruptly.

"You'll find soon enough!" She quicky vanished.

Syaoran stood up seeing the powerful aura, the same as he remembered at the park.
"Sakura!" He whispered.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"What's this! Some kind of a trick!" Omino was amazed from what he's seeing.
The snow was heading towards her but I didn't affect her a bit. It's like the snow stop moving. Obeying her.

Sakura opened her eyes. She was concentrated.
"Release! Fight!" She commanded.

She attached him with a swing of her feet, a strike of her hand, missing him a bit she broke the icy wall behind him.
She get back at him. She wanted more. Tumbling from the other side unaware for him he was kicked in his face as he smashed in the ground.

"How did you got such powers! You're just a child!" Omino tried to stand up. Blood was in his face.
He was pretty beaten up.
Nothing of his power worked. It eighter vanished or being turned back by Sakura's aura.

Sakura stepped closer. She raised her staff.
"Release! Power!" She shouted. Strong aura was swirling around her.
Omino tried to call ice sending the card it just burned infront of him.

"Nobody hurts my friend! You'll pay for this!"
She striked her key to his body sending him a blast to the center of the earth.
Her aura slowly faded.

"Touya! Yue! Are you both alright?" Sakura asked, both of them nodded.

The firey card floated to the air.
"Firey!" Sakura shouted trying to reach the card.

Suddenly a big ball came heading towards Sakura.
"Release the Light! Lightning!" Syaoran appeared from behind slicing the ball into two.

"Syaoran!" Sakura was happy to see him.

A girl appeared in the sky holding the firey card.
Sakura felt a sudden coldnest seeing the girls' face.
"That girl! She looked familiar!" Sakura thought as she remembered.
"She's the one holding Li-kun in my dreams!" She held her hand close to her chest as she looked to Syaoran.

"No one can stop me now! I have all the elements!!!"
Maruha lifted to the sky.
"Stop!" Sakura shouted.
She uses her key and called.
"Release! Fly!" She was up in the sky following her.

Maruha looked back. She swung her staff making a bunch of black balls aiming at Sakura.
Sakura manage to flew away from it but the last one was big.
"Release! Shield" She was covered but it wasn't enough as she was pushed down to the ground.

Fortunately, Yue catches her as they hit the ground fast.
"Yue!" Sakura looked as his broken wings as they were wounded by the impact.

Maruha touched the sky. The sun was instantly covered by a black substance, like it was a solar eclipse.

People were looking at the sky as a phenomenon has occurred. Some of them were fascinated will others were scared. All the animals seemed to be alarmed. The dogs were barking, the horses were jumping didn't know where to go, birds flew from their branches as of they were disturbed, the monkeys are pushing their cages wanting to go out, cockroaches were coming out from the ground. The sea was waving high as wind was blewing hard while the other part of the city was heating up rapidly. There was smoke in the forest.

Sakura and the others were terrified as the morning went to a complete darkness.
Sakura knelt down to her knees as she looked to the sky. The end was near.

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