FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks


Yukito was preparing hot soup and some cocoa for everybody. His back was hurting a bit but he didn't know why.
They already changed their clothes and put some blanket around them.

Sakura was by Touya's side. After what happened, she couldn't believe she almost lost his brother. Syaoran was by the window looking out the unstable surroundings.

"Here take some soup! It will make you feel warmer!" Yukito put the soup in the table.
"Thanks Yukito-san!"
"Syaoran! Do you want some?" She asked.

"No! I'm not hungry!" He was still looking at the window.
Sakura was a bit concerned about Syaoran as she remembered Touya was waiting for her.

"You know you still have a brother to ask if he's hungry!" Touya was a bit jealous.
"Sorry Touya! I know you wouldn't say no anyway!" She smiled at his brother.
"Hmm?!?" Touya was a bit lost.
"Nevermind! Just eat this!" She smiled at him again.

Syaoran went to the kitchen to get some water. Yukito was still cleaning.
"Hello there! Do you need something?" Yukito asked.
"Just some water." He replied.

"She spoke to you doesn't she?" Another voice asked.
Syaoran looked at Yue. He nodded. Slowly he took off the bandage from his head.
Yue was a bit surprised as he touched it a fire striked him. Quickly he covered himself with his wings.

"What was that?" Sakura grasped. She smelled something burning.
"Syaoran! Yukito-san! Is everything alright?" Sakura stood up, wanting to check the kitchen.

Syaoran quickly answered.
"Were ok!! It's just something Yukito was cooking!" He yelled as he tried not to let Sakura know.

Sakura was a bit suspicious but she just let it go. She got lot of things in her head. She looked back at his brother she felt bad. Thinking deep for what will happen next.

"Yue! Are you alright?" Syaoran helped him stand up.
"I'm okay! Good thing I was prepared for that!" He replied.
"I'm sorry! I didn't know it could do such things! I never had it before I woke up in coma!" He continued.
"You have seen here before? Right?" He asked.
"Yah! But only in my dreams! She kept calling me by another name and I always see Sakura!" Syaoran stop for a while.

Yue was serious now. He knew the sign was of destruction. There could never be good on that.
"Maruha must be waiting for something! That's why were still alive!"
"Are you planning to tell Sakura?" He asked in a low tone.

"No!" He's voice was stiff as he put the green cloth back.
"She got more things to worry! I don't want to distract her now!" He replied.

Yue was still thinking. He knew that there was no such thing as the right thing to do at a crisis like this.
"Just be careful Syaoran! It might be you that she's after!" Yue quickly change back to Yukito.
"I'm sorry! What was it that you need again?" He asked a bit confused not remembering a thing.
"I got it already! Thanks anyway!" Syaoran left the kitchen.
Yukito was left alone. He knew that Yue was there.

Syaoran was heading to the door.
"Where are you going?" Sakura asked concerned for him.
"I have to get something done!" His voice was cold as he closed the door.
Sakura's eyes saddened.
"Please be careful Syaoran!" She whispered.

She sat down with her brother. Looking at him again, a little wet and cold, her eyes were shallow.
"I'm sorry Onnichan!" Her eyes could stare at his brother for tears started to fall from her emerald eyes.
"I failed everybody! I failed you! Everything will be destroy because of me!" She cried out loud.
Touya hold her hands.
"Sakura." He whispered moving her face towards him.
"I don't know how you got on this stuff or shall I call it magic. But seeing a brave little girl fighting with all her strength depending the one she loves and the whole world, I'm proud to be your brother! Sakura!" He smiled at her.
"Touya!" She hugged him.
"Just remember! Even if you lose will still be together in the end! And I will be forever grateful for that!" Touya stated. Sakura wasn't crying anymore. He had given her more hope.

Dingdong!! Somebody was at the door.
Sakura quickly stand up and open it
"Tomoyo! Come in!" She instantly close the door for the wind was blewing hard.
"Why are you here? You should be at your house were it's safe!" Sakura was a bit upset for what her friend did.
"Relax Sakura! I know It's pretty strange what's happening outside so I want to check if your alright too. Besides. I couldn't be more safer when I'm with you!" Tomoyo smile at her friend.
Sakura almost cry from what her friend just said.

"Oh! Hello Touya! So now you probably know our little secret!" Tomoyo smiled.
"What? You knew if before I did?" He frowned a little at Sakura.
Sakura sweatdrop.

"Well! That's good! We got nothing to hide then from now on! I baked some cookies for Kero were is the flying lion?" Is he still in your room Sakura?" Tomoyo asked still looking.
"Who?" Touya stood up asking as he went up.
Sakura tried to stop Touya from going to her room.
"Wait Touya! Let me explain!"
"Oopps!" Tomoyo hold her mouth.

Touya opened the door. No one was there. Looking around he saw a gold wing lion. Fitting Tomoyo's description. He lifted it up. It doesn't move as if it was a stuff toy.
He went down holding Kero as he put him in the table.
He stared at it. Kero was sweating up.
"Speak up!" He said.
"Hey! Be gentle to him!" Sakura grabed Kero.

"You almost fool me for that! I'll just take his cookies. Stuff animals don't eat!"

"Hey! That's mine!!" Kero was grabbing the cookie from Touya's hands. He was surprised.
"You.. You can talk?!?" Touya couldn't believe it.

"I've been talking since I met Sakura!" Kero ate another cookie.
"So you're the one Sakura was always talking too!"
"Boy! I thought she was losing it!" Sakura made a big frown at his brother.

Kero just nodded still eating.
"And you're the one who always eat all the food in the fridge!!" He shouted.
"Ahh, sort off!" He hide at Sakura's back.

"You can come out! I wont eat you!" Touya went closer.
"Really!" Kero flew up.
"Yah! And I'm grateful that all these years you've been guiding my sister!" He bowed at him.
"Your Welcome! Can I have that cookie?" He asked.
Touya frowned again.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sakura went to her room, looking outside the window it was getting worse.
She held her hand close to her chest.

"I have to stop this by myself! I can't risk another person I love!" She said to herself.
She got her key. She was all set. But before she opened the window. A girl stood to her door.

"Sakura-san!" Tomoyo's eyes were sad.
She stepped closer to Sakura and hugged her.

"I know what your gonna do! I just what to say that whatever happens I won't regret having a friend like you!" Tomoyo was crying.
"Tomoyo!" Sakura cries too.
"Look what you did to me. Now my enemy think that I'm a crybaby!" She smiled at Tomoyo.
"You're the cutest crybaby of all!" Both hugged each other.

"Before you go, I got this dress all made up for the last battle.
Tomoyo got a red gown. It has a pattern of cherry blossoms by it's sleeve. Has a gold lace by the waist, matching a pair of red shoes.

"This is probably the best!" She thanked her.
Tomoyo took a box from her bag. As she opened it, there were two neclaces.
It was a heart divided into two.

"I want you to wear this! I was planning to give it to you on your birthday but I think you should have it now!"
Tomoyo handed one of the necklaces to her.
"Tomoyo!" She looked at her friend with her watery eyes.

"You're going to wear this and I'm going to wear mine! After all of this is over, we will promise to put it back together." A tear dropped from her purple eyes. They both wore it as they hugged each other.

"I promise you! I will be back!" Sakura's eyes were crying.
Tomoyo cried harder. She knew that this might be the last time she'll see her friend again. She wan't to believe but in heart she was afraid.
As much as Sakura wanted to comfort her. She couldn't.
She herself knew what was coming.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Syaoran was in his apartment. He got all the stuffs he needed. His sword, some Chinese papers and lasin board. He was dressed up with his traditional Chinese robes.

He went to Meilings room.

She was sitting by her bed. Combing her long black hair also dressed in her Chinese robes as if she was waiting for someone.

"Meiling! Why are you dressed up?" He asked his cousin.
"The same reason that you are!" She replied as she put her comb down.

"This is dangerous! Have you seen what they did outside! You could get killed!" He shouted pointing to the window.
Meiling was irritated. She stood up and stared at him.

"What do you want me to do! Stay here and do nothing! Let that thing destroy everything including the one I love!!"
She shouted back.

"But this is different! This is the most powerful that ever hit us!"
"I'm not sure if I'm going back myself. I don't want you to be endangered!" He said.

"Syaoran. We've been in each other's side when we were young. I remember the times that you stood up protecting me from the big bullies that's teasing me around. Afterwards, I also study martial arts to protect myself. And to protect you! They all said, two heads are better than one! Besides. If this is the end. I want to be with you," Meiling hugged him.

"Meiling." Syaoran whispered.
"I know that you can't love me back the way that I do. But seeing us stand together for the last time! That's all I asked!" She held him closer. Her eyes were a bit dim.

"Alright! You can come!" He smiled at her.
"Thank You!" She could almost cry.
"Just stay close to me! Okay!" He sounded like a mother.
"Right!" She replied back.
The two headed to the door.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sakura was flying outside. Trees were everywhere. Water was already filling the streets. People were panick buying. Cars were crashing at each other. Others were stealing some TV, Radios and a bunch of other stuffs. Fires were on the building. Everything was starting to fall apart.

A little boy was crying by the street. He was lost.
"Mama!!" He cried looking for his mother.

The wind blew harder forming a small cyclone. The roof was about to fall.
Sakura quickly went down and covered the boy.

A fire was strucked against the roof, sending it far in the other way.

Sakura looked back. She saw Yue, Touya, Tomoyo and Cerebus in his true form.
'Thanks!" She said as the mother came running for her son.

The others were a bit upset for what Sakura did.
"You should have told us what you had planned! You don't have to fight this alone!" Touya frowned at her.

"I don't want to risk anybody! That's why I'm doing this!!" She retorted back.

"We know what you meant!" Yue responded.
"But where your friends! We also cared for your safety and this is our world too. We have to fight for!"

"I want to help!" Yue said outloud.
"Me too!!!" Touya shouted
"Me for three!!" Kero exclaimed.
"Friends till the end!!" Tomoyo held her hands. Both almost cry.
Sakura was crying . What a sweet words she heard. A powerful friendship that can conquer all.
"Can we come too!!" Meiling's voice loudened. By her side was Syaoran.

"Meiling! Syaoran!" She was glad to see both of them.
"Ofcourse! Were going fight this together!" Yue shouted!!!!!

Sakura's eyes were filled with tears. She got all her friends by herside. She felt more powerful and confident.
She wiped her tears.

"I'm ready! Together, will fight this to the end!!!!" Sakura said outloud as they all looked at the sky.

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