FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks


Maruha already set the 5 elements. She made a circular pattern with a symbol inside. She raised her staff as the card floated around the circle.
She called.

"Element of Destruction! I call to Thee!!! The Time has come!! Darkness!! I sent you free!!!!!"

The cards dropped to the floor as if it looked like it was built on it. The Omega symbol lightened in the middle.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sakura and others were helping the people.
"We have to hurry and find the source!!" Syaoran shouted as the tree was going to hit him.
"Force know my Plight!! Release the Light! Lightning!" It was cut to pieces.

"Alright!" Sakura closes her eyes. She meditated. She sense a powerful power toward a certain direction.
"It's there! By the Tokyo Tower!" She pointed out.
All of them run hurriedly.

Maruha grinned seeing them coming.
She lifted her staff as a black barrier surrounded the tower.

Sakura and Syaoran were able to make it but the others were left outside.
"What's this? Some kind of a wall?" Sakura asked.
It was so black that she couldn't see a thing.
"Where the others?" She asked again.
"This thing must have sepated us from them. We have to hurry before it's too late!" Syaoran exclaimed.
Sakura was worried for the others but she knew Syaoran was right. They have to face her first.


"Sakura!" Touya was shouting from outside. But it was more worst over there.

A school bus was in the cliff of the bridge. Children were crying for help.
"Cerebus!" Yue called him. He nodded.
The bus fell as the children screamed more. Luckily, with combine strength of Yue and Cerebus. The bus was lifted up and safely landed on the ground.

Tomoyo was helping people who are injured and directed them to a safer place.

Meiling jump to the water, trying to save a lady who was drowning.

Touya however knew that he couldn't break the barrier. He just hope that they make it before it's too late.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"We have to get up there!" Syaoran looked at the tower.
He suddenly felt like someone was holding him.

"What's happening!!" Syaoran couldn't move. A black substace was holding him. Lifting him to the tower,
he vanished.

"Syaoran!!!!!!" Sakura screamed.
She looked around. He wasn't anywhere.
She quickly uses her staff.
"Release! Fly!" She flew to the top with her heart trembling.

The place was cold for the clouds were surrounding the tower.
She saw Syaoran lying on a strange table. Around him where the 5 elemental cards. A white string was tied in his hands and feet, it looks like a ritual.
"This is just what I saw in my dreams! I won't let this happen!!" She said to herself.

"Syaoran!!" She cried out loud.

She tried to get closer to him. One step in the circle. She was like hit by lightning and pushed hard back.
"AAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" She yelled in pain.

"Nobody else but me can enter the circle!"
Maruha showed from the shadow. Wearing the same black gown carrying the staff in her hands.

"You might as well say your goodbyes!" She smirked.

"What are you planning to do with him?" Sakura shouted holding herself. She got hurt bad.

"He will be like a human vessel for my Elian! Once this is complete! The earth will be destroy and I shall get my beloved one!!" Maruha's eyes broaden.

"No!!! I wont allow you to do that!! She shouted.
"Release! Shield!" She called.

She stepped inside the circle. Still, she was like walking under fire. The shield couldn't protect her much.
"Syaoran!" She held his hands.
"Sakura." We whispered trying to open his eyes.
"You got to get out of here! While there still time!" He made his voice louder. Still he couldn't move.
Sakura tried to take the string off but she couldn't.
Tears were falling from her emerald eyes. She hugged him.
"I won't leave you!! Not like this!!" Tears filled her eyes.
Her feet was starting to get burned. She bit her lips bearing the pain.

Maruha jerked.
"Today! I will have my revenge!!! Clow!!!!!"

She lifted her staff. All the cards were change to their visual form as dark substance covered them, all lifted to the sky centered to the symbol.

Sakura was still holding him. She cried more feeling the pain. But she ignores it. She would never leave him.
Her mind was all clear now. She knew who's the person she trully love. Syaoran. It was him all along. She want to deny it but she can't. It was faith that brought them together.

Syaoran pressed her hand tighter.
"Sakura! Please leave me now!" He tried to push her away.
"I won't!! If this is the end then shall be it!! I will have no regrets!!! Knowing you was the greatest thing that happened to me."
"I love you Syaoran!!!" She hugged him tighter. Tears rolled in her cheek. Those were the words she never knew she would say, especially to him. The words just slip coming from the heart and not from the head. She wasn't thinking anymore. She waited long enough to tell him.
"I just didn't have the courage to tell you!" She whispered.
"Sakura." He said softly as he was able to cut one of the strings. He touched Sakura's face and comfort her back.

All of the light went out. It was total darkness. The power was center at Syaoran and Sakura.
The sky opened as the the black substance was going to hit them.

Syaoran used his inner strength. Using his aura, Sakura was pushed out of the way.
The black magic falls into him.

"Syaoran!!!!!!" Sakura uttered a cry.

The five elements were scattered around.

The whole world was shaking as the ground split. Building were falling killing thousands of people. Yue tried to save a few but it was too much for he was also been buried too.
"Yukito!!!!!!!!" Touya shouted. Half of Yue's body was covered by the building. He tried to lift the big rock but it was too heavy. He then saw flood flowing to the ground.
"Yukito!!!" Touya was punching the rock with his fist as tear rolled in his eyes.
Yue tried to speak . Blood flowed from his mouth.
"Youre a good friend Touya! Yukito is lucky for having a friend like you!" He paused. As he wink a little.
"Don't say such things!! The hospital is just a block away!" Touya is using all his strength trying to push the rock.

"Touya." He said softly.
Touya's eyes widened. Was that Yukito he heard.
"Yukito!! Is that you? He asked as he knelt to the floor.
He nodded.
"This is the first time I talk to Yue and he let me stay for a while." He smiled at his friend.
"Just hold on! Help is on the way!!!" Touya shouted.

Yukito held his hands.
"Thank you for everything Touya!" He whispered to him.
"No! You're not saying that to me! We don't say goodbye's!!" Touya yelled at him.
"You're the same Touya I've known. Stubborn!" He smiled a little.
"Goodbye my friend!" He said sofly as the light in his eyes disappeared staring at him.
Tears rolled from his eyes. Slowly he put his hand to close Yukito's eyes.
He sat besides him. The builings were still falling. One was on his direction. He didn't bother to move anymore. He just closed his eyes as tears. He too was burried.

The sea was waving high almost covering the whole city.

"Tomoyo!!! We have to run fast!!!" Meiling shouted at her as water was raising high. They climb to a tree but it only hold for a while.

Tomoyo slipped, almost falling. But Meiling got her other hand.
"Hold on tighter!! She shouted. She pulled her out of the water. Pushingher up to the tree for the water was about to reach them.

But the wave grew bigger. Blowing to them. Meiling was pushed out.
"Meiling!!!!" Tomoyo cried.
She tried to make a swim for it but the wave was so strong. She tried to grab on anything but they all went to a same direction. To the big fall. She was washed away.

"Meiling!!!!!!! Tomoyo's purple eyes were crying as she saw her friend drowned.

The water was raising fast as the tree was also carried by the flood. Tomoyo didn't know what to do. The tree was going to the fall.
"Tomoyo!!!" Cerebus was shouting flying down to her.
"Kero!!!!!" She yelled back.
She jumped in his back just in time as the tree sunk down.
"Cerebus!!" She hugged him.
"Meiling!! She was washed over there!" Tomoyo pointed.

The whole city was covered with water.
"It's too late for now Tomoyo." Cerebus sadly replied.
"No!" Tomoyo cried at his back.

Cerebus scouted for a place where there's still land. He found one.
A tornado was following them.

"What out Kero!!" Tomoyo warned him but they were hit already as they both fall.

Cerebus was bleeding badly.
"Kero!" Tomoyo shouted holding her arm for it was broken.
Tornado was still on the way. Destroying everything it went through. Now it was heading to them.

"Run Tomoyo!!!! Run as fast as you can!!!!!!!!" Kero said outloud. He could move anylonger.
"But!!!!!" Tomoyo protested.
"Now Tomoyo!!!!!!!" He yelled.

Tomoyo didn't know what to do but run. Tears were falling from her purple eyes. She tripped over and over. Blood emerge from her knees. Her arm still hurts. But she can't complain. She has to continue. She has to run.
She reached the forest. Smoke was everywhere as she felt warm. The forest was burning. She covered her nose and tried to walk over. Suddenly she felt she lost something. She touched her neck. Her necklace was missing. She knelt to the floor. She tried to look for them only with her hands. For the smoke was making it for her to see.
"Where is it! I have to find it!!!" She whispered. The place grew warmer.

Tomoyo saw an object blink in the ground. She went closer to it. It was the necklace. She felt relieve and hold it close to her chest. But the fire was now everywhere. The burning brances fell. Closing her only exit.
She held the necklace tighter. The fire was now in her feet.
"Sakura!" She yelled her name as was trapped inside the burning wood.

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