FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks


“Yukito-san!?Sakura opened the door.
“How are you Sakura? You don’t look good. Did you had an accident? Yukito look at Sakura’s bandage.
“Oh this, it’s nothing really. I just fell when I was rollerblading. I’ll be more careful next time.?Sakura was sweating up as she lied to Yukito.
“They’re back! Yukito’s voice seemed to change.
“Yue!?Sakura exclaimed.
“But who are they? The one we fought was very strong. Her name was Sukuri. She said she was one of the elemental guardian.?Sakura replied.
“They’re from the darkside once was defeated by Clow Reed. Maruha was one of Clow’s favorite niece. She inherited most of Clow Reed’s magic. She is just a little girl. Sweet and lovely. But somehow she fell in love with a person from the darkside. This cause a conflict with Clow Reed. He must destroy all things that were evil including the one Maruha loved. She can’t do nothing at that time so she swear she’ll gonna get even with him. Destroy everything in it’s path. She grew up lonely. The once sweet innocent child was changed to a heartless cruel selfish person. She studied black magic and learned about the elemental cards. She got all five cards and cast a spell making two elemental guardians. Sukuri and Omino. But Clow knows all of it and made a spell that will trap Maruha forever. The spell broke up eventually when Clow Reed died. The darkside sent her free.?

“So what’s going to happen if she’ll get all the five elemental cards??Sakura asked.
“Destruction of the world.?Yue responded.

“Somebody’s at the door let me get it.?Yue changed back to Yukito.
Kero quickly pretend as a stuff toy.
“Touya!?Yukito smiled.
“Is the kaijun back??Touya questioned.
“I’m back but I’m not a kaijun.?Sakura scowled.
Touya then noticed all the cuts and bruises Sakura had.
“What happen to you? Did you have an accident or that brat did that to you? I swear I’ll track him down!?Touya was furious.
“It’s nothing. Just a silly accident actually and Li-kun doesn’t have anything do with this!?Sakura frowned.
Touya groaned back. Knowing Sakura won’t tell him the truth.
“Just be careful Sakura. If anybody hurts you, your oniichan is here to protect you.?Sakura smiled at her brother.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Master! Why did you stop me? I was so close in getting them.?Sukuri bow her head.
The master stands up holding a black staff with an omega sign. She looked about 10-11 years old. She had a short black hair up to her cheek. Her dull black eyes, cold and wicked made her different from an ordinary girl.

I want the boy alive!?She took a mirror and see Syaoran’s face.
“Elian?she whispered.
“You can do what whatever you want with the mistress.?

“As you wish, Master.?Sukuri bowed.

“The end is near. I could feel it.?She lifted her staff. There was a sign, Omega.
“I will have you back, Elian!?she jerked.

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