FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks


“Were am I! Not again! That girl! What does she want? She got Sakura’s card!?lt;br> “You’ll be mine.?A cold voice echoed.
This time he saw her face.
“She’s as young as me. Only her eyes were black, pure black.?Syaoran couldn’t explain what he saw.
He saw Sakura being pushed from a cliff.
“Sakura!!! Nnoooooo!!!

Syaoran woke up. Seeing the same dream he felt horrible. Beads of moisture fall on his head.
“Something bad is going to happen, but what? How can I protect her? That girl!?he felt a sudden chill.
Syaoran frowned.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The phone ringed
. “Kinomoto residence!?Sakura got the phone
. “Moshi-moshi Sakura-san!?Tomoyo greeted on the other side of the phone.
“Moshi-moshi Tomoyo!?Sakura replied.
“I’m just excited about today. It’s about time the school lets us study outside.?Tomoyo chuckled
“I’m going to bring our lunches. I also baked some cake so make sure to bring Kero along.?
“Oh yah, of course. I promise him I would, especially what happened the other day.?Sakura voice lowed.
Tomoyo noticed this.
“I don’t think something could go wrong today! Did you look at the sky Sakura? It’s sunny outside, so nice and beautiful. Nothing can ruin that.?Tomoyo tried to solace Sakura.
“Yeah, maybe you’re right. I’m just thinking too hard.?Sakura replied but deep in her heart she was troubled. She was frightened.

Syaoran was already dressed up for school.
He went to Meiling’s room. She had a fever.
He slowly sat besides her, checking if she’s fine before he leaves.
Meiling has always loved him. Syaoran kisses her in the forehead.
His wound was already healed because of her medicine.
“If only I could pay you back Meiling! But I can’t! I only love you as a sister. I only love S..?he didn’t finish.

“Syaoran.?Meiling’s eyes slowly opened.
“Please let me come with you!?Her voice was rough as she tried to get up.
“No! You’re going stay here and get some rest. That’s an order!?Syaoran laid Meiling back in her bed.
“But Syaoran??She pleaded.
“Just relax and get some sleep! I’ll be back as soon as possible.?He put a blanket over her.
“Promise.?Her face was red still begging.
“I promise.?He smiled back.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

At the park.
“Okay! Listen up guys! As you all know, we only do this once or twice a year. So I want you to use all your senses. Gather up information that makes this place such a beauty! In your search you might find the great shrine, only few of you will see it. They say this shrine was built by our great ancestors to trapped the one’s that were evil. So very hurry up before It gets dark. I’m going to divide you by groups. Be sure to be back here before 6:00 PM.
Is that understood??The teacher asked.
“Yes Sir!?all the children exclaimed. All of them excited except from Sakura and Syaoran.
“Do you think were gonna see the shrine??Tomoyo asked Chiharu.
“The teacher said only few will see it. I don’t know what he meant by that.?Chiharu sigh.
“If we do see it my video will gonna coverage it.?Tomoyo start videotaping.
Sakura seemed to be quiet.
“Are you alright Sakura? You haven’t talk since we got here.?Tomoyo put the camera down looking at her in concern.
“I’m fine! Don’t worry about me? I was just thinking of something?Sakura replied.
“Something or Someone??Tomoyo giggled.
Sakura blushed.
Tomoyo has known her since elementary. She knew everything about Sakura.
Sakura then remembered she left something.
“Oh my! I forgot my bag!?Knowing that Kero was inside.
“Do you what me to come with you??Tomoyo offered to help.
“No thanks! It would be faster if I ran alone. I’ll be back in a minute. Don’t worry I’ll catch up!?Sakura ran hurriedly.

“Come little Sakura! Come to my trap.?Sukuri disappeared.

“Kero-chan! I’m sorry! I totally forgot you!?Sakura looked down at an angry Kero.
“You forgot!!?Kero yelled.
“What do you think of me, an object that doesn’t breathe??Kero was still mad.
“I’m sorry! I’m gonna make it up to you. Tomoyo brought some cake she baked just for you! I promise I won’t eat a piece!?Her green emerald eyes were begging.
“Who could say no to you Sakura! I forgive you. That cake must be good.?Kero added
Sakura smiled.

Sakura felt a sudden chill. She felt as if somebody was watching them.
“It’s near?Kero flew around.
“I don’t like this Kero.?Sakura was scared.

Dark clouds were formed blocking the sun. The place grew darker. The wind whirl.

Suddenly, the trees seemed to change as if it was moving, blocking all roads. Getting nearer at them.
“We have to do something Sakura before it closes all our exit. This is a trap!?Kero shouted.
Sakura used her key. “Release! Fly!?But the tree grew taller covering them.
“Release! Sword!?She broke an opening from the tree. She ran as fast as she could. Not looking where she’s headed. She bumped to a person. They both fell on the ground.
The boy with chestnut hair was mad.

“Are you crazy? People don’t go running like that!?The boy was still upset.
Sakura recognized the voice.
“Li-kun??Sakura looked underneath.
“Ahh!! I’m sorry!! I didn’t know I was you!!!?Syaoran blushed being so close to her.
“She’s so beautiful!?he said to himself.
Both reddened from what just happened.
Sakura then stood up helping him.

“What happened to you? Wait! Don’t move!?Syaoran took a leaf out of Sakura’s soft hair.
She turned red again.
Kero pop out in the open.
“Well we where just chased by trees. A brat like you should have known that!?Kero stared at Syaoran who stared back not noticing the red Sakura.
“First of all, stuff animals are not allowed in the forest. They are kept inside a cabinet looked in a room.? Both stared at each other.
Sakura sweatdrop.
The wind blew again. This time it was harder and much cooler. They were sent to another place.
The shrine was infront of them.
“What happened? Why are we here by the temple?Sakura grasped.
“I don’t know! Somebody must have bought as here. But were still in the park though.?Syaoran looked around.

Two big whirpool was formed and is heading towards them.
Syaoran quickly grab Sakura’s hands.
“Sakura! We don’t have much time! Remember that I trust in you no matter what!?He held her hands tighter.
“What do you mean? I’ve always trust you Syaoran!?Sakura couldn’t understand.
“Good! You deserve to be a cardcaptor Sakura! You must have faith in yourself!?The swirl hit them.
“Sakura!!!?Syaoran tried to hold her hands.
“Syaoran!!?Sakura exclaimed as she lost his grip.
Kero was pushed out to the tree as Sakura and Syaoran was trap in the two vortex.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The place was cover with mist. The sun was about to set! Somehow Syaoran remembered the place.
“This is so familiar!?He saw a house.
“There’s no way that I’m back here. I’m just with Sakura in the park!?
Syaoran looked at himself. He was wearing a red shirt with a chinese symbol and a black pants.
“Why am I wearing this shirt! I’m not on training anymore!
Suddenly he felt a presence. A tall person stood in front of him. But the mist made it hard to see the face.
”Syaoran my Son! Do you remember me??The man leaned forward looking directly at him.
“Father??he’s eyes widened.
“But I thought you were dead or so they told me. I didn’t believe them anyway. I never gave hope.?Syaoran ran close to him.
A black belt slap at Syaoran. Lashing his face.

“I don’t understand Father?Syaoran was puzzled.
“I’m ashamed of you! You dishonored our clan!
The belt strike him again. He used his sword to protect himself but he didn’t wanna fight.
“Father! Please listen! I only did what I knew was right. I would never betray our family!?Syaoran begged.

“Silent! You’re not worthy of living! As your Father I’ll punish you myself! By Death!?
The black belt held both Syaoran’s feet and hands. He fell on the ground as he dropped his sword
The man waved his hand. The belt held Syaoran tighter.

“Aahhhhhhh!!!! He cried out loud. Blood flows from his hands and feet.
“Please stop!?he pleaded again.

“You shall be punished from what you did. You and your useless Mother!?the man grinned.
“My Mother??Syaoran questioned.
“Yes! You and your weak, worthless Mother. No wonder you’re got you traits from her.?He smiled again.
Syaoran was shocked from what he heard.

He waved his hand to finish him off.
The place was quickly cover by haze.
The man knelt down and took his black belt lying on the ground.
The man looked around. It was so foggy he could see a thing. As he turned back he saw a shadow.

“Force know Blight! Release the Light! Lightning!?Syaoran blast the man off.

“Aahhh!!!?The man yelled as the light struck him.

The boy stepped closer. He was wearing a green Chinese robe. A powerful aura was encircling him.
The man stood still a little shaken. “So you do want to kill your Father! Let’s go on with!?He shouted.
The man runs toward him spinning his belt faster in the air. Syaoran took his sword. Both of them collide.
The sword was thrust into the man’s heart.

“You’re not my Father.?Syaoran whispered to him as he dropped on the floor.

“My Father loves my Mother deeply! He respected her for she was strong in body and spirit! You’re an impostor!?Syaoran pushed his sword deeper.

A light enclosed him.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Sakura! Syaoran! Do you hear me??Kero was yelling from outside.
A light appeared from one of the whirlpool making an opening.
Syaoran was holding his sword as he stepped on the ground.
But he knelt down. Blood was driffing from his hands and feet.
Kero flew over him.
“Syaoran! Are you ok??Kero was concerned looking at him.
“I’m fine!?He stood up. He bite his tongue as he could still feel the pain but there’s something more important than that.


Syaoran used his sword. “Lightning!?

The whirlpool was cut Sakura was about to fall.
Syaoran rushed just catching her in time.

“Sakura! Do you hear me? Wake up!?he shake her a little bit.
Sakura was still asleep.

“She must be dreaming!?Kero replied.
Syaoran was more scared.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Where am I? Likun??Sakura wondered around.
“I’m in the school!?She heard a noise from the music room.
She quietly walk to the room not to make any sound. She opened the door, a girl was standing by the piano. She was singing.

“That voice! That could only be!?

“Tomoyo! I’m so glad to see you!?She walked closer to her friend.
But the girl looked a little different. Her eyes were shade of black.
Sakura step backward as she couldn’t explain what she felt. What she saw in Tomoyo’s eyes. It was pure black. As if there was no life.

“Tomoyo! What’s wrong with you??Sakura was concerned.
Tomoyo took a bow and arrow. Sakura was more frightened.

“I don’t like you anymore Sakura! Consider me as your enemy!?Tomoyo pointed the arrow at Sakura.

“Please stop Tomoyo! You don’t want to do this! It’s me Sakura your best friend. I won’t do anything to hurt you.?Sakura almost cry. Still Tomoyo shot an arrow at her. Sakura quickly use her key.

“Release! Freeze!?The arrow stopped.
“I don’t want to fight you! Please drop the arrow Tomoyo!?Sakura was still begging.

“You worth nothing to me Sakura! Your just a lonely little girl with no one will even care for. Not me! Not your brother! Not even Syaoran. Tomoyo pointed the arrow again.

“No!!!!Tomoyo?Sakura was crying.

“You didn’t mean what you said. You’ve been my best friend my whole life. Nothing can change that. Forgive me if I did something wrong. I’ll always be your friend. Always!?Tears were falling at Sakura’s eyes.

“Release! Windy!?The Windy trapped the arrow including Tomoyo.

“Tomoyo!! Nooo!! She cried again.

“Windy! One of the element! So foolish child! Sukuri smiled.

“What have I done, Tomoyo!?Sakura broke down and cry.

A person stood in front of her. She quickly recognized him.
“Li-kun!? Something happened to Tomoyo! Please help?But before she could finish a sword was thrust in her shoulder.?

“Release! Jump!?Sakura jumped to the otherside.
“Li-kun! Why??Sakura looked at his eyes. They were the same as Tomoyo.

She looked at her shoulder, it was bleeding badly. The cut was too deep. She have to hold it with her other arm.
“Li-kun? Not you too! Don’t you remember what you said??She looked back at him.
But Syaoran continued to fight her. He took the sword up, a fire was swirling around it. He waved the sword towards Sakura, the flames barely miss her. The room was already burning. Syaoran was going to strike again.

“If I don’t do something we will both get burn. But it’s an element. I have to do this.?She thought.
Release! Watery!?she called.

The water whirl around Syaoran and his sword. The water had stopped the fire. But Syaoran was still there holding her card.
He stepped closer to her.

“Li-kun. You told me that you trust me! Why are you doing this? This doesn’t make any sense!?She beseeched.

Syaoran greedily smiled.
“Your no cardcaptor Sakura! You’re a weak, pathetic little creature that doesn’t need any attention!?
“Nobody loves you! Today you’re going to die here and no one will remember you ever existed!?
“You are alone Sakura! Nobody will care! A cold voice echoed in Sakura’s mind.

“Alone! Nobody??Sakura whispered.
“NNNoooo?Sakura covered her ears.

“Tomoyo, Touya, Yukito-san, SYAORAN!!! NOOOO!!!!!!!!!!?Sakura’s eyes become black. The light in her emerald eyes was changed to a shadow of dark, cold and alone.

Syaoran’s form changed back to Sukuri. “Poor girl. No one will save you now.?She lifted the sword.
“Goodbye little girl!?

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