FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks


“What’s happening to her??She’s turning pale. Syaoran was panicking.
“She’s losing her soul!?Kero yelled as he flew besides Sakura.
He tear his shirt again. He gently changed the bandage around Sakura’s shoulder.
“Sakura.?Syaoran whispered.

“I have to get there! She doesn’t have much time.?Syaoran took a card.
“But you’re already exhausted from your fight. You’re going inside Sakura’s dream. If she’s already beaten which I think she is, no one can help you there but yourself! If you die there?Kero couldn’t finish, he was staring at Syaoran not the one they usually do but one of a friend that cares for another.

“I know that Kero! I will die here too.?Both were silent.
“But I can’t just stand here and let her die.?Syaoran brushes Sakura’s hair.
“I’ll risk everything to save her! Even my life!?Syaoran looked at Kero.

Kero nodded. He understood.
He glanced back at Sakura.

“Wait for me Sakura.?Syaoran whispered.
He lied beside her. He held her cold hands.

“I’m coming Sakura! I wont let you go! Never!?He called his Time card.
He soon was asleep like Sakura was.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The sword was lifted. It was about to hit Sakura.
A person stood infront of her. He was wearing a traditional Chinese robe and a pair of brown eyes.
He looked determined but still carry a deep pair.
Sukuri was surprised as she was pushed back.

“So you’re the prince charming who will come to rescue the princess.?
“But you rather late. Her princess is not in the castle anymore but she’s in a forest trap by herself with no one to go to. Alone!?Sukuri’s smirked.

Syaoran knelt down to Sakura.

“Sakura!?He looked at her. Her emerald eyes were gone. It was absolute black.
“It’s me Syaoran! Talk to me!?He held her arms shaking her a little.

“Nobody loves me. I’m alone. I’m alone. Alone. Alone.?Sakura was covering her ears saying the words over and over again.

“Wake up Sakura! Please! Come back to me.?Syaoran embraced her.

“You’ll never be alone. You’ll always have me.?He whispered to her ears.
Her voice lowered but she was still shaking

“I won’t leave you.?He kisses her in the forehead.

He stood up and faced Sukuri.
“You’re a fool to think that you could save her. Her soul’s already been lost.?
“I could still spare your life if you’ll leave now and let me have the last element.?Sukuri made a bargain to Syaoran. Syaoran took another look at Sakura.
“I’ll never leave! I promise!?He said to himself.
He stared back at Sukuri. He raised his sword.
He won’t leave. Not without Sakura.

“So you do like her. Only a stupid person will risk their life to save others. So be it! But don’t tell me I didn’t warn you.?Sukuri spoke an incantation.

A cyclone was formed from fire. It destroyed everything in it’s path leaving only ashes.
Syaoran gritted his teeth. He knew that this one was hard.
He used his skill. Using the sword he cut every assault.

“You know that you can’t avoid me! Your sword won’t penetrate always! Sukuri grinned again.
The cyclone blow towards Syaoran. This time it hit him. The swirl threw him by the wall.
He hit his head first. Quickly, blood emerged though his head.
Everything is in pain. His hands and feet were still bad. Using the time card extract more of his strength. He was weak.
But none of this mattered to him. He tried to stand bearing the pain from his body. He took his sword. He walked slowly towards Sakura. He stood in front of her as a knight would do for his King. His green Chinese robe was almost covered with blood. Nevertheless, he ignored it.
He looked back at Sakura.
“I won’t leave! Remember!?Syaoran whispered to her.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It was getting dark. Everybody was back except from Sakura and Syaoran. Tomoyo was looking for her the whole day. The children were sent home while the teachers made a search.
“Where could they be! It doesn’t feel good. Sakura! Syaoran I hope your both safe.?Tomoyo was worried.
“Tomoyo! Why don’t you go home? Your parent’s might be worried too! I already called the police to help us look for them.?The teacher asked.
< “It’s Okay sir I already called home. I want to help look for them. They’re my friends.?Tomoyo pleaded.
“If you say so Tomoyo. But stay close to me. It’s going to get dark sooner. I don’t want to risk another student.
“I will?She nodded.
“I have to call Touya!?she said to herself following the teacher.

Kero was flying back and forth at Sakura and Syaoran. Checking if both of them were still alright. But he saw a blood coming from Syaoran’s head.
“Syaoran!?He yelled at him as he touched the blood.
“This is bad.?Kero didn’t know what to do.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“I’m impress little one! You don’t have any strength but you still give your all! But there’s nothing you can do. I shall have the last card. I will be a pleasure killing you both!?Her eyes were flaming.

Sakura was still the same. Still locked in a dream. Syaoran didn’t have enough strength to protect both of them. He stood in front of her. The only thing that he can do now is blocked every attack. But the flames were too much. He lost a lot of blood already. Still trying to depend her. But he couldn’t anymore. His knees collapse on the floor. The sword dropped from his hands. He tried to reach it. But somebody put it’s feet on it and pushed it further.
He looked back at Sakura’s eyes.

“I trust you Sakura!?Remember that.?He’s speaking through his eyes.

Tears drop from Sakura’s eyes.
Sukuri grab Syaoran neck as she slammed him at the wall.
“You should have listen! But now is too late!?Sukuri tightened her hands. Finishing him off.

“Release! Arrow!?
The arrow was shot at Sukuri’s stomach.

“AAAHHHHH?She yelled as she lost the grip from Syaoran.
He dropped on the floor.

Sakura was still holding her arms. It was still bleeding. But her emerald eyes were back. Still, a little weak.

You’re going to pay to pay for what you did! You little bastard!!?She took the arrow out. She called another card.
“Release! Glass!?

A shining sharp glass start’s to attack her. She use’s her jump card. But she was worn out already. Some of the glasses hit her. Cutting to her skin.

“AAAhhhh!!?Sakura cried out loud as she fell on the ground. She dropped her key.
She looked around for her key. But a mist was formed. She couldn’t see anything.

“HA ha ha!!?She heard a laugh. But still there was nothing.

Then suddenly, Sukuri showed from her behind. Blasting a swirl of sharp glasses to her.
It was too late. She could no longer avoid it. It was going to hit her.

“Sakura!!!!!!! Syaoran pushed her. The glasses went through him.
He fell in his knees. He couldn’t cry nor scream. He felt the pain directly. He looked at Sakura’s eyes.

“Sakura?he whispered as he fell on the floor.

“NNNNNOOOOO!!! Syyaorannnn!!!?She cried crawling towards him. Blood was drifting from his chest.
(Kero see’s this from the outside)

“You didn’t have to do this!?Her emerald eyes were filled with tears.
“Syaoran!?she cried again.
He held her hand.

“I had to. I cared for you Sakura!?He bit his tongue feeling the pain.
“Remember that I trust you. I will never leave you.?He’s eyes slowly closed.
“Syaoran!!?She yelled as tears were falling from her cheek.

Sukuri grinned.
“You’re both a waste. I can’t believe you’re the Clow mistress.?

Sakura held Syaoran tighter. She opened her eyes as she wiped off her tears.
“You’ve always been my friend. You never give up on me. You trust me!?
She gently brushed his cheek with her hand.
“Don’t worry Syaoran. Take a rest for now. I won’t fail you!?She kisses her on his lips.

“Don’t worry little brat! I won’t be long till you join him. You’re next!? She made a spell.
The cyclone grew bigger. Heading towards Sakura.

“Trust myself! That’s what he said. I got to have Faith!?Sakura still have tears in her eyes.
She concentrated. A powerful green aura encircled her. “Release! Sword!?She cut the cylone. Sending back to Sukuri barely hitting her.
“What!?Sukuri was surprised.

Sukuri cast one spell to another. But nothing seemed to work.
The aura was like a barrier that she couldn’t brake.

Sakura was calm. She sees everything including the shivering Sukuri.
“Release! Freeze!?Sukuri was frozen. She can’t move.
Sakura went closer to her.

“This is for Syaoran!?

“Release! Thunder!?

“AAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Sukuri scream as she vanished.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Kero saw a light formed outside. It was an opening.
Sakura stepped out. She has a pair of wings with her wearing a white gown. She was holding Syaoran in her arms.
She carefully laid Syaoran back to his body.
The then she walked back through herself.

She woke up. It was dark already.
She looked at the person besides her. He was holding her hands. The time card was beside him.

“Syaoran?she whispered.
She put her hand on his lips. Tears fall in her eyes
. Blood was everywhere. In his head, in his lips, his hands and feet his chest.
“Syaoran!?she cried at him. She gently touch his face with her hands

“Sa..kura.?He weakly said.

“I have to get help!! Don’t worry!!! ?Sakura slowly pulls away.

“No! Sakura.?He said in a very low tone.
“Don’t leave me!?Blood flowed from his mouth.
“Stay with me.?He whispered, not letting go at her hand.

She looked back at Syaoran’s hand it was all covered with blood
. Her emerald eyes were filled with tears.
She leaned forward to him. She closed her eyes. Tears fall again.

“Sakura!! We have to get help!?Kero was quiet for a while.
Kero flew towards them he was worried too.

Sakura looked back at Kero.

“You have to get help by yourself Kero!?Sakura’s voice was trembling.
“Release! Cards!?She commanded.
All the cards floated.

“But Sakura!!?Kero exclaimed.

“He wants me to stay!?She smiled at Syaoran but her eyes were sad.
“I will not leave him! Not now! Never!?She held his hands tighter.
“As you wish Sakura!?Kero flew as the cards followed him.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“It’s been hours since their gone! Where could they be? Sakura!?Touya fastened his father’s car. Still looking for Sakura. Sudden a light flashed in the wood. He made a complete stop. The light showed at path to a certain direction.
“Sakura!?He quickly ran through the woods following the light.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Light!?“Thankyou for staying.?She thanked the card.

She tear her shirt off. She cautiously wiped the blood from his head.
She gently lifted his head and put it on her lap.

“Sa…kura?Syaoran spoke softly.
“Yes Syaoran.? She brushed his hair gently. She was calm.

“Look ? At the stars.?He lifted he’s hand a bit.
“One of them over?He pause for a while.
“Over there?He pointed.
Sakura looked at the sky. It was so beautiful. The sky was so clear. There were a lot of star, but there’s a particular one that outshined the others.
“Your that star, Sakura!?He paused again.
“My star!?he said softly pressing her hands.
Tears fall again.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

This is my very first fanfic. I only watched a few episodes in WB. So I don’t know all of them.
I’m sorry if I’m a little screwed up. I tried my best believe me.
Oh well if you did like it I will appreciate it. Till next Chapter!!

Disclaimer: I don’t own any characters. They’re just for fun.


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