FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks


Touya was running fast.
"Sakura!! Do you here me? Where are you?" He was yelling.
He followed the direction as he reached the light.

He saw Sakura. She was holding Syaoran next to him.
Sakura had a bandage her shoulder soaked with blood. But as he looked at Syaoran, It was worst. He was almost dead.

Touya didn't speak. He looked at Sakura's pale eyes, full of tears. Then he looked back at Syaoran. He lifted him.
"Touya!" Sakura said in a low tone.
Touya looked back at her.

"Can you carry yourself?" Touya asked.
"Yes!" Sakura nodded.

"We have to hurry!" Were losing time!" Touya said.
Quickly the two run through the woods.

"Get in the car!" Touya ordered as he lied Syaoran at the back with Sakura.
Stepping at the pedals the car was roaring.

Inside the car it was silent. Touya didn't speak nor Sakura. They both understood each other.

They reach the hospital in minutes. Touya didn't know what happened. But he saw a lot of cards that surrounded them.
But he didn't bother to ask her sister. He lifted Syaoran in his arms as he ran to the hospital.
Sakura was following him from behind.

Quickly the doctors respond to them. Taking Syaoran to the emergency room.

A nurse spoke to them.
"He lost a lot of blood! Are you relatives? We need blood right away!" The nurse exclaimed.

"You can have my blood!" Sakura offered herself.

"No!" Touya's voice louden.
"Take mine instead! She had lost a lot of blood too. She's weak! I'm stronger! "
Touya give his blood to Syaoran. The one he's always mad of. But it didn't matter to him. He knows Sakura liked him in anyway. He would never take away the one that makes her sister happy.

"Touya! Her voice was shaking. Tears were falling from her emerald eyes.
Touya touched his sister's face and smiled at her. Then he followed the nurse to the ER.

It's been an hour since Syaoran was transferred to the operating room. By this time Sakura got her wound wrapped. Touya donated his blood already. They were both sitting at the corridor. Waiting.

Sakura was shaking. Her heart was beating fast. She tried to hide her tears from her brother but they kept on falling.
"Sakura" Touya whispered
He gently put his arms around her. Caressing her.
"I'm afraid Touya!" She cried holding at his brother's shirt.
"Everything's gonna be alright" he brushes her hair a bit.
Sakura hold Touya's hand and look up in his taller brother.
"Thank you niichan!" she smiled at him.
Touya smiled back. He gently held her head next to him and kisses her in the forehead.

Meanwhile, Tomoyo , Meiling and Yukito arrived hearing the news.

Meiling was still sick. She was burning. But nothing can stop her from anything. Especially when it comes to Syaoran. The only person she loves.
Tomomoyo looked at Sakura she didn't bring her camera.
Yukito tap Touya's shoulder. Checking if both of them were ok.
Touya just nodded.

The doctor came out from the operating room.
Sakura stood up.

"I have good news and bad news" The doctor started.
"What's the good news? Meiling exclaimed.
"The good news is that he survived. Eveybody felt a little relief.
"What's the bad news?" Only Yukito can speak.
"The bad news is he's in a coma. There is no was that he can ever wake. Only one out of hundred person can recovered from this. It was miraculous that he had survived whatever hit him. I'm sorry folks. We did the best we can do." The doctor left.

Everybody was shocked.
Sakura felt like she was stab in her heart.
It was a silence for a while.

Then a pair of red eyes glared at Sakura.
She slapped her in the face.
She grabbed her arms and pushes her in the wall as she screamed at her.

"What have you done Sakura? What have you done with him?" Meiling was shaking her. She was hysterical.

Touya tried to stop her but Yukito held him back.

"Why Sakura?" Meiling started to cry.

"Why did you let this happened? I told him you were nothing but trouble. But he wouldn't listen! He wouldn't because he cared for you! He cared for you more than anything in this world! Not even from me! Not even from himself!" Meiling cried again. Sakura embraced her. Holding her tighter.

"Meiling." Sakura cries too.

Meiling was pushing her a little but she couldn't anymore. She cried at Sakura.
Tomoyo was crying too.
Meiling lost her conscious. She was quickly admitted to the hospital.

They went home. Sakura went straight to her bed. Kero and the cards were waiting for her. She didn't bother turning the light on. She went to bed covering her face with a pillow.

Kero knew she wanted to be alone. So he flew outside leaving Sakura.

Sakura was still crying. Meiling was right. It was all her fault. If she was strong enough this wouldn't have happened. Sakura then fall asleep.
She was so exhausted. Lots of blood was lost from her.

Her door opened. A tall young man slowly walked peeking at Sakura. He looked at her to check if she was alright. He put a blanket over her and kisses her in the cheek.
"Be strong Sakura" he whispered.
He slowly closed the door not trying to wake Sakura up.

He went to the kitcken.
Yukito was preparing drinks.
He sat down in the chair.
"Here! Take some of this. It will make you feel better." Yukito handed him a cup of tea.
"Thanks!" Touya replied
He took a sip and then put the cup down. He stared at it for a while.

"Why didn't she told me? Who's trying to hurt them?" Touya said to himself. He was upset.
Still staring at the cup. Yukito noticed this. He was concerned too.

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