FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks


Sukuri was bleeding. Half of her body was burned. She was dragging herself as she went to her master.
"Master! I need your help!" She pleaded as she crawled to the floor.

"I got the 4 cards already! Here!" She handed the card.
The card floated to Maruha's hand.
"If you restore me I'll easily get the last card!" She pleaded again.

"You're a fool Sukuri! You completely disobey me!" Maruha appeared from the shadow. She was wearing a black dress holding her staff.

"My Lord! Give me another chance! I won't fall you this time!" She knelt on the floor.

"You know what happens when a person failed! There's no second chances!"
Maruha lift her staff. A black substance formed into big black hands with all it's fingers pointed.

"Please! I beg you!!" She tried to run but she was caught.
"AAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!!" She yelled.
One of the finger on her head two in each hands and feet.
"Hmmmmhmmm!" Maruja laughed.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It's been a week since it happened. Syaoran was still in a coma. Sakura's wound were already healed. Everyday Sakura would drop by his window and bring him cherry blossoms. She somewhat knew he would like it. But she only peeks in when Meilings out. Though she knew it anyway. She even left a vase where Sakura can leave the flowers. Meiling has been in the hospital all week too. Some night she didn't want to sleep. Hoping that Syaoran would wake up.

Sakura was still going to school. But now was different. She was never late. She always had the time to walk slowly looking at the petals falling to the ground. It was fall already. Her eyes were not as bright and colorful as they used to be. It was sad. Her eyes were red because of continuos crying at nights. Nothing seemed to matter anymore.

The bell rang. All the kids went to their respective room. Sakura sat on her chair. She looked back. The chair behind her was still empty. A tear fell in her eyes. She quickly wiped her eyes trying to hide it. But Tomoyo sees it. She felt bad for her friend.

The teacher was about to start when Meiling entered the door.
The teacher didn't say anything. They all knew what happened.

Meiling sat in her chair. Her face was still pale. She looked so tired. Her eyes were swollen too. Sakura was a bit worried.

In the middle of the class Meiling collapsed. But before she fall in the ground Sakura catches her.
"Meiling.." Sakura tap her cheek.

"You have to go home and rest. You're so exhausted. Get some sleep." Sakura told Meiling.

"But I have to watch Syaoran." She murmured as her eyes rolled a little.

Sakura smiled.
"I'll take care of him for a while. Don't worry. You have to get some rest. So by the time he wakes up he will she you. "Sakura said softly to her.

"Promise Sakura.." She said holding Sakura's shirt.
"I promise!" Sakura hold her hand as she was carried up to the clinic.

The next day Sakura woke up early. She went to the washroom and took a bath. Afterwards, she went to her closet. She wanted to look nice today. She was going to visit Syaoran. She picked a green dress. There was a pattern of cherry blossom by it's waist. She tied a green ribbon around her auburn hair.
She saw herself in the mirror. She looks beautiful with the dress matching her emerald eyes.

"Were in good mood today aren't we!" Kero was delighted seeing Sakura cheering a bit.
"I'm going to visit Li-kun today!" She smiled.
"Ohh!" Kero just look at her.
"Ah.. Do you wan't me to come with you?" Kero was concerned Sakura might be depressed.
"Really you mean it! You want to see Syaoran! The one you've always arguing with." Sakura was playing with Kero.
"Well I'm not doing it for him. It's just for you Sakura!" He frowned.
"I'm just teasing you Kero! Don't worry I can handle myself." You got more things to worry here!" She smiled as she went to the door.
"And what would that be?" Kero asked following her.
"My brother!" She shut the door.
"Sakura!!!" Kero yelled.

As she was on her way. She saw a big cherry blossom tree. Their petals were more bigger and much brighter than the one she got in her hands.

"That's a nice flower! Li-kun would love it!" her eyes aroused.
She climbed the tree. I was a high but she still does it anyway.
"Just a little further."
"I got it!" She shouted but her weight was too heavy for the branches.
The branch broke.

"AAhhhI!!! She fell. But somebody catch her.
A pair of blue eyes was looking down at her. His long brown hair was waving as the wind blew.

She blushed from what just happened.
The man puts her down. He picked the flower that fell on the ground and gave it to Sakura.

"Thank you! Sakura bowed her head at the man.
"Are you giving them to the person you love?" He asked as his eyes allured.
Sakura blushed a little.

"My name is Kasuma Omino and you are?" the man asked.
"I'm Kinomoto Sakura!" She replied.

"That person must be lucky then. Having a beautiful person like you." He smiled at her.
Sakura smiled back. Turning a little red.

"Thank you again! But I have to go now! See you around!" She waved at him and then went back to the road.

Omino still looked at Sakura as she slowly faded away.
"You're like a flower, Card mistress! So young and beautiful." He smelled the flower.
"But easily destroyed!" He crushed the flower from his hands.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"I'm Kinomoto Sakura! I'm here for my friend Li Syaoran!" She told the nurse.
The nurse looked at her computer.
"Room 8A." she said.
"Thank you very much!" She replied.

She used the elevator.
"That guy look's familiar. And his name I thought I heard it somewhere else." Still thinking she missed the 8th floor.

"How stupid can I be!" She was arguing with herself as she ran down from the 10th floor.

She then reached his room.
"This is it!" She said to herself
"8A!" She breathe in and out before entering.

She slowly opened the door. The place was neat and clean. The window was open as cool breeze was back and forth in the room. Syaoran was lying in the bed. All of his would was already wrapped and were almost healing up. He also got a bandage rolled around his head. Everything else looked serene. She took the old flower from the vase and put the new one's that she got.
She sat next to him. She touched his face. He got a small cut but it's almost gone. He's eyes were still close. She then looked at his lips. They were pale. She warmly kissed it.
She leaned closer. Carefully held his hands. Having cut's and bruises too. She kisses them gently. One finger to another. Tears fall from her eyes.
She pushed him a little as she lay beside him. Holding his hand still kissing it.
She put's her head on his chest. More tears fall as she closed her eyes.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It was getting dark Touya was concerned Sakura wasn't home yet.
"Where could she be at this hour? I'm going to check her room! Maybe she left a note or something." He headed up.

"Oh No!!" Touya's coming! I have to hide!!" Kero was panicking.
A hand held on Touya's shoulder. It was Yukito.

"We both know where she is right now. Don't worry about her. She's going to make it!" Yukito was consoling his friend
"But how can I not worried Yuki! She's my sister! I'd been watching her since the day she was born. I promised my mother before she died that I would protect her. I don't want anything or anybody to hurt her!" Touya sat down in the stairs.

"I know how you feel Touya." Yukito smiled.
"But your sister is not an ordinary girl. She has a special gift. She's stronger than you think she is! You just have to trust her!" Yukito was convincing Touya.

"I know!" Touya smiled.
"She's the toughest kaijui ever. If she were a boy, she could beat me up in one punch!"
Both of them smiled.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sakura then woke up.
"I must have fallen asleep! Niichan would be worried!" She looked at the window it was dark already.
She looked at Syaoran again. She kissed him in his head and went to the door.

A person appeared. Her face was covered with black hood. She move beside Syaoran's bed. She slided her hand over his head. A black symbol appeared. It was the same as what Maruha had in her staff. Then she put the bandage back.
She slowly touched his face.

"Why do we have to wait master?" Omino appeared.
"We could have them now!"

"Not yet!" She whispered.
" I want him to be strong when the time comes. It will be useless if he die sooner!" She was still touching his face.
"He'll do the job for us! Just wait and see!" The two figures vanished.

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