FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks


Another week had past. Nothing else seems to change. Except for more leaves that falls on the ground.
Meiling has recovered now. She constantly visited Syaoran in the hospital. She even decorated his room with Chinese stuffs. And especially, she brought his sword. She knew that he would like to see it when he wakes up.

"Oh Syaoran!" She yelled at him.
"How many times do I have to tell you to clean yourself!" She got a white towel and wipe Syaoran's face.
She picked up some magazines and papers that she left yesterday.

"Your gonna own me a lot Syaoran when you wake up! Big Time!" She scowled a little.
She then lifted Syaoran's sword. She looked at it. It was kinda dirty and rusted because of the some blood that was left. But it was still sharp.
She took a white cloth from her bag. She gently swiped the sword. After cleaning, it was good as ever.
She smiled as she looked back at Syaoran.

"We will wait till you come back Syaoran!" She whispered to his ears.
She then kissed him in the cheek and went to the door.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

At Sakura's house.

Sakura just had dinner. She was still the same as last time. Her eyes were sad, always quiet, she hardly even smile. Somewhat they were limited. Touya was concerned.

As she was doing the dishes. A plate accidentally slipped in her hand as it fell on the floor.

She stared at the broken plate. She stopped for a while.
Touya quickly come over to pick up the broken plate.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" Tears fall in her eyes. She remembered Syaoran.

"I'm sorry! It's all my fault! It's all my fault!" She cried harder as she buried her face in his brother's chest.

"It's okay Sakura! It wasn't your fault! It was just an accident!" He tried to calm her but she cries more.
Touya lifted Sakura's face.

"Listen to me Sakura!" He said to her as she looked up to his brother.
"You were never responsible for what happened. Remember that! He did what he had to do! You just have to trust him Sakura! He will come back for you!" Touya was still looking at Sakura.

"Oh!! Touya!" She hug him back.

"I'll finish the dishes! You go rest!" He pulled her to the stairs.
"But Touya!" She objected.
"Don't worry kaijui!! You still have a month to clean my room!" Sakura frowned a little but smiled back at her brother.

Sakura went to her bed. She looked at the window as she saw the stars again.
"I'll wait for you Syaoran!" She closed her eyes as she fell asleep.
The sky was instantly covered by clouds.

"Why am I here. I'm cold."
"I must be dreaming again. I can't see anything." Sakura shivered.

Suddenly a light appeared.
Syaoran was standing beside the light
"Sakura." He whispered.
"Syaoran!! She ran towards him. But the light was pulling Syaoran inside.
"Syaoran don't leave me! I need you!!!!" She held his hands. Tears were in her eyes.
Both of them were drawn to the light.

Sakura woke up she was breathing heavily.
"Syaoran!" She whispered.
She quickly went down the stairs.

As she slowly opened the door. A young man stood by her side.
"Where do you think you're going?" Touya asked Sakura.
Sakura looked back.

"I have to go to the hospital! Li-kun needs me!" She paused.
"But it's raining outside. There's a big storm!"
"How do you supposed to go there? Rollerblading?" Touya tried to stop her

"I have to leave now!" Her eyes were almost crying as she opened the door.

"Wait for me! The car will take you faster! Here! Wear this!" He gave Sakura a coat.

"Thanks Oniichan!!" She hugged him as them hurried to the car.

The road was slippery. The street was isolated because of the storm. They were almost in the hospital. Only 3 blocks away when the thunder hit a tree blocking their car.

Sakura opened the door.
Touya yelled.
"What are you doing? It's dangerous out there! Get back in the car!"

"I can't! I have to go now! Don't worry! I have my cards!" She quickly ran.
"Sakura!!! Be carefull!!" Touya just shouted for he couldn't stop her.

It was raining hard. A tree was strucked by lightning falling towards Sakura.
She quickly uses her staff and call shield. She was protected but it hit the post causing the black out in the city.
She then called Jump to go from one block to another. Finally she reached the hospital. She was soaked with water.
The power was still down so she had to use the stairs.

"Release! Fly!" She was lifted from the ground to the 8th floor.
She ran to his door. She stopped for a while.
Slowly she opened the door. It was still dark because of power outage. Only the thunder give's a little sight of light.

She went to his bed.
It was empty. Her heart beats faster.
She sat down in his bed as tears filled her emerald eyes.
"Syaoran!" She was crying.

She saw a shadow.
She stood up as she wiped her tears.

"Who are you? Show yourself?" Sakura then uses her staff.
"Release! Glow!"
A bright light cast upon them.

She saw the person infront of her. He still had a bandage around his head. He got a few scratches in his body.
His brown eyes was staring at Sakura.

"Syaoran !!!!" She dropped her key as she ran to him.
"Syaoran!" She cried again hugging him. Her emerald eyes gazed over him.
" I thought I will never see you again! I thought I lost you!" She cried more.

"Sakura." He whispered smiling to her.
"You'll always have me! Remember that! I won't leave you!" He held her tighter.

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