FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

The Future
By ~dragonfire~ at Turnip95

Author's note-Hello everybody! A new fanfic writer is born. This is my
first fanfic and I hope you like it! Send me comments and criticisms please!
Note-everything is in the American version way. The time is after the Clow
cards are captured and they have become the Sakura cards. they are in 7th
grade. and Li and Sakura are together, k? Sorry all you Meiling fans!
She's not here! And no Touya+Yukito or Sakura+Tomoyo. Ok? Sorry!
(frantically bows in every direction) English to Japanese key: sakura
avalon=sakura li shaolan=syaoran tory avalon=touya madison taylor=tomoyo
jullian=yukito fujikita(dad)=professer avalon
I don't own any of these characters except Ray and Shiara. They are MINE!
So is the whole future cardcaptor thing. I repeat, MINE! Alright, on with
the story. ^_^
Chapter 1

"Sakura! Watch out!" Li threw himself at Sakura knocking her and himself
out of the way of the beam of light coming at them from the strange wing

"Li, are you sure this is a Clow card?" Li nodded. "It's much stronger than
my cards, though!"

"Use Windy!" Li shouted. "Windy! Release and dispel!" The wing just shook
it off.

Kero was stunned. "It's so strong!" The wing shot another beam of light at
Sakura, Li, and Kero. They all crashed into a tree, and watched the wing
with wide eyes. Madison, needless to say, was still taping it (^_^;;;),
praying that the others would be all right. Suddenly, there was flash of
light. A girl and boy appeared.

The girl was beautiful with waist-length earth-colored hair and soft brown
eyes. She wore clothes similar to Li's except no hat and sky blue pants and
dark blue top. The boy wore Li's suit too, with no hat and a red top. He
had mahogany eyes and hair.

"There it is, Ray!" The girl pulled out a sword. "Fire! Release and
dispel!" Sakura gasped. No, it couldn't be. The Fire wrapped around the
wing. The girl hit the wing with her sword. "Sakura card, return to your
power, confine!" Li's head was spinning. Sakura card? Were these people

Then the boy said something to the girl in a soft tone. She frowned. "Are
you sure?"

The boy looked exasperated. "Fine, have it your way." He took out a--no, it
be, Li stared--a lasin board! "Source of power with ancient spin, send forth
the magic power within. Force, know my plight. Release the light!" A beam
of blue light shot out at Li and Sakura. "See, it is them! They are!" The
boy smiled triumphantly.

The girl looked disgruntled. She turned to face Li, Sakura, Madison, and
Kero. "Greetings, Card Mistress Sakura and Card Master Li. And you,
Guardian Keroberos. I am Shiara Hino and this is Ray Naru. We are the
cardcaptors of the future." Sakura, Li, Kero, and Madison gasped. (the
camera was still rolling ^_^;;;;)
Author's notes-Yaaaaaaaaaaaay! My first chapter! Sorta a cliffhanger there.
I promise they will be longer in the future. I'll try to do the next
chapter this weekend, k? I hope this isn't that bad. It will get better!
Yes, lovey stuff will come later. Till later, dragonfire is out!

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