FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks


Author's Comments-thanks you guys, for the Dream card info. I decided that I'm gonna start some character dialogue.

Dragonfire: Ohohoho, I'm evil aren't I, leaving you guys like that in the last chapter.
Ray: I'll say you are. What happened to Shiara? What's wrong with her? She'll be okay, right?
Dragonfire: Well, you seem pretty worried about her, Ray. I wonder why? (evil grin) >=)
Ray: (turning bright red) Uh, well, um...Oh! (sounding relieved to have found a solution) Because we can't capture the Sakura cards without her! Eh, heh, heh, heh...
Dragonfire: (eyebrows raised) Which is why you jumped up and hysterically started shaking her, right?
Ray: (turning an unbelievable shade of bright red) Oh! I think I hear something. Nice talking to you and all, gotta run! (runs away with his face on fire)
Madison (walking past Ray with a puzzled look on her face): Hey, what's wrong with Ray?
Dragonfire: Oh, just asking Ray about Shiara.
Madison: Oh. (giggles) I get it. (Madison and Dragonfire start laughing )
Shiara (walks in): What's so funny?
"What is it?" Ray demanded. "What's wrong with her?" Li shook his head. I'm sorry; I lost my train of thought. He reared back as Ray yelled, "Well hurry up and find it!!!!" Sakura put a hand on Ray's shoulder. "Come on, the best thing we can do is take Shiara to your apartment and wait till she wakes up." Ray nodded, scowling. Madison hurried off. "I'll go tell our teachers that we can't come to the rest of today's classes." Ray carefully picked Shiara who was slumped against the tree, with her eyes closed.

Sakura put her hand forward. "Ray you can't carry her all the way!" "Try me," he growled. Li held out his arm. "Sakura's right. People will get suspicious. Something gives me a feeling that this is a Sakura card. We need to use Fly." Sakura bit her lip. "That's a good idea but my wand won't carry all of us." Ray put Shiara down and started poking around in her backpack. He pulled out a deck of Sakura cards and flipped through them. "Here we are," He let the card flutter to the ground. It was the Fly card. Ray pulled out his sword. {I hope this works.} "Fly! transport us to the apartment!"

Sakura and Li gasped as Ray's sword turned into a staff and wings grew out of it. He picked up Shiara again and got onto it. Then Ray turned and looked expectantly at Sakura and Li. "Well? Come on!"

Ray set Shiara gently on the couch. Madison, who was there by now, felt her forehead. "She's not sick, I don't know why she collapsed. Lack of sleep maybe? Does she stay up late Ray? Ray? Ray!" "Oh no." Sakura sighed. "Madison, there's nothing wrong. I think it's the Dream card." Ray had collapsed on the floor, looking just like Shiara. Suddenly, all of them collapsed onto the floor, in a dream. (Author's Comments-Ok, this is a little quick but hey, it's not like I can spend a chapter on each card.)

(Madison sees a handsome boy) "Madison, no matter what, my heart belongs to you..." (Scene switches to a bedroom) "Sakura! Oh Sakura! John and I are getting married!" "What!? I can still stay with you right?" "Of course Kero, you know we'd both be happy to have you!" (scene switches again to a sewing room with a boy and girl) "There you go you two, I think you'll enjoy these battle costumes. They look like Cardmaster Li's old one." "Oh wow, thank you Auntie Madison!" (Author's Comments-They're calling her that cause of the Asian custom)


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