FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Chapter 12 of The Future

Author's Comments-And I'm back! Hey peoples! To all of you who have been reading my fanfic and have been wondering what happened with the Water card, I'm sorry! It never occurred to me that people were still reading this junk! But ANYWAYS…. On to chapter 12! But first -

Dragonfire: So Shiara, which cards are ya gonna choose?
Shiara: I have no idea. Can't you at least give me a hint?
Dragonfire: Nope.
Shiara: But you're the one who writing this script!
Dragonfire: That's the problem; I don't know which cards you should use.
Shiara: TT

"Fiery, Shield, and Thunder." Shiara looked up at Sakura. "Just how am I supposed to capture Water with these?"

Sakura sighed. "Teamwork. You need to use two cards that can capture the Water together."

Shiara stared down hard at the three cards. Remembering. "The Fiery…"

<Flashback of when she opened the Clow Book>

<Shiara walked down the steps. She had never known that Mistress Sakura and Master Li had had a basement in their house. She probably would never had found out if she hadn't heard those strange noises…

The noises grew louder, and seemingly, more insistent. They were scuffling noises, and scratches. Shiara came to a row of bookcases. The noises were distinctly louder. Yes, it was from somewhere in the middle row.

Shiara felt a little nervous now, but nonetheless kept walking slowly towards the noise. She saw a leather-bound red spine with a title that started with 'C.' It was - shaking. Shiara pulled it out and held it. She looked at the front cover. "The Book of Clow?" Slowly, Shiara lifted the cover.

Expecting to see pages, she gave a sound of surprise when she saw the stack of cards. Shiara picked the first one out of the indentation. It had words at the bottom and the picture was a strange figure with wings… The words said - "The Fiery?" Suddenly it started glowing. Shiara gave a yell of surprise as a ring of fire surrounded her. The flames grew higher and higher and the winds from it started blowing the cards.

Upstairs, Ray heard the yell. He ran down the stairs. "Shiara?!" He gasped as he saw the ring of fire with Shiara in the middle covering her eyes against the bright blaze of light. Yelling, he jumped through the ring of fire and tried to pull Shiara out. The flames just rose higher. All the cards were quickly disappearing through the walls. Then, the fire stopped.

Both boy and girl cautiously lowered their arms. Two cards floated out of the book. They were just clear enough to see the writing. The Time and the Return. <End of Flashback>

"Fiery was the one that I was still holding…"

Ray nodded. "Yeah, then there was the Shield, and then the Thunder."

"Oh Ray," Kero said. "You can also use one card, but only one, the first you caught."

"Huh?" Ray asked. "The first? Well that would be the Windy…"

Shiara and Ray sat on the grass together eating their lunches slowly. Shiara turned and looked at Ray. "Do you have any idea how to do this?"

"Nope." Ray replied without even looking at her. Then he lifted his head. "Hey, I have an idea-"


"Never mind I just forgot."

Shiara sweatdropped.

"Oh wait, I remembered! The Water showed up at that aquarium right? The one Sakura took us to because it was a historical landmark in her past or whatever?"

Shiara nodded. "Yeah…"

"So if we go back we can study the magic-the-well you know, be able to analyze it and figure out what to do!"

Shiara grinned. "Yeah, you're right Ray! Let's call the others and tell them!"


The dark-haired girl stared at the glass tank and sighed. How do you capture water?

The boy next to her also stared at the tank. He drummed his fingers impatiently on the table. Suddenly, he heard something. What was that? The answer came soon enough. The glass in the huge tank cracked. Ray wasn't sure what had happened, but instinctively knew that something was wrong. He grabbed the girl's hand. "Shiara, come on, run!"

"Wh-what?" Startled from her thoughts, Shiara looked up and her eyes met the water. Water gushed out of the tank and quickly covered the floor.

Shouts from people drifted through the building. Ray got pushed under by the next wave of water and he swam furiously to get back to the surface. Treading water, he looked around and realized with a jolt that Shiara was no where to be found.

Meanwhile, Sakura and Li were in a different part of the aquarium. They were both laughing at the fishes while Sakura was exclaiming on how much the place had changed since she had captured the water card. The walked to a crowd of people surrounding a tank. Sakura laughed. "But look, they still have the penguins!"

Shouts interrupted them. The crowd thinned and was gone and people started running by them. Li grabbed a man. "What's going on?"

The man pulled away. "The tank in the main building's cracked! All the people in there are underwater so we're going to try to get rid of the water!" he ran off muttering 'timewasters.'

Sakura and Li looked at each other in horror. "We should have known this would happen." Li said finally.

"Yeah but-" Sakura gasped. "Shiara and Ray went down there!" she cried. "They said they wanted to analyze the water over there!"

Li blanched. "Oh gods. Then we don't have much time. Come on!"

The water had stopped coming out, the crack was cleared. This did not really make any difference to Ray since he still couldn't see Shiara. He swam furiously to the winding steps out of the water. Coughing a little, he dragged himself up the stairs to get a better view. Just then, Sakura and Li ran up to him.

"Ray!" Li nearly shouted, "Are you ok? Are you hurt? Hold on, where's Shiara?"

Ray shook his head. "Still in there. I came up to get a better view."

Sakura closed her eyes and mentally searched for Shiara's aura. "There!" she said. "Ray, she's right near the front of the tank!"

Ray looked up. "You're sure?"


"All right then." Ray took a breath, and jumped.

Underwater, Shiara opened her eyes. Her eyes widened as she realized where she was. Frantically, she tried to swim upwards but something was holding her down-Shiara looked down. There was a whirlpool around her foot! Just like at the penguin demonstration! Frowning, she struggled with it as fishes swam around her. I don't have time for this! She thought feeling panicky. I'm gonna run out of air!

Dragonfire: MUHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Shiara: Hey! Don't cut me off like that!
Dragonfire: This story is officially ended!
Characters and fans: WHAAAAAAAT???????
Dragonfire: Kidding! This story is far from over. But I'm redoing it! The Future is being moved to www.fanfiction.net !!! It's gonna be completely changed, and definently better! Here's a preview!

"We are the cardcaptors of the future." The girl said. "We have been sent to protect the past."

"The cards have been released again, but they are much stronger this time. Somehow, they have been transported to the past."

"If we don't capture the Sakura cards, the world will be destroyed."

The boy nodded. "You don't know what you're dealing with. These cards have new powers, new targets, and know how to evade almost everything."

"I am Hino Shiara."

"And I am Naru Ray."

"Card Mistress, Card Master, we are honored to finally meet you."

Dragonfire: Enticing enough for ya? ^^ OH, but don't go rushing there just yet, I have to write it first! In the mean time, check out my Sailor Mars site, www.marstemple.com Don't forget to sign the sacred scrolls!

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