FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Author's note-I hope to make this one longer ^_^;;; Oh yeah, I decided I
would put ------------------ when it gets to a new scene, k? Yamakazi(please
tell me I spelled it right)=Zachary(note-here, Yamakazi and Chiharu are
cousins) Chiharu=Chelsie Rika=Rita Naoko=Nikki Please don't kill me if I
spell these wrong
Chapter 3 of the Future

Li was right. The next day WAS hectic. First thing when he woke up was the
smell of pancakes, plus a smell of chocalate. He quickly dressed and headed
to the kitchen. Ray was sitting there, eating some pancakes. He grinned at
Li. "I hope you don't mind that we used the kitchen. Shiara thought making
breakfast would be sort of a payback for sleeping here last night."

Li took a bite of the pancake and tasted chocalate chips in it. "With food
like this, how could I mind?"

Ray continued, "I'm surprised actually. Shiara is usually a terrible cook.
The only thing that she can make well are chocalate-chip pancakes." Shiara
came out of the kitchen and banged the frying pan on Ray's head.

While Ray was temporarily knocked out, Li asked, "When are you moving?"

"As soon as you and Ray finish breakfast." Just then the door opened.
Sakura, Madison, and Kero walked in.

"Good morning everyone!" Sakura burst in. Then she noticed Ray. "What
happened to him?"

Shiara brandished the frying pan. "He just made the mistake of insulting my

Kero saw the pancakes. "Food!" He started gobbling them up. "These are
great!" he said through a mouthful of food.

Shiara smiled, "Well, I'm glad SOMEbody likes them."

Ray woke up, glared at Shiara then said, "We better go, we need to move into
the apartment."

Sakura squealed, "You guys are moving in today?! Let us help!"

"Oh would you?" Shiara said gratefully, "Thanks so much!" The girls walked
out the door talking and chatting about what would go where and how to do
this and that. Ray and Li sighed walking after them, both thinking, "Girls."

On Monday, Sakura walked into class and asked Madison, "Are Shiara and Ray
coming to school?"

"Of course, Sakura, they have to."

"They're probably at the office right now." Li entered the classroom and sat
down behind her.

The teacher came in. "Class, today we have two new students. Please welcome
Ray Naru and Shiara Hino." Shiara and Ray came in. Ray's face had a causual
sort of smile on it. Shiara's face was impassive, but she flashed a quick
smile at Sakura and Madison when she walked pass them to sit down.

At recess Sakura, Madison, Chelsie, Nikki, and Rita were talking to Shiara
and telling her all about school. "You'll want to be careful about Ms Jones,
she's really touchy..." Nikki was saying when the bell rang.

"All right, see you tomorrow!" the kids left school.

"So," Madison started, "What do you think about Shiara and Ray?"

"I think they're real nice." Sakura replied, "Specially since they're coming
from the future, you'd think they'd be real..." Suddenly, the sky darkened.
Lightning flashed through the sky.

"Come on!" Madison tugged Sakura's arm. "We have to find cover!"

But Sakura stood where she was, staring at the sky. "Madison, it's just like
when the Thunder card appeared..."
Author's notes-So, what do you think? Better? Longer? Any improvement at
all? I'll try to get the next chapter in soon as possible! In around a
week, probably. Questions/comments/concerns send them to Dragonfire at
Turnip 95@aol.com

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