FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks



Author's note-Hello, thanks everybody for the comments, I enjoyed them.
Chapter 4 of the Future

Madison stopped and looked at the sky too, "Yeah, you're right..."

Sakura turned around and started running in the direction of Li's apartment,
"Come on, we need to find Li and the others!"

"Yeah," Madison muttered under her breath, "so he can protect you. It's a
good thing I brought my mini camcorder." She pulled it out from her pocket
and ran after Sakura.
A crackle of thunder sounded overhead. Shiara and Ray were running towards
the apartment building. But Li stared at the sky. Ray turned around.
"Uhhh, Li? There's thunder. I think you should get in the building before
you get electrocuted."

Li turned to look at them. "This isn't ordinary weather."


"It's a Clow, I mean Sakura card. This is exactly how the sky looked like
when the Thunder Card appeared."

"Well, I don't see it!" Shiara didn't believe him. Li sighed.
"No, no, NO!" Shiara was horrified. "I will not, I repeat, I will NOT wear
it!" She was looking at the pink costume that Madison had fitted on her.

Madison sighed, "The pink is rubber. It will protect you from electricity!"
Shiara kept shaking her head.

"You should have seen the one Madison made for me when we fought the Thunder
card," Sakura tried to reassure her, "At least your's is easy to move in.
Mine had frills!" The costume looked sorta like Meiling's, but it was all
pink with ribbons to match in her hair. Ray wasn't helping by pounding the
earth with his fist and pointing at Shiara in fits of laughter. Finally,
Shiara punched hem with her fist again which promptly shut him up.

"Come on!" Li was impatient. "We need to capture the card!"

Shiara touched her pendant. "Sword of Clow, release!" A glinting silver
sword was in her hand. Ray had one too, his face was working furiously to
hold in his laughter. Shiara glared at him while Sakura pulled out her Clow

"Do you have the Fly card?" Sakura asked. Shiara shook her head. "Then you
better come with me. Let's fly!" Wings came out of the staff. They both
jumped on and started flying over the city.

Li, Ray, and Madison were running to catch up with them. ^^ "How do you do
it?" Ray moaned. He was panting. "Running halfway around the city, how come
we don't have flying staffs?"

Shiara spotted the a dark shape. "There it is!" They jumped off the staff.
"Shield card!" the card floated out and Shiara hit it with her sword,
"Protect us from Thunder!" Bubbles surrounded the two cardcaptors and another
card came out, "Fire! Release and dispell!" The beast started shaking.
"Return to your power, CONFINE!" The Thunder Card floated into Shiara's
hand. Li, Ray, and Madison came running into sight.

"That was excellent!" Madison squealed.

"Is it always this hard?" Sakura smiled at Shiara.

"You'll get used to it."

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