FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks


Author's Comments-Again, thank you for the comments, I love feedback!
Chapter 5 of The Future

Sakura lay on her sleeping bag, staring at the roof of the tent. "That was
so much fun, going on the trails and everything."

"Yeah," Nikki agreed. "Even though we're tenth graders, I still love camping

"So," Chelsie flipped over. "What's the scoop between you and Ray, Shiara?"
Madison got an evil look in her eyes, but she didn't say anything.

Shiara laughed nervously. "Uh, what are you guys talking about? There's
nothing between us..."

"Oh really?" Rita looked at Shiara. "Come on now, you know..."

Sakura saved the uncomfortable Shiara by saying, "I need to go to the
bathroom. Shiara, you said you'd show me something." Madison caught on and
said that she needed to go too.

Everybody else stared at their retreating backs. "Have a feeling that
they're not telling us something?" Nikki asked.


"Hey, did you guys ever hear about that one guy who died in this park?"
Zachary was telling a ghost story. A made up ghost story of course.

"N-no." Ray did not like ghost stories, made up or not.

"Well, his name was Marvin. And he took on a dare from his friends..."

Li suddenly stood straight up. Ray looked at him. He walked out of the tent
without saying a thing. Everybody stared. Ray quickly got up and followed
him saying "Gotta go..." He understood that look, seeing it whenever a
Sakura card was around.

Outside was windy. VERY windy. Unfortunately, everybody was in their
pajamas. "This greatly annoys me that we don't have costumes. I didn't
think a card would appear!" Madison wailed.

Li got a sweatdrop. "We know Madison. That was the fifth time you said

Sakura and Shiara got their pendants out. "Key/Sword of Clow, release!"
(Shiara had already captured some more cards) "Fly Card, release and
dispel!" Both of the cardcaptors were in the air. Madison was squealing
with delight down below, Li and Ray staring at her wondering why she didn't
mind the wind.

Ray suddenly spotted the card. "Windy! An element!" Li nodded gravely.
Ray ran up to it and pulled out his sword. "Force, know my plight. Release
the light! Lightning!" The Windy fell out of the air.

Shiara zoomed over on her sword/temporary staff. She jumped off it and the
staff changed back into a sword. "Sakura card, return to your power.
CONFINE!" It turned into a card. Shiara held out her hand. It floated to
Ray. "Hey!" She yelled. "That's not fair!"

Li smiled slightly. "Yes it is." Ray was smiling triumphantly.

Shiara had a puzzeled face on her. "Why?"

Li sighed. "You two still have training to do..."
Author's Comments-Good? Comments/questions/concerns to Dragonfire at

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