FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks


Author's Comments-I forgot to mention this last time, sorry it took 3 weeks
to get it up! I'm getting lazy...^^ Oh yeah, I made up Jack.
Chapter 6 of the Future

"So, Li," Sakura settled herself next to Li with her lunch. "What exactly
did you mean by training?"

Li put his arm around Sakura. "You know Avalon," He grinned. "The same type
of training that I said that you needed."

"Oh." Sakura rolled her eyes. "That type of training. But Ray and Shiara
sure don't need physical training."

Li raised his eybrows. "Oh?" Sakura then remembered he had not been in
class the days Ray and Shiara had gym. Never mind. He would see.

"Just wait girlie, you're gonna be sorry you ever agreed to race me, you
know, I'm gonna beat you so bad you'll go crying home to your mama--" Shiara
rolled her eyes. This idiot, Jack had foolishly challenged her to a race.
She'd show him. BEEP! The whistle sounded. Pushing off the ground, she let
her legs take their own course. Her ears could faintly detect the panting of
that idiot boy. She smiled. He was going down.

As she crossed the finish line, all the girls cheered. The teacher was
smiling. "Good job you two. Now today, we will be starting a new course in
physical education. Fencing. Would anyone like to demonstrate?" Li, Ray,
and Shiara raised their hands. "Ok, Ray and Shiara, come up please and

Li sat back. He wanted to see what they could do. The whistle sounded
again. With the proper saftey gear on, it was impossible to see who was who.
The two were good, Sakura was right, Li thought. Well, they sure don't need
lessons in swordfighting. When the other was finally down, they took off
their masks. The winner was Shiara.

"Ha!" She yelled triumphantly. "This is the fifth time in a row that I beat
you Ray!"

"Is not!" He yelled back. And on and on they went like that. ~sweatdrops~

"Huh?" Shiara said. "You mean to tell me that the Flower card is just for
making flowers?" Kero nodded. "Weird." Li groaned. A lot of training.
Author's Comments-I know that chapter does'nt have a lot of action and is
very short, but it's late! No time! Comments/questions/concerns to
Dragonfire at turnip95@aol.com

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