FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks


Author's Comments-I'm sorry the last chapter was sooooo short and stupid. I
was trying to write something but my dad came in and said that I had to go to
bed so I had to end it there. Sorry! And I know this chapter's subject is
majorly late, so bear with me and again SORRY!
Chapter 7 of the Future

"Finally!" Madison sighed. "It's here! The Halloween Masquerade!"

"Really?" Sakura glanced at the poster. "Great! It's this Friday! Maybe
I'll dress up as--"

"A kitten." Madison said firmly. Shiara gave her a blank look. "Oh it
will be wonderful! You and Li can go as kittens! And Shiara, I've got a
perfect costume for you and Raye! A princess and her knight..." Madison was
in a state of bliss.

Shaira looked disgusted. "A princess? I want to be a wizard!"

"What are you gonna be Madison?" Sakura asked.

"A butterfly! The more hard to make costumes the merrier!' ~sweatdrops~


"You're kidding Sakura, a kitten?"

"Oh come on Li, it'll be fun!" Sakura coaxed. "Pleeeeaaaaase? Madison's on
a costume kick and I don't want to hurt her feelings."

"Oh, fine." he muttered. Sakura smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

"A princess." Shiara muttered.

Ray looked at her. "What's that?"

"Madison is making me dress up as a princess at the Halloween Masquerade!"
said Shiara throwing her hands up in exasperation. Ray spit out his juice
and started laughing. Shiara glared. "Oh yeah? Wait till you see what
she's got in store for you! A knight!"

Ray stopped. "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!"


"Oh Li you look soooo cute!"

"HMPH!" Li wasn't happy dressed up as a kitten.

"Hey, Madison, this costume is actually pretty cool." Shiara twirled around
in her dress.

"Yeah." Ray added. "I even get to carry a sword!"

"Oh one more thing!" Madison smiled and brought out her camera. "Smile!"


"Wow, no one can tell who I am."

"That's cause you usually dress like a boy Shiara. Hey look at Madison! Her
costume is really a hit!"

Shiara looked over at Madison. "Yeah..." Suddenly the lights went out.
Several people screamed. Everything was pitch black. Shiara screamed.

"Shiara! Are you ok?"

Something had just brushed past her foot. Something that felt horribly
like... "COCKROACH!"

Ray sighed. "All right, where is it--"

They heard Sakura's voice. "Sleep card! Release and dispel!" Sounds of
people hitting the floor was heard all around them. "Light card! Shed your
light to this black place. Light release and dispel!" Immediatly, Shiara
screamed again.

Li walked over. "You're scared of cockroaches?" Shiara shook her head. Li
grinned. "Yes you are. This is the Illusion card. It projects the image of
whatever scares you the most."

Shiara sighed. Her secret was out. "O sword of Clow. Power of magic, power
of light. Surrender the sword, the force ignite! RELEASE!" She started
running towards Sakura, but tripped. "Ohhhh. Stupid dress." A shadow
whipped around her.

"This is bad!" yelled Li. "Two cards are attacking at once!"

"What!" Sakura gasped. "This has never happened before!"

"It's the Illusion and the Shadow!" Li paused. "Ray, use the Windy card on
Shadow. Shiara, Firey on Illusion!"

"Firey Card, release and dispel!" The Shadow instead headed straight for
Shiara and whipped around her lifting her up in the air. Then moved away.
Shiara was at the top of the dance hall with air underneath her. The
Illusion card moved in on Ray showing images of ghosts. Trying hard not to
run from terror, Ray pulled himself together seeing Shiara in her predicament.

"Shiara!" Ray yelled. "Use the Fly card!"

While falling throught the air Shiara quickly cried "Fly help me!" Her sword
turned into the staff just before she hit. Flying upwards Shiara and Ray
both yelled "Firey/Windy!" BOOM! The Illusion card floated to Shiara. The
Shadow to Ray. "We did it!" They high-fived.

"Well they certainly don't need training on teamwork." Sakura smiled.
Author's Comments-Comments/questions/concerns to Dragonfire at

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