FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks


Author's Comments-Well, since my last chapter was late, this one's gonna be
This one's gonna be another double. Just saw the Snow card episode!
Chapter 8 of the Future

"Brrrr, it's cold today."

"Yeah," Ray zipped his coat up. "Well, it is December."

Shiara stepped on the sidewalk and immediatly slipped and landed hard on her
bottom. "OW!"

"You ok?"

"Uh huh."

Ray looked at the street. "It's frozen solid! The whole street is ice!"

"Well then..." Shiara took off her shoes. "It's a good thing we were going
skating. We don't have to go back up and get our skates!" She pulled on her
ice skates and jumped on the street. "Come on Ray! The ice is really

"Good idea! We'll get to the rink faster!" He pulled on his skates and
jumped on the street after Shiara. "Race you!"

As they skated, snow started coming down. "All right!" Shiara cheered.
"Now we can jump over snowdrifts!"

"Oh, not again." Sakura sighed. "Ice!"

"What, scared of falling down squirt?"

"Shut up Tory!"

"I can't believe you're still carrying that toy around, you're in 10th
grade!" SLAM! "OW!!!!!!!!" Tory jumped up and down clutching his foot.

Sakura pulled on her skates and gingerly stepped on the road. Slowly, she
got to the corner and met Li. "Hey Sakura!"

"Hi--OW!" Sakura slipped and fell. "I can't do this!"

"Yes you can, here." He helped her up and held on to her arm as she skated.
"Things sure froze up quick."

"Yeah, you think this might be a--" Snow suddenly started falling. Winds
started whipping snow towards them.

"Sakura!" Li shouted through the noise. "Let's get to the rink fast before
we get caught in a storm!"

Li and Sakura stumbled into the rink. "Are you guys ok?" Madison gave them
towels to wipe themselves off.

"You got caught too?" Ray and Shiara were wiping themselves off in the

"Yeah. Is it just me or is it really cold in here?" Sakura shivered.

"It's really cold in here." Shiara looked over at the personnel. "They're
trying to turn on the heater, but it's busted." Suddenly, they heard
cracking noises. Turning towards the ice, they saw it crack and people on it
turn into ice.

"It's the Freeze card!" Li yelled. Madison turned into ice.

"Madison!" Sakura yelled. Her feet started turning into ice.

"Sakura!" Li pulled out his sword. "Now! Element, FIRE!"

"Li!" Sakura jumped around trying to put out the flames on her shoes.

"Oh, sorry."

"Fire card! Release and dispell! Thaw out the ice!" The card's visible
form appeared. "Sakura card, return to your power confine!" The Freeze card
floated to her hand. "There!"

I't's not over yet!" Ray yelled. The door burst open and snow came whirling
Author's Comments-Sorry I had to end it here... Comments/questions/concerns
to Dragonfire at turnip95@aol.com

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