FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks


Author's Comments-Guess what?! From now on, chapters are going to be long! I figured out how to use attachments! Aren't you all proud of me? Oh yeah, flashbacks (or flashfronts ^^) are <>, k? {} thoughts

Chapter 9 of The Future

"It's the Snow Card!"

"Huh? What happened?" all around them, sounds of people well, thawing out could be heard.

"Shiara!" Sakura jumped onto her wand with Li. "Fly! It's way too public here!"

So Shiara jumped onto her wand with Ray. "Fly card! Transport us back quickly!"

"See you guys tonight at the park, ok?" Madison ran home clutching her coat.


"Ok, camera's ready."

"You sure I need to wear this?" Shiara was looking at her costume grumpily. It was the same bunny costume Sakura wore, except it was light sky blue.

"I'm so glad I don't have to wear costumes anymore!" Sakura smiled. Since she wasn't the one capturing the cards anymore, Madison had made her a battle costume that was like Meilin's, but it was pink.


"Well, it does look silly, Shiara."

"Ray, shut UP! It's bad enough having to wear a princess outfit, but this, this bunny one is too much!" Shiara turned to Madison. "Madison, are you sure I can't wear my battle costume?"

Madison smiled. "Shiara, that costume is made out of flannel and fleece to keep you warm when capturing the Snow card. It's insulated."

"If you-- say so." The gang was in the park that night, and as usual, Shiara was complaining about her costume. They had to stay on the top of the penguin so they wouldn't sink into the snow. "Ok, Float card, hover above the snow! Float, release and dispel!"

"Shiara," Li started, "You should use the-" A cold blast of wind and snow hit them. "Move away from Madison! The card's only after us!" Madison kept filming breathless with excitement.

Sakura and Shiara quickly took to the skies, pulling Li and Ray with them. The snow kept following them. "AHHH!!" Sakura and Shiara screamed as the snow enveloped them. They rose again, cold and tired, but determined to catch the Sakura card.

"What would be good against snow Shiara? Think!" Sakura yelled.

Getting the idea, Ray said, "Snow's weak against fire! Use Fiery!"

"OK!" Shiara landed on a rooftop and pulled out the card. "Fiery card, I command you to melt all this snow! Fiery, release and dispel!" Fiery appeared and spread out flames. The snow melted instantly. It flew over the city, melting everything (snow, I mean). The Snow card's visible form appeared. Shiara looked at it. It was what appeared to be a lady in a purple dress. "Hmm…" The card came near her and she yelled, "Snow card, return to your power, CONFINE!" The card floated to her hand.

"Great capture, Shiara." Ray smiled at her.

Li and Sakura looked at each other. "Li, you don't think…"

<Flashback/front (in the future, before Shiara and Ray were born)


{Huh? Where am I?} Sakura saw she was standing on a tall building looking at the radio tower. The Clow/Sakura cards were floating all around her. She picked up one and saw it was blank. All the others were blank. {The radio tower? Clow cards! What happened? What's going on?} Two figures appeared on the radio tower. Their faces were shrouded in mist. Only their eyes were distinct. Light, mahogany brown, and dark brown, the color of earth. A red and blue aura surrounded them. {Oh no, not again! Figures in shadows!} The cards all floated towards the figures. There was a flash of light, and then they disappeared, cards and all. {Wait! Come back! Give them back…}

"Come back…give them back…"

"Sakura! Sakura, wake up! Are you ok? Sakura, what's wrong?" Sakura opened her eyes slowly. The room slid in and out of focus, then her gaze rested on Li. His face was worried and concerned and his hands were on her shoulders, clearly about to shake her some more.

"Huh? Wha-what happened?"

"You were having a dream Sakura. You were thrashing around. That's what woke me up." Li smiled ruefully at her. "You hit me on the head. Hard." Sakura blushed and mumbled an apology. "It's ok. Anyways, what's wrong?"

Sakura rubbed her temples. "It's that dream again. I've had it every day this month." She leaned against Li.

"Poor Sakura." Li lifted up her sweaty bangs. "Well, your dreams are usually predictions. Why don't we go ask that stuffed animal?"


"It's morning in case you haven't noticed Sakura."

"Oh my gosh! I have to meet with Madison this morning!" Sakura bolted up out of bed into the bathroom.

"What, no morning kiss?" Li mumbled. He headed to the kitchen to make some coffee…

IN THE HOUSE OF MADISON, JOHN (a clow reed person and Madison's wife), KEROBEROS

"Hmmmm…let me get this straight Sakura, you've been having this dream for a month, and you tell me NOW?! You should have told me the first time you had it!"


"This is very important! I think this dream is trying to tell you…"


"I think this dream is trying to tell you who the new Cardcaptors are."
"What?!" Li said. "Why? Sakura is a new card mistress! The cards will be released as soon as she turns them into Sakura cards?"

"Calm down kid." Li scowled. He disliked being called kid when he was already a grown man. "These Cardcaptors are just being born. They won't become captors until they're ooohh, I dunno, older."

"How can we find out who they are Kero?"

"Bring out your cards." Sakura pulled out the full deck of Sakura cards. "Now say, 'Please, Sakura cards, made from the magic of the great Clow Reed. Please show me, show me who will be the new captors of these sacred cards! Sakura cards! Show me now!"

"Please Sakura cards, made from the magic of the great Clow Reed. Please show me, show me who will be the new captors of these sacred cards! Sakura cards! Show me, NOW!" Great gusts of wind circled around Sakura, who had her eyes closed. Suddenly, it all stopped.

Two cards floated to Sakura and Li, who picked them up. On one it had a beautiful girl with long black hair sweeping around her. Her eyes were dark brown, the color of earth. They looked gentle, yet fierce. She was holding a sword. The words said-"Shiara Hino."

The other card had a handsome boy with light brown wavy hair. He had mahogany eyes, which were wise and intelligent. He too was holding a sword. "Ray Naru."

"Hello, may I help-- ~gasp~ --Card Mistress Sakura! Card Master Li! Such a surprise to see you! Come in, come-"

"The baby. Ray." Li said brusquely.

Sakura frowned. "We've come to say congratulations. I am so sorry about your husband."

The lady wasn't listening. "Such an honor to have you come here! Ray, Ray look who have come to see you!" She entered a room. In the crib was a baby boy.

"Oh!" Sakura picked him up. "How adorable! Look Li!" Li smiled and nodded. {Well, I can feel a faint aura around him.}

As they left, Sakura was chatting about how cute the baby was, Li was thinking about the girl.


"Oh! Hello, Card Mistress, Card Master!"

"We've come to see the baby. I am so sorry about your wife-"

The man was already off. They entered a room. In a light blue crib was a girl. She looked up at them with solemn brown eyes. Li put a finger into the crib. The baby's face split into smiles! She laughed and giggled as she played with Li's finger. "Oh look," the man smiled. "She likes you."

Sakura smiled. "Look Li! She's so cute!" Li blushed a little. {I sense another aura.}

"So, those are the two new Cardcaptors, eh?"

"Oh they look so sweet and vulnerable. Hard to think they'll grow up."

"They will. Someday." Li put his arm around Sakura and together they watched the sunset.
Author's Comments-WHEW! I'm done! You guys better have liked that! Ok, since Sakura's dream, it was all in Ray and Shiara's time, ok? Those of you who are following this story, it's gonna have a LOT of chapters. Now this time I really mean it! FEEDBACK! If you don't, off with your head! No, just joking. But remember-comments/questions/concerns to Dragonfire at Turnip95@aol.com GOOD NIGHT!

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