FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

The Girl with No Love by Pikachu133
Sakura and Syaoran must work together to save the life of one..............
( ) thoughts
[ ] narrator thoughts
* *character actions
~~~~~ scene change

Pikachu133: Hello again! I am very grateful to find someone acutually reading this! Once again, I do not
own anything of Cardcaptors or Clamp. I just wanted to write a fanfic, that's all.
Kero-chan: Okay let me get one thing straight; I DO NOT want to hear no more hugging
or kissing or holding hands of Syaoran and Sakura. GOT IT.
Pikachu133:*takes off headphones* Did you say something???
Kero: THAT'S IT, I'M LEAVING!!!!!!!!!!!!*door slams*
Pikachu133: Kero! Come Back! Now whose gonna help me?
Eriol:*steps in room* I couldn't help but overhear, do you want me to help you?
Pikachu133*starts blushing like crazy* Umm.....y-yeah..........s-sure. In the first chapter, I think you guys
noticed that I kinda did it at Sakura's point of view. Well, this time I'm going to attempt to do it at Syaoran's
point of view.Well, here goes nothing.
Eriol: Mind if I sit next to you?
Pikachu133: Uh....n-n-n-nno not at all........*starts to turn tomato red*


Syaorna woke up with a start.(That dream again. Why the same dream??) He sat up. ( This has to mean something, but what?) He checked his clock on the wall. "Oh no! I'm late!"


After breakfast, he started to walk towards Sakura's house. Then he remembered what he had done yesterday( That kiss..........her lips touched mine.........) He started to daydream about it. Ever since he had worked with her to capture the clow cards and help her to become the clow mistress, he had cared for her. It was a dream come true to him. From then on, he swore to protect and love her forever[Pikachu133:I don't know, that sounded sappy Eriol: I think it sounded fine Pikachu133:Ohh..okay*blush*] As he walked on, he thought about the dream( A girl......crying. Tomoyo heard a girl crying. Was it a dream? I won't tell Sakura, so she won't worry) He pictured her sweet smile. "Oh, Sakura............why don't I have the courage to hold your hand?!?!"

Sakura and Tomoyo were waiting outside Sakura's house. Tomoyo looked at her watch. "Now where could he be?" "He probably woke up late today"Sakura suggested,"he'll be here" "Of course he'll be here, he would never want to leave you behind Sakura!"Tomoyo giggled*sakura blushes* (The dream........I should tell Tomoyo about it! Why didn't I think of it before?) She started to tell her, but was interrupted by Syaoran. "Hello, sorry I was late today!" He turned to Tomoyo. "Goodmorning Tomoyo"
She gave him a bright smile. He turned to Sakura"Good morning, Sakura-chan." *sakura blushes a pink color* Goodmorning, Syaoran." They both smile and stare at eachother, not noticing that they are being filmed by Tomoyo.(Oh Sakura, Syaoran, you two are the cutest couple!) "We better get started for school if we don't want to be late", she finally said( I'm sorry to break the moment!) They both turn, finding Tomoyo's camcorder in her hand, and both blush. "Now, don't forget Syaoran!" Tomoyo hinted and walked away. Syaoran once more reached out and held Sakura's hand in his and started to walk.


While the teacher took attendance, Syaoran stared at Sakura. ( I must be the luckiest guy to be with such a beautiful, caring girl)
"Syaoran...........Syaoran?...............SYAORAN!" The teacher finally yelled. Syaoran jumped and said "here!" Everyone giggled as they turned back around.( Well, I wasn't paying attention for a good reason!) He glanced over and saw the new girl, Kala, looking very sad and lonely. Her eyes looked like they had tears in them. He remembered how Sakura was saying how she looked so farmiliar, but didn't know why. ( She does look farmiliar, but I can't put my finger on it) He felt bad for her, sitting there all alone. ( I'll ask Sakura and her friends to cheer her up) "Syaoran...................SYAORAN, REALLY!" Syaoran looked up at a very mad teacher. She seemed to be red as a tomato just like him, but not because of embarassement! "Can you answer the problem on the board?!?" He looked over. It was a math problem(easy!) "25" he said. "Thank-you, and pay more attention!" She sighed and went back to the front of the room. Syaoran looked around once more and finally saw Eriol. He was in deep thought.(I wonder what he's thinking.............)

During lunch, he found Sakura and the others were already ahead of him. She seemed more happier, but there was something still not right. He knew that Sakura could make almost anyone smile, but there was something different about that girl. *someone taps on syaoran's shoulders**syaoran jumps* "Oh, it's you" he said, looking at a serious Eriol. "What's wrong?" "Have you sensed anything by Kala lately?" Syaoran looked at him with a confused look. "Well, I have this feeling that I know her, but that's impossible, right?" Eriol looked away. "I've been feeling some presence of magic from her............it seems farmiliar, too." He looked back at Syaoran,smiling."Well, at least we can agree on something" Syaoran looked down. "I never knew you were just trying to help Sakura. I thought............" "It's okay. Just be on your guard around her" Eriol walked away. For once, Syaoran had respect for him. Then it vanished as he realized he was late for class. "ERIOL!!!!!!"


After school, Syaoran meet up with Sakura and her friends. He asked her about Kala. "She's really nice, when you get to know her. She's also very shy" "Just make sure you watch Takashi so he won't tell one of his stories!" Rika laughed. "Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on him.............hey, where is he anyway?"Chiharu and the others looked around, only to find that Takashi has already started a story with Kala. "Oh no, TAKASHI!" she cried as she ran towards them.

"Could you guys get a little more closer? Good, are you holding hands? Great. Syaoran, get closer!" Tomoyo was trying to get a perfect shot of them together."Oh, how cute!"*sakura and syaoran both sigh* " Sakura, did Eriol talk to you today? About that new girl?" Sakura looked at him. "Yea he did. He said that she might have magic and to keep guard. Oh, and he also gave me this flower" She held it up. "It's very pretty, isn't it?" (I'll get that little........) "Tomoyo did you hear anyone crying last night, again?"
Tomoyo looked up from her camcorder "Yeah, I did. Why, did you hear it too?" *syaoran sweatdrop* "Uh, no...I was just wondering, hehe" ( I can't tell her about the dream. She'll start to worry) Sakura shivered "Do you think it's a ghost Tomoyo?"
"Hmmmm......could be" "HOEEEEEE!, I don't like ghosts!" She held onto Syaoran's arm. *syaoran blushes* "Don't worry, Sakura. It might not be a ghost at all" She stopped crying. "But if it's a real person crying, we have to go and see why. We have to help"

They kept walking, and everyone was silent. "Well, I better go now" Tomoyo said. She started walking. "Tomoyo, is that the way to your house?" "I'm gonna walk by myself for a while." Then she turned the corner and hid behind it ( I'm gonna get the perfect shot yet. I gotta get them when they least expect I'm here!hohohoh!) She was about to run after them, but then spotted someone running to the school fields. (hmmmmm) She ran after the person.

Syaoran and Sakura talked about the new girl. Syaoran mentioned to her how Eriol thought the magic seemed farmiliar. (Oh, maybe I should tell him/her about the dream. But I don't want him/her to worry about me) they both thought. "Sakura.....ummm" Sakura turned around. "Ummm...oh, here's my house" They both stopped in front of the house." Well, I'll see you tomorrow" Sakura seemed sad as he turned away. (OH WAIT, HOW STUPID AM I?) He turned back around and gave her a kiss goodnight. (Oh Syaoran, I knew you wouldn't forget!)


Syaoran paced around his room( The girl crying...........Kala.....................looks familiar................magic.............hmmmmmm) He looked at the clock and noticed it was getting late. (I'll think about it tomorrow) He got into bed and stared at the ceiling ( Make sure you take a good look at the girl in the dream) Then he put his pillow over his head (And make sure you don't forget to kiss Sakura!!!!!!!!)

"Oh no....................it's the same dream...............where's the girl?" Syaoran looked around. Then he heard the crying. "There she is..........wait who's that?..........." He noticed another girl watching the figure. "Who is that?......." He tried to make out the face, but the dream starts to fade. "Oh no............wait ........come back...................come back.................................................


Pikachu133: Ohh, mysterious! Well, better get to work on Chap. 3
Eriol: So, what am I sensing from this girl?
Pikach133: You'll see! *slightly blushes*
Kerochan:*enters room* I felt sorry for leaving ya,so...........Hey, what's he
doing here*points at Eriol*
Pikachu133:First of all, you missed the chapter. Second, Eriol helped me with my
Kero:Oh, so you're replacing me, eh?
Eriol: I won't replace you. But it was a good thing you weren't here.
:Kero*question mark on head* Oh no. nononononononononoNONONONO!!!!!
Pikachu133: Well, I think he figured out why
Eriol: Well, I leave you two alone. I'll come visit later. I wanna see what happens.
Pikachu133: Goodbye..........Eriol.......*sigh* *blushes*
Kero: *looks at pikachu133* Hmmmm, interesting.........
Kero:Oh nothing.................................

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