FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

The Girl with No Love by pikachu133
Sakura and Syaoran must work together to save the life of one.................
Chapter 3
( ) thoughts
[] narrator thoughts
* * character actions
~~~~scene change

Pikachu133:Well, I'm back again for Chap.3. I hope you enjoyed the first two chapters. Once again,
I do not own any part of Cardcaptors or Clamp. I JUST WANTED TO WRITE A FANFIC!
Kero:hmmmm.............very interesting *looks at pikachu133*
Pikachu133: Okay, what's up. You've been staring at me all day!
Kero: YOU LIKE ERIOL!!!!!!!!!!!
Kero: HAHA! I get to torture you now! *flies out of room* I'll be
Pikachu133: KERO!!!KERO!!!!GET YOUR BUTT BACK IN HERE!!!!!!!!!aww man, what
the heck is he going to do? Well, anyway, I guess I'll have to do this by myself..................wait, hold
on.....*runs out of room* ...........................*pant,pant* Okay, here to join me is...........Pikachu?
Pikachu133:Well, while I explain to pikachu what Cardcaptor Sakura is all about and what I'm doing, you guys
sit back and enjoy the Chapter. I'm going to try to do it at Sakura's p.o.v. now. It's much easier.
Pikachu: chu?
Pikachu:This might take a while...........-_-'

"Sakura.....................Sakura?..........................SAKURA!" Kero was trying to wake Sakura up from what looked like a bad dream. Sakura sat up with a start, knocking Kero across the room."Did you have that same dream again?" Kero said as he got up from the fall" "Yea, I did. Only something was different. A boy.....my age...was watching the girl too. Are you okay Kero?" "Yeah, I'll be fine. Sakura, this is getting serious. Maybe this is no ordinary dream. I think someone or something is trying to tell you something" Sakura then remembered what Eriol had told her."Kero, I forgot to mention. There's this new girl, Kala. She's from England. Eriol said that he sense magic from her, and it seems familiar. And she seems familiar to me, too." Kero stopped dead in his tracks. "Kero, are you okay?" Kero snapped out of it."Yeah, I'll be fine. Hey, today's Friday, enjoy your day!" he said as he helped Sakura get her hat and backpack(familiar magic..............I wonder............)


(That boy................seemed familiar...........even though I didn't see his face......still.....) Sakura sat on the steps of her house waiting for Tomoyo and Syaoran. ( Should I tell them.............no, not yet. ) Just then Yukito was walking down the street."Hey Sakura. What's up?" *sakura blushes a little* Oh, nothing. If your looking for Touya, he's in the kitchen." "Sakura, is something wrong?" "Well.................." "Sakura!!!" Tomoyo was skipping down the street, followed by Syaoran(Should I tell them about the dream I had..........no, I can't let Sakura worry......) "Sakura, I have something very interesting to show you. Come on!" She took her arm and Syaoran's and started to drag them down the street "I'll see ya later Yukito!!" Yukito smiled as they left."Don't worry Sakura, if there's something wrong, you'll figure it out one way or another" "YUKI!" "Come on!" Yukito smiled once more as he went towards the house............

"Okay, are you guys ready for this?" Tomoyo pulled out her camera and pushed the play button. "What is this?" asked Syaoran. "You'll see" The scene was late in the day. A girl their age was running across the school field, crying. Finally she stopped and fell to her knees. You couldn't see her face because she covered it with her hands. Then she looked up abruptly, but still couldn't see her face because she looked the other way[ Pikachu133: I guess you guys can notice I don't really want you to know who it is.....not yet anyway. Pikachu: chu?? Pikachu133: back to explaining.....] It was like she sensed someone watching her. Then she ran away and the tape faded.........*both syaoran and sakura look shocked* "Sakura?..................Syaoran?................. are you guys okay?" They finally snapped out of it. "Yeah" they said in unison. "So, that must be the girl you heard crying, right?"
"Yes, Syaoran, but the question is who is it and why is she crying?........................"


"Um, Sakura......" Sakura had paired up with Kala for some project. "Yeah." "Eriol..........and Syaoran.................they're both staring at me." Strange as it was, Eriol was paired up with Syaoran. They talked in whispers and kept looking at her. "Do you think.........that they're looking at me because I'm ugly or something?" Sakura looked at her. "Don't think things like that! I'll talk to them later" Kala shrugged and went back to work. Sakura gave the two a "what-are-you-guys-doing?" look and they too went back to work. "They better have a good reason for making her feel this way.................."

"Sorry about what happened in class, Sakura. It's just I feel like she's so familiar to me" Syaoran and Eriol were outside at lunch talking to an upset Sakura. "You guys made her feel like she was ugly or something. Don't you know it's not polite to stare?"
They both looked down. "Something's just not right about her, ya know. She seems different" Syaoran finally said. "Well, I think you two owe an apology to her. Come on" She dragged them to where Kala was sitting alone, eating her lunch. "Oh..oh my. Sakura, what's this about?" Sakura pushed them in front of her. "Go on" "My deepest apologies to you. I never had no intention of making you feel bad." Eriol said.(Does he have to overreact?) "Uh, yeah, we're really sorry" Both bowed. *blushing* "Oh, you didn't have to.........well, I-I'll see you around. She started walking, knowing the same eyes were still staring at her. "Didn't you guys learn anything?!" she heard from Sakura(They are so nice........................maybe I shouldn't do it...................no, it'll turn out like before. I have to...........................................)


Sakura lay in her bed, smiling and singing."Don't tell me, let me guess; he kissed you again right?" Sakura nodded, still smiling
*sweatdrop* "Oh brother, how many times must we go through this?" Kero flew over to Sakura. "I have this hunch. You said that Kala just moved here, right? Well, maybe she's the one in your dream" "Oh, don't be silly Kero. She's fine here. Why would she be crying?" Sakura turned off the light. "Good night, Kero" "Good night Sakura" Sakura wondered about what Kero said, but shrugged it off and closed her eyes(she's so happy here, it couldn't be her)she fell asleep, but Kero stayed up.(...........familiar magic...............familiar face...........could it be?.............)


"Not again..............there she is...............and there's that boy too.................I gotta see who he is........." She starts running toward the boy. "He's coming to me to!............................I can see a little of his face....................It's...............It's...........................................


Pikachu133: Oh, is Sakura and Syaoran in a dream together. oooooo!
Pikachu: pika-pika!
Pikachu133: Well, I think pikachu finally has the plot now. I gotta start working on Chap. 4 I wanna see
what happens!
Pikachu133:Well, I needed a host, and I saw pikachu, so..................
Ash: If it wasn't for charizard, I would have lost.*shows badge* C'mon pikachu *leaves room*
Pikachu:*leaves room*
Pikachu133:Well, so much for pikachu being host again. Now where is Kero???
Tomoyo: *enters room* Is it true? You like Eriol? Can I get a shot of you two?
Pikachu133: I'm gonna get that little rat....................
Kero: AHA! Okay Eriol, come on in!!!!!
Pikachu133:EEEEKKKKK! YOU DIDN'T!!!!
Eriol: What? told me that you like me?
Pikachu133:AAAIIIEEE!!!!!!!!!*starts running away* Well, I'll see you guys in the next chapter!!!!!!!*runs out of room*
Tomoyo: Oh my, now what?
Kero: WE make some changes to her story now. Okay here goes!HEY!!!!!!!
Eriol:*holding kero* Like Pikachu133 said, well see you in the next chapter. Let's go Tomoyo
Tomoyo:*blushes* Right behind you

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