FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

The Girl with No Love
Sakura and Syaoran must work together to save the life of one.......................
Chapter4( the final showdown)
( ) thoughts
[ ] narrator thoughts
* *character actions
~~~~scene change

Pikachu133: Woohoo! The final showdown! I know, the last three chapters aren't
really that exciting, but since this will be my last chapter, I gotta make it better.
Oh yeah, I do not own any Cardcaptor or Clamp, blah,blah,blah. I wanted to invite
the cast of Cardcaptors, but after what happened.........................well, I'll do this by
Tomoyo: Oh no you won't! We're here!
Pikachu133:*sweatdrop* you guys didn't have to come
Sakura: We wanted to see what happened
Pikachu133:S-S-S-S-Sakura?????The real Sakura? WOW!!!!!!!
Syaoran: Why did Kero give me an evil grin when I came here?
Pikachu133:Uh..............you'll see...........where is he anyway?
Eriol: He said he went to go play with Spinel
Pikachu133: hehe..*sweatdrop* well, anyway lets get started............
*Eriol sits next to Pikachu133, followed by Tomoyo*
Pikachu133: hehehe....................(aw man).....................

"SAKURA?"...Sakura and Syaoran both look at eachother. "Are we having the same dream at the same time? No way!" Syaoran looked around."Isn't this my dream?" "Well, It's my dream too!" said Sakura. "How is this possible?" "Well, if your really Sakura..........." "And if your really Syaoran" she added "................then meet me at Penguin Park tomorrow, with Tomoyo and Kero" "Okay, but you have to bring Eriol" (I can't believe I'm doing this) they both thought. "Look" Syaoran pointed to the girl crying. "No, it can't be!" they both cried. But they could clearly see the face. And it was Kala. And there, in her hands, was a dagger. "Don't tell me.......Syaoran we gotta do something!" "C'mon then" He took her hand, and they both started running. They girl slowly brought it up. "No, don't do it!" they both cried. She had it to the top. "NOOO!!!"

Everything started to slow down. The girl slowly pulled the dagger downward. "NOOO!" It pierced her skin. Then there was a explosion and it started to come towards them. "Sakura, get down!!" She dropped to her knees and Syaoran hugged her from behind, covering her body with his. "Hold on Sakura!" "SYAORAN!"...........................................


Sakura instantly woke up, sweating and breathing hard. It was morning. " Sakura..are you okay" He felt her head. "Yeah.......the dream........it had Syaoran in it...........and Kala..........she ...........stabbed herself...." She starts to cry. "We tried, but it was too
late!" Kero lifts her head up. "That was just a dream. But something tells me it's more than that" Sakura stopped crying, then remembered what Syaoran said. "Oh, no he didn't tell what time! Well, I'll have to go now! C'mon Kero" She grabs him and starts running "Uh Sakura" "No time for breakfast, Kero!"She reached the door "I wasn't talking about that" She stops "Then what?" He points down. She still had her pajamas on............................................

(I don't know why I bothered. It was a dream. Still...........) Syaoran paced back and forth on the sidewalk, while Eriol sat on the bench with Spinel. "What's he worked up about?" Spinel asked. "He wants to know if his dream was real or not" *questionmark on Spinel's head* "I don't get it" Syaoran kept looking at all directions, to see if Sakura was there( I forgot to mention the time! Oh, well, it was just a dream, we should go) He was about to apologize to Eriol for bringing him there when he spotted Sakura running,with Tomoyo behind her with her camcorder,and Kero in her backpack. She stopped right in front of him, both with surprised looks on their faces. "Did you?" they both started to say, but realized it was true. *everyone but Sakura and Syaoran have questionmarks on their heads*


"It can't be. She can't be dead!" Sakura was crying in Syaoran's chest. Eriol had invited them over to figure out what had happened "Why, Syaoran, why?" "Can one of you tell us what happened?" Spinel finally said. Sakura looked up at Syaoran. "I'll tell them"..........
They all sat down, and while he held Sakura in his arms, he explained what happened. About how they were in the same dream together. About when they saw Kala with a dagger in her hand. And when the explosion happened. Everyone was silent after he was finished. "What I don't get is why I sense her being familiar" Syaoran finally said. "I just don't know why......" "Because she's a distant relative of Clow, too" Kero said............................

"What!" Sakura,Syaoran, and Tomoyo yelled. "Yes. I never really told you this, Sakura, but Clow had 2 wives.They were all happy together, until one got jealous of the other. She left him without saying a word, taking their daughter with her. [Pikachu133:Remember, this is a FANFIC. Most of this is not true. Just wanted to clear that up.Sakura, Syaoran, and Tomoyo: Phew!] That's why she looks so familiar. Doesn't she look like Clow just a little?" Sakura remembered seeing him at one time. She did almost look like him. "Once more, Eriol sensed familiar magic from her. I remember him telling me how he used to teach her until her mother took her away, since she was her daughter. She must've passed it down to her children and so on." " I can still remember her face." Eriol said out of nowhere. " She was beautiful just like her mother. I loved them both. It was a shame that her mother was taken over by jealousy." " But Kala,..........is she.........." Sakura started to ask. "Do you know when it happened in the dream?"asked Tomoyo.
"Well, It was pretty dark.............." "Then it was probably at night" Kero said. Sakura hadn't noticed until now that he had changed into his true form. "No need to call Yue, I think Sakura and Syaoran can handle this" Eriol said. *sakura and syaoran look confused*


They had waited all day for her to come. Kero started to fall asleep. "KERO!" Sakura nudged him "Oh......sorry Sakura" After the sun was setting, they were going to give up hope when Sakura heard it. "I hear something" Kero pricked up his ears. "I think it's her" He was right. They watched Kala as she ran, while something shone in the moonlight that she held to her chest. Sakura gasped. She slowed down as she got to the top( I feel someone here.............but no one is) She looked around, and they ducked. ( But what about all my new friends.....................no......it will end up as always, remember?) She looked at the dagger in her hand. (This is the only way I will be rid of my loneliness...............................my sorrow..................my anger........................) She put it in both hands and started to raise it high...

"NOOOOOOO!" Sakura and Syaoran jumped out of their hiding spot and ran toward her, with Tomoyo, Eriol and Kero right behind them. She pointed it to her heart "DON'T COME ANY CLOSER!" she threatened. They stopped in their tracks. "Kala, what are you doing?!" Syaoran screamed " You were going to kill yourself!" "You think I didn't know that! This is what I wanted to do for a long time!" *Kala starts crying* " My life has been he@#! I rather be dead!" "You don't want to be dead!" Sakura said "Think of the people who'll miss you!" "MISS ME? HA. My family could care less. And I have never made any friends!!!" "Well, what about us?" Sakura asked. Kala looked at her, then to Syaoran, then to Tomoyo, then to Eriol and then to..............Kero.
"EEEEKKK, WHAT IS THAT?" *sweatdrop on everyone* "Well, explain later............'' Kala starts to cry. " I was never loved the way I should've been............no one liked me............they called me a freak................. I can't take these memories anymore!"
A tear trickles down her face. "You are so kind, Sakura. You have so many friends..................and a great boyfriend..." Syaoran blushes* " ......I tried, I really did. But now you'll all suffer for interfering with me!!!!" She pointed the dagger at them . The jewel on it started to light up. "What!! But how!?" Sakura asked. "She must've created her own magic" Kero said.Eriol stared at her with a saddened face.

"FIRE!!!!!!!" A ray of electricity bolted from the tip of the dagger. "SHIELD!" Sakura protected the others, while she, Syaoran, and Kero dodged out of the way. "Get on!" Kero said. Sakura got in front, while Syaoran held to her waist. They flew over and look down. "YOU WON'T GET AWAY THAT EASY!!" She chanted some words, and she had grown big, black wings. She started to fly after them, still shooting bolts at them. "What are we going to do, Kero?" "I don't know. If she created her own magic, I don't know what she can do!" One bolt skimmed across Sakura's leg. "SAKURA! Are you okay?" He ripped a piece of his costume and tied it around the wound. "Thank you, Syaoran......." They landed in a clear field. Syaoran took out his sword. "What are you doing! You can't hurt her!!!" "She hurt you! No one hurts my Sakura!" He chanted the words "LIGHTNING!!!!!" He struck Kala, and she twisted with agony. Her cry was like a eagle in pain. She fell to the ground. "NOOO!" Sakura started to run toward her, but Syaoran held her back. She yelled, tears in her eyes. Kala stood up. "You...........will..........go........FIRST!!!!!!!" She held her dagger toward the sky and said more chants. The dagger's jewel glowed even more, and energy rushed around her body. "What is she ............." Syaoran started to ask, then knew. "RUN"! he grabbed Sakura's arm and started to run. "Get......the.........girl........."
Kala started to say. "FIRE!" The explosion was a blinding light, heading straignt towards Sakura. "Syaoran, it's after me!!"
They kept running. "What if I use shield?" "It's too close, and......" Syaoran trips, leaving Sakura tumble forward.

It all seemed in slow motion. But Syaoran could feel the pain and tears come to him so quickly when he watched Sakura get hit with the bolt. "SAKURA, NO!!!! NO NO NO!" The bolt stopped, and he ran to her, tears filling his eyes so quickly, he was almost blind. " Sakura........oh Sakura, please..........please be okay..........." Sakura lay there lifeless on the ground "No. no,no,no,no Sakura! Please wake up. Please wake up!" He held her in his arms and checked her pulse. There was none. "SAKURA!!!!!! Don't leave me!!!!!!!!!
I still love you!!!!!!! I will always love you!!! Come back to me!!!!!!!!!! Sakura....." He cried so hard, along with Kero. "Sakura.........."
Kero said. Tomoyo caught up with the group, Eriol behind her, and saw Syaoran on the ground, holding Sakura, tears in his eyes. "Oh goodness,no! NO, It can't be.....please don't say it's true!!!!!!!" She ran over to her and cried. They both held Sakura. Eriol looked up at Kala, who was also filled with tears. "What have I done?...............What have I done!!!!!!" She dropped her dagger and started to cry. " I meant to kill myself, but instead I have killed Sakura. I should be dead!!!!!!!!" She cried, not noticing that Eriol stood in front of her. He took her hands from her face and held them. She was ashamed to look at him. He took his hand and turned her head towards his. " All is not lost. There is one way to save Sakura." Kala almost jumped with joy. "What, what? I'll do anything!!!" " You must give your all your magic and save her" Her face saddened. "But.......it has been the only thing that made me happy.............." "Which is more important?" Eriol asked. She looked at her dagger, then to the group all around Sakura, they're mourning cries breaking the silence. "...............Even if I will be in pain of losing my magic, I know in my heart that I had to do it...............Alright, let's do this!"

"All you have to do is put all your magic into the dagger, then slowly transfer it into Sakura's body" Kala picked up the dagger and looked at Eriol. " Thank you.......for everything." She hugged him, then let go. Then she turned towards Sakura's direction, relaxed, and slowly the jewel once again glowed, brighter and brighter, until it was almost too blinding to see. "Don't worry Sakura. You're coming home" She chanted her last words, and a colorful light came out. Kala started to cry, but she was happy. Eriol looked on with a smile. "I have taught my daughter well"...............

Syaoran and the others were stil crying. But it was he who saw the light out of the corner of his eye. "What the?........." But before he and the others could run with Sakura, it caught her and held her in the air. "S-s-s Sakura?" They all said. Her body seemed to suck up the light, little by little. Then, all of a sudden, her eyes opened. "Syaoran" They all started to cry. Then she was dropping gently from the air. Syaoran ran forward, still tears in his eyes. "Sakura!!!!!" He caught her as she dropped gently in his arms. "Sakura.......don't ever do that again! I was so worried..........that I would never see you..........again" " I was worried too. I didn't know where I was. I was so scared. I wanted to hold you so I would feel safe. Then it was all bright.........and I guess I woke up........oh Syaoran, I love you!!!!!" " I love you too.......Sakura" They started to kiss.They didn't want to let go.........until they knew that Tomoyo was taping.
" Like Syaoran said, don't do that again, Sakura!" She ran over to them, along with Kero, both still crying, and they all hugged eachother. "Kero, are you okay?" Kero was still crying "Yeah, it's great to see you back!" They all started to hug again and cry. "Wait, what happened to Kala?"
Sakura asked. Syaoran's face went grim. "Yeah, where the heck is she? I'm gonna kill her!!!!!" They looked over to see that she was being held by Eriol..........................

They all ran over to him. "Eriol.........is she?.........." Sakura started to ask. "No, she's still alive. But she fainted because of her magic being taken away. It was too much for her." They all looked confused. "What do you mean, Eriol?" Kero asked. " She had felt so guilty, she had taken her own magic to save you, Sakura. She was so upset and happy at the same time it happened" Sakura started to cry again. "She took her own magic to save me?............." " I don't know whether to be happy or mad at her"
Syaoran said. " She'll won't remember how she lost her magic, or this night, but she'll remember everything else" Eriol said. "So it's best not to be mad at her. It seems she's been through enough......" The others agreed. "Guys, I think we better go home now." Kero said. "Why?" Tomoyo asked. "Because I hear people coming this way!!!' *everyone sweatdrops and runs*


Sakura and Syaoran both reached Sakura's house. He had come with her to make sure she got home safe. "We'll, we can't go through the front door. My brother and Yukito might be studying there. We'll have to use the fly card" She released the card and had grown big, white
wings. ( She looks just like an angel..........and she is one too.......) Syaoran sighed. "You go on ahead Sakura, I'll climb the tree to your room" He started to climb, but failed as he slid right back down. Suddenly he felt someone grab him from behind, and then started to float. "It's alright Syaoran, I got you" he heard from Sakura. (Wow, I didn't know she was that strong)( Wow I didn't know I was that strong) Sakura thought. But looking under, Syaoran saw Kero, who was helping Sakura."Don't say anying" Kero said. Syaoran nodded. They had reached Sakura's room, and before Sakura saw anything, Kero turned back into his small form and climbed right in his little bedroom. [ Tomoyo: aww that was sweet of you Kero! Kero: Well, I am nice like that Syaoran: yeah right Pikachu133: Lets keep going. I think you'll like the ending, Tomoyo Tomoyo:???] "Well, you're safe now, so I think I'll.........." "WAIT" Sakura almost yelled, "Will you....um.....tuck me in my bed?" (blushing) "Uh, yeah.. s-sure". Sakura got into bed and Syaoran tucked her in [Kero: WHAT THE........!!!!!!! Pikachu133: just keep reading.....HEY! when did you get in here?] She closed her eyes and drifted to sleep, and Syaoran gave her a goodnight kiss. Then, without disturbing her, he quietly crept to the window. Before he left he turned around. " Sweet dreams, my little cherry blossom".....................

Sakura awoke from her sleep. "Good morning, Sakura" Kero said "Oh my gosh, I have to........." "Relax, Sakura it's Saturday" " Oh yeah.....well, I had the weirdest dream......" A knock came on the door. "Come in" It was Tomoyo. " How are you feeling, Sakura?" "Um,
fine....listen Tomoyo I had the strangest dream, it was about Kala, she wanted to kill herself and then we went to save her and......." "Sakura that was no dream" Tomoyo said. Sakura looked at Kero. "She's right. Look at you. You're wearing the same clothing right?" Sakura looked down and was surprised to see she was. She checked her leg and there was Syaoran's ripped costume tied around her wound " I was hoping it was a dream...." " I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE STILL WITH US!" Tomoyo threw herself around Sakura and gave her a big hug. "So that means.....last night.....what he said........" "Who said what?" Tomoyo said, releasing her grip from her. "Oh, nothing" " Sakura, I planned
something special today, so hurry and get dressed. Li's waiting downstairs for you" *blushes* "Unfortunatly, Touya's also downstairs"

Sakura ran downstairs, followed by Tomoyo, only to find that Touya already got to Syaoran. They both gave evil glares. "Touya!!!" They both looked up. Touya turned away and went to the kitchen, grumbling something under his breath. "Good morning, Sakura" Syaoran stared at her. (She's looks really cute in that skirt) *starts blushing* "Well, lets go now" Tomoyou went ahead.( I don't think I'll have to remind him anymore.........) They walked out of the door, Sakura and Syaoran both holding hands.
[kero: is it over yet. Pikachu133: nope, it's still going.....so there!Syaoran and Sakura:......................Tomoyo: ooo I want to hear the end!]


They all meet at the park: Sakura, Syaoran, Eriol, Tomoyo, even Kero and Spinel came. They all had fun, completely forgetting about yesterday, about what happened. They went to the park, had lunch, and played on the playground, the one with King Penguin.Then, they saw a carnival was in town. "Hey! Let's go!" Tomoyo said. They all started to follow, except for Sakura, who saw Kala sitting on a swing all alone, looking completely lost, just like the first day. "Syaoran............" Sakura whispered to him. Syaoran looked, then understood. They went over to her. "Hey Kala!" Sakura surprised her. "Oh hey Sakura! Ya know, I feel so lost, like I forgot something important. Plus I can't seem to remember what happened yesterday. It's really weird.*Sakura and Syaoran sweatdrop* "And I did lose.....um.........something else........but I don't know why...... " "Well, are you doing anything?" Syaoran asked. Kala looked down "um......I don't want to.....um......barge in on the group...." Sakura took her hand "C'mon, it's better sitting here alone, isn't it?" Kala smiled at them both and followed them into the carnival "LET'S GO!!!!!!!"

Sakura and Syaoran were walking home. It was night, and the stars were bright. "I feel bad that she can't remember anything at all. But I think it would be better off for her." Syaoran said " It must be really weird not to remember anything. At least we know she'll never do anything like that again" "I don't know Syaoran. Even though she doesn't remember what happened, she still feels alone. She might be still upset." Syaoran looked at her. "I don't think she will, not with a friend like you" She looked up at him. Both their eyes sparkled. They kept walking until they reached Sakura's house. "Well, I'll see you at school tomorrow" "Yeah, see ya." Sakura started to leave, but Syaoran grabbled her hand and twirled her into his body. Then he leaned in and their lips met, with Sakura's hands around his neck and Syaoran's arms around her waist. Both were blushing madley and their heartbeats raced. The kiss got deeper and deeper, until they were lost in the enchanting moment. Behind them were Tomoyo and Eriol, filming the whole thing. "Oh Sakura, if you had left us, I would have never gotten this shot!!!!!" " I guess you really love her" Eriol said. "Yes, she's so beautiful and caring" "Well, what about you? I think your beautiful and caring too" Tomoyo looked up at him. "R-r-really?" Eriol then gave Tomoyo a kiss on the cheek *both blush*[ Pikachu133: For the Tomoyo-Eriol fans!!!!!haha!! *Tomoyo: Oh my......Eriol:......]Sakura and Syaoran finally let go. They stared into eachother's eyes. "I love you" they both said.............................................


" Where..............where am I?.............Syaoran? Sakura looked, and Syaoran was right next to her. "Is this another one of those dreams?" he said with a smile. "I guess so, but where are we?" All of a sudden, a bright light appeared, and a woman with a flowing, white gown came out. "Thank you...............for saving my great granddaughter..............I thought she was...................about to take her life away.............." She starts to cry. "I will always watch over her, even if her power is gone" She went forward. " And I hope you become a wonderful couple." *both blush* She started to fade away. " And please.........tell my dad...........that I still love him............." Sakura and Syaoran stood there. Then they saw Kala, but this time, she was not sad. Her face was radiant and glowing with happiness. She danced around until she too faded away....then the whole dream started to fade. "I'll see you tomorrow!" Sakura said "See you tomorrow!" They both gave one last kiss, and then the dream was done...................................................................................


Pikachu133: Phew! that was a pretty long chapter! Well, I guess I have to write a whole new different story!
How did you guys like it?
*everyone but pikachu133 blush and are silent*
Pikachu133:*sweatdrop* well, I guess they're happy
Pikachu133: Yeah, got a problem with it? Sakura-Syaoran and Tomoyo-Eriol are cute couples, and I shouldn't
stand in the way!!!!!!!
Kero: Oh brother, next think you'll tell me is that you like Yukito!
Sakura and Syaoran: Y.....Y...Yukito-san? *blush*
Pikahcu133: I"LL GET YOU LATER!!!!!!! Well, I'll see all of you later. I'm gonna write a new story
Kero: NO WAY! FIRST IT'S THE KISSING! LATER ON IT'S GONNA BE.........................
Syaoran:Well, that was........um........interesting.
Sakura: I loved it. Especially the part where you said you loved me.
*both blush*

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