FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Golden Bells

By PommyStarChild

Minor note: Sukura, Syaoran, etc. are out of college here, so that makes them about 20 years old. And I only own the events. The characters
belong to Clamp and Piggy Ho Ho designed the dress and tuxedo, or as I always refer to it as, the tux. Enjoy! .n_n. (music, please)

Chapter 1: the Proposal

It had all started on a quiet evening, nothing much going on. Sukura was reading poetry, Madison was designing doll's dresses for
her mom's ever-thriving toy company, Syaoran and Eriol were arguing over something, and Kero and Suppy were fighting over the
remote. Nothing much going on, like I said. (Snore.)

That is, until the telephone rang.

Sukura picked it up. "Hello? Oh, hi Dad. Yes, I'm fine. Ah, yes, they're here. Do you wanna speak to them? OK, which one first?
Alright." She pressed speakerphone and said, "Syaoran, Eriol? My dad wants to talk to you two." The two stopped fighting and
walked over. "Hello? Professor Avalon?" Syaoran barely stuttered. "Hello, boys," Sukura's dad replied. "I know that both of you
are very interested in Egyptology, and my team of archeologists and I are off to Egypt for 3 or 4 weeks, and we have room for two
more. Would you like to join?"

When he said that, the room instantly became so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. Madison stopped sketching, Sukura
stopped reading, and the two Guardians of the Sun stopped fighting between video games and the History channel. "Umm... we'd
love to come, Professor. Hold on one second," They turned to the others and asked, "OK with you?"

"YES!" said Kero.

"As long as I go with you," was Suppy's answer.

"OK, I guess..." said Madison.

"Well, if you want to go, I have no objections. And Kero, please stop that," came Sukura's reply. Kero was dancing like he was
playing at a rock concert.

"OK, it's fine with everyone, when do you want us to leave?"

After receiving instruction, Syaoran hung up. Eriol turned to them and explained what would happen; "OK, in 2 weeks, on
Wednesday, we're gonna go to Egypt for at most 4 weeks. And Kero, you are really grossing me out." (His dancing style had
switched to Saturday Night Fever. Eew.)

* * * *

Syaoran and Eriol had been gone for about 3 weeks now. Sukura and Madison tried hard not to miss either one of them, but have
you ever tried not to think of something? Very difficult. And it was a boring evening, so they had virtually nothing to do. Suddenly
the laptop computer gave off the little noise that meant, 'You Have Mail'. Sukura quickly opened the e-mail. Which was from the
archeology camp. It was especially from Syaoran and Eriol, telling the two to be at the airport the next day; they were on their way

The next day found them bright and happy at the airport. The announcer said that the flight from Egypt to Japan was early.
Madison whispered to Sukura, "Why do I think that Eriol and Syaoran are responsible?"

"Flight 152 from Egypt to Japan is now unloading."

Madison and Sukura hurried to the bustling crowd filled with weird hats, robes, and languages. Then Sukura saw a young man,
with ruffled, chestnut hair. When he saw her, it looked as though someone had lit a 500-watt light bulb behind his face, it was so
radiant. "SUKURA!" he yelled, and running up to her, he hugged her. He smelled like straw, dirt, and sheep. Especially sheep.
(Believe me, if you ever go to Egypt, there are sure to be sheep running through the market every 10 minutes.) But that didn't
matter to Sukura. Not one little bit. Then he kissed her, taking her by absolute surprise. Both blushing, they walked up to Madison
and Eriol, who had apparently done the same thing.

"Now, let's get you two home," Sukura said.

"To a nice hot bath," said Madison.

"And a steaming meal,"

"And TV that you can understand,"

"And a comfortable bed."

* * * *

A couple of weeks later, Syaoran took Sukura into the woods. They walked for a little while, until finally Sukura asked, "Syaoran,
where are we going?" But he wouldn't tell her.

Finally, they came to a small clearing. Syaoran asked her, "Do you recognize this?"

Sukura did. "It's -- it's the place that I ran to on the day you went back to Hong Kong -- and where you bumped into me, and --"

"Where we had our first kiss." Syaoran finished. "Sukura, listen to me. Ever since I went to Egypt, I've known that I had to spend
the rest of my life with you. I fell in childhood love with you, and then I fell into true love with you again. That's why I need to ask
you -- Sukura..."

He got down on one knee, and took a box out of his pocket. When he opened it, a ring of white gold set with chips of every jewel
imaginable glistened in the moonlight.

"Will you marry me?"

* * * *

Sukura and Syaoran walked back into the apartment, holding each other's hand and beaming. Madison stared at them. "Uh-oh, I
missed a great shot, didn't I?"

"Umm, you could say that," said Sukura.

"The thing is..." Syaoran started and when he was finished, everyone in the room save Sukura was staring at them as if they had
just learned that the End of the World was this Saturday. Then Eriol got up, shook Syaoran's hand and said, "My congrats to the
bride and groom."

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