FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Author's Note: Please give me feedback, any would be great! ^_^ email me at holly_yih@hotmail.com

Title: To Make the Heart Sing (by YIH)

Part 2: And The Sadness Builds

(pov: Kinomoto Sakura)

I heard Kero-chan murmur to Tomoyo, "She's been like that for months. All she does is stare out the window. She's waiting for that Brat to come back."

I vaguely remembering Tomoyo's reply, "It's because she loves him."

How true her words were.

I felt them stare at me. The pain of his departure was slowly healing. I would be fine, given time. Just be patient, I urged them. Afterall, did you know how much he meant to me? Did you know the depth of my love? And I didn't even get the chance to tell him.

I understood why he left. That still doesn't stop the pain. It helps. It makes me not angry with him. And it makes me know why I love him so much. It keeps the memories of the good times alive.

"Here I go again I promised myself I wouldn't think of you today"

But it's too hard.

"It's been seven months and counting"

I'm postively sure-

"You've moved on"

You never call.

"I still feel exactly the same"

I still love you.

"The city calls your name and I can't move on"
(above "---" from, The Lover After Me)

Even thought I keep trying to erase you from my heart, Li-kun.


The Songs:

The Lover After Me (Savage Garden)

Always thanks from the hottest duo in pop.

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