FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Title: An Endless Affair

Part 4: Beginnings to Clarity

Miko laid down on the guest bed in Touya's and Yukito's shared house. He looked out at the dark new moon sky. It was fitting, he thought that tonight would be the darkest night of the month.

He had thought he would have a chance with Sakura. He thought he could make her forget her Syaoran. He knew she cared for him. Not as deeply or fully as he knew she would learn to, as he knew she could learn to. It would just take time, time he sorely needed without the presence of the 'little wolf'. He knew it in the little crevice of his heart, he didn't stand a chance with Sakura as long as Syaoran was around.

He turned away from the window and pushed his face into his pillow. It wasn't fair, he screamed silently. It isn't fair. I love her. I love Sakura. Why can't she love me like she loves him?



The words pounded his head as he struggled to come to the grips of reality. He would not loose it. He thought with a grim smile on his face. He would just give Syaoran all he could handle. He would prove to Sakura he was the better man for her. He had too, he thoughtly dismally, it would take all his charm to make her love him as she loved Syaoran.

It wasn't as if, I'm not as good as Syaoran, Miko thought, they just have known each other longer. I need more time. I need more time. They've had time to build their chemistry. It will be hard to break it. He dejectfully closed his eyes, trying to squeeze hope into his mind. He still had a chance, he chanted in his mind.

But he already knew, his chances were over.

Syaoran had won Sakura.

The haunting thought that he wasn't going to be with Sakura plagued him throughout the night. He dreamt many horrible nightmares. All which led to the same conclusion. He could be Sakura's friend, a very close friend.

But Syaoran was Sakura's only love.

Written: October 29, 2000

Notes: 1. Okay! Okay! *NO NEED TO THROW FOOD YET* The story is getting ready for a very big build up. Well sorta kinda, I'm not that great of a cliff-hanger person. Be thankful. At least I don't think I am, am I?
2. As always, feel free to send C+C my way. I would mind suggestions since I'm currently revamping the series. The original was only 5 parts long. I'm thinking of at least 8 parts now? What do you guys think? Should I rap it up in 7 parts? Or. should I go for 10 parts? (which would give my dreamy Miko a much indepth role?) Huh? Huh? TELL ME! Email at d

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