FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Title: To Make the Heart Sing (by YIH)

Part 5: 'Til We Meet Again

(pov: Li Syaoran)

"Viva! Give me back my fantasy"
(above "---" from, Purest of Pain)

I saw Sakura again.

She looked totally different. She didn't appear as happy as she has been before. Something has changed. She was sadden by something. I got the feeling I wouldn't like it.

"Syaoran! What are you doing here?" She asked, shock and surprise showed all over her face.

She had said my name. I was so filled with joy that I replied instantly, "To see you, of course."

She turned her back on me, "I thought you hated me."

I believed the whole world crashed down on my head. The shock that had first been hers had become mine. I had to wait an eternity, a minute for the words to come out of my mouth, "Sakura, I don't hate you."

She still wouldn't look at me.

"Do you see my hands, they tremble
Wonder why I can't look you in the eyes"

It's because I love you.

"Don't know how long I can keep this inside"

I love you so much.

"Isn't it obvious?"
(above "---" from, Obvious)

"Oh, really?" Her voice dripped of disbelief.

I was desperate and it showed in my voice, "SAKURA, I LOVE YOU!"

Her face dropped its anger and it had a lost puppy look. No longer filled with pain, but now with sadness, "Then why did you leave?"

"Because I had to."

She hestitated before she asked the question I knew she had to ask me, "Why didn't you give me the chance to say good-bye?"

"Because I didn't want to hurt you," my answer seem so inadequate now.

"You still hurt me."

I could see it all over her face. I replied back as best as I could, "I'm sorry, Sakura."

She didn't say anything for several long minutes. It scared me so bad my hands tremble and I couldn't look at anything but the pavement. What if she rejected me? After all that I told her, I think I'd just breakdown and cry.


I looked up at her.

"I love you, too."

Her words gave instant relief, "Do you know how much I love you?"

"I know now," she gave me a terrific grin.

I held her gently in my arms and leaned down to kiss her.

"When I think how life use to be"

Without you.

"Always walking in the shadows"

Not knowing you cared.

"Then I look at what you've given me"

And I can't kiss you enough.

"I feel like dancing on my tiptoes"

You make me so happy.

"I must say every day I wake
And realize you're by my side"

I know how lucky I am.

"I know I'm truly blessed"
(above "---" from, Blessed)


The Songs:

Purest of Pain... by Sonby Four
Obvious... by Christina Aguilera (sung by her!)
Blessed... by Christina Aguilera ("---")

Notes: 1. Savage Garden is about to rock back hard.
2. The best part is tooooo come!
3. Give me flames, give me anything!

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