FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Hidden Beneath the Flowers
Hi everyone! J I know that people constantly hear this, but you're gonna have ta hear again: This is my first fanfic. My uncle says that you shouldn't have to repeat things to get the point across, so lemme say it again… nah! J/k! I have only ever seen the american version of the show. But I would appreciate any feedback. Comments, suggestions, all are welcome and I will try to write everyone back. ^^ I have created some off the characters in this so please ask before hand if you want to use them, k? thanxs! K, now I gotta let ya read, right? RIGHT! Byes!
Disclaimer: Don't own them, never have, never will. *sigh* it's so depressing….
K, here it goes! Chapter one!
Oh yeah! Wait!! Hold up!! Stop the presses!!! Hehe….umm… I forgot a key. Darn, stupid, stupid, STUPID!!
*~~~~~* - this is a flashback
----------- - this is a scene change
you should know the rest! K! so here we go for real!

The REAL Chapter One
"Ohhhhh….." The little girl slowly tried to open her eyes and gain back her consciousness, only to feel a tremendous amount of pain throbbing through her forehead. "Ahhhh….!" She cried out slightly, but still kept up the struggle for control of her body. Gradually, she gained it and pushed herself up into a sitting postion with her back leaning up against the side of a burnt brown brick wall.
"Where am I?" She asked herself. She opened her eyes slightly more than the last time, but her vision was blurred by her pain, or was it by her tears? She was a small child of about 8. Fragile and timid, she seemed very vulnerable. She had shoulder-length light brown hair with hardly noticeable dark blonde highlights. She had no bangs, but sweet, gentle brown eyes the color of chocolate. They usually shone with happiness and a warm sort of kindness, but now, they could only project images of sorrow, fear, and grief.
The little girl, knowing and fully aware that she was completely and utterly alone, curled her knees up towards her chest, put her face down on her kneecaps and cried. Many thoughts ran throughout her brain, but what popped up more often than others: 'What am I going to do now?'
The girl shook her head wildly at these memories. She didn't want to think about them. That had been many years ago. Almost 3 in fact! So why did they keep coming back, reminding her of a huge, constant sorrow. But she knew perfectly well why. She shook her head again, this time successfully removing all her bad thoughts. She put on her brightest smile and quickly got dressed. If she didn't hurry up and stop dreaming about her past, she was going to be late on her first day of school. She wanted to make a good impression, especially since she knew the cardcaptors were going to be there.
Her smile brightened (if possible) and her eyes became happy once more. But this time, it wasn't a happiness that she wore as a shield to protect others from her depression, it was true happiness. Maybe now she could finally see them again! This thought excited her even more and as she tied her last shoelace, she though 'I wonder what the Card Captors will be like! Will they like me? Maybe they won't!! Oh no! What if I….' And her thoughts continued like this until she was halfway to her school.
"Oh no! I'm gonna be late!!!," screamed a rushing Sakura. "Why didn't you wake me up Kero?" She questioned as she brushed her hair. Kero sighed loudly.
"SAKURA! I tried to wake you up three times! Remember?" But Sakura was paying no attention.
"Bye!," she said, running out of her room and slamming the door behind her. Again, another loud sigh came from the Guardian Beast. "Welp," he said rubging his hands/paws together. Xylon Warrior, watch out! Here comes the master!"
"Tori! Wait up!" Sakura was skating hard down the cement sidewalk, desperately trying to catch up to her older brother and childhood crush.
"Sorry squirt. I'm late" Her brother continued to pedal as if she was beside him the whole time. Just as she was about to fume and yelled at him about the squirt thing, Julian spoke up. "Hey Sakura. How are you this morning?"
"Fine thanks!" Sakura replied, giving him one of her greatest smiles. She liked Julia, but it was just in a big brother way. Nothing more. Although, she blushed at the thought, it didn't use to be that way. The rest of the way, they skated/biked in silence, taking in the beauty of each perfectly shaped cherry blossom fall to the ground as the sunlight shined beautifully through the tiny gaps in the tree branches.
"Morning everyone!," Sakura exclaimed brightly.
"Good Morning Sakura!," all of her friends replied back. As she stepped into the classroom. She shut the gray door behind her.
"Someone's happy today! Good Morning Sakura!," Madison, Sakura's very best friend and second cousin, greeted her warmly.
"Yeah! Good Morning Madison!," Sakura said. She gave her a smile and set her bookbag and hat on her desk. "So do you know what we are doing today?"
"I don't know. But I heard we got a new student."
"Really?" Sakura gazed at Madison with her head tilted ever-so-slightly to the side.
"So I've heard." In walked Li with, as usual, Meilin close behind.
"'Morning Li! 'Morning Meilin!" Sakura said brightly.
"Hmph!" Meilin still didn't like her well. It has been about a month since she transferred to Japan. Li just sighed heavily. He couldn't quite figure out why Meilin had to be so competitive with all the other girls, especially Sakura. He couldn't find anything wrong with Sakura. She seemed to be the kindess of all the girls in class. Also the prettiest. 'I did not just think that!' his little inner voice said. He shook his head lightly and blushed a cute shade of pink.
"Did you hear? Madison just told me that we have a new student today!" Sakura went on. Madison softly laughed to herself at Sakura's complete failure to see Li blush. Her cousin was so naive! But that is probably why so many people enjoy her company and like being around her so much.
Li sat down in his chair behind Sakura and set his stuff down in his desk. He was about to reply when Mrs. MacKenzie walked in.
"All right class! Take your seats!" She smiled at the class and continued as soon as everyone was seated and quiet. "Today, we have a new student. Her name is Alycia Love. She is from America so lets be very kind towards her and show her a Japanese welcome." When she finished writing her name on the board she turned to the open door. "Please Alycia. Don't be shy, just come in." After a moments' hesitation, in walked Alycia. She stepped in a faced the class. She was very pretty, with a smiling face and a peach complextion. She had light brown, shoulder-length hair with slightly visible blonde highlights. Two, deep chocolate brown eyes that had a special sort of glow in them that gave everyone in her presence feel happy and safe. But she also seemed, ummm…, a little shy.
"Class," Mrs. MacKenzie said breaking all of the tension and silence, "Say hello to Alycia." 'Hi's seemed to echo across the room as Alycia stood up front uncomfortably. Her eyes were cast upon the floor. 'Ohhhh….!!,' she thought, 'this is way too intense! I'm soo nervous!' She decided to take her chances and steal a glance at the class. Her eyes lifted ever so slowly up to meet two, very pretty emerald green ones. (Duh, Sakura!) 'That's her!' Alycia's mind seemed to scream as she recognized her aura's power. And the one behind her must be the other one. She, of course, was referring to Li.
"Alycia, it seems as if you came at the perfect time. Just yesterday, our classmate Lindsay Rossia moved to her father's so it seems as if you can have her seat." With another warm smile of encouragement to the newcomer she motioned to a seat… diagonally across for Sakura and in front of Madison."Go on now."
Alycia nodded her gratitude and proceeded to her seat. She pulled off her hat and laid it and her backpack on the desk. She flashed a quick smile at Sakura and Li before sitting down. The day continued as normally.

So….!! What did ya think? Is it worth it to keep writing? I haven't gotten to the best part yet but I can't tell you everything about it in the first chapter. And for all of you people who strictly believe in Sakura and Li, I included, don't worry about Alycia. She doesn't want Li to like her and he doesn't. So please write me back ok? Byes till next time!
July 2, 2001

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