FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Will you or not? (Chapter two)

Adrian: Well Sakura will you go with me or not.

All of a sudden Lei came before Sakura even got a chance to answer.

Lei: Sakura remember that important thing I have to tell you well it’s kind of personal and I have to have you go to my house.

Sakura: Well I’m sorry Adrian But if Lei says that it’s that important and personal them I have to go witn him. I’ll go with you another day Ok.

(Lei: Yeah right once I tell her she will never even get close to you.)

Lei: Well Sakura Put your skates on and I’ll go and get my bike.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~To Lei’s House~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sakura: Well Lei what is this important thing that you have to aks me.

Lei: Well Sakura I don’t know how to say it I’m going to say it and please don’t say anything until I’m done. What I have to say Sakura is that I’m in love with you and I was hoping that you could be my girlfriend.

Sakura: Lei is that true you love me and you want me to be your girlfriend.

Lei: Yes since I saw you I know that I was a jerk when you first meet me but after that I started to like you and now I love you and want you to be my girl. So what do you say.

Sakura: Well I have to say yes because to tell you the truth I have had a crush on you too and I was too afraid to tell you.

Lei: You really mean it.

Sakura: Yeah.

All of a sudden Lei took out a little box and gave it to Sakura.

Lei: Here this is for you.

Sakura: What is it?

Lei: Open it and you’ll find out.

Sakura opened the box and inside was a little silver ring that said I Love You inside of a heart.

Sakura: Oh Lei you didn’t really have to do this.

Lei: This is a sign of my love for you and to say to other people that this beautiful angel is already taken.

Sakura put her ring in the ring finger looked at it and then she looked into Lei’s eyes. She then hugged him for a long time and then gave him a nice kiss in the lips.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sakura: Look Madison look what Lei gave me.

Madison: Does this mean that Lei already told you that he loved you.

Sakura: Yeah isn’t it beautiful.

Madison: So does this mean that you and Lei are now together.

Sakura: Yeah. Madison and Sakura both giggled.

Lei was walking down the hall way and he saw Sakura talking to Madison so he decided to sneak up on her. He went and covered Sakura’s eyes.

Lei: Who is it?

Sakura: Well let me see this can’t be Lei because my Lei doesn’t have any humor to play jokes on people.

Lei: Haha very funny.

She gave him a kiss in the cheek and he returned it by giving her one in the lips.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The bell rang so they could start going to class~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

When Sakura sat down next to Adrian he Said hi.

Adrain: Hi Sakura. Where dis you get that ring.

Sakura: Oh Lei gave it to me. She turned around and saw that Lei was looking at her with his amber eyes that she adores.

Adrian: Are you dating Lei?

Sakura: Yeah. He told me that he loved me yesterday and asked me if I wanted to be his girl and I said yes I’m like so happy now.

(Adrian: Man Sakura is dating that Lei kid now what I’m I soppuse to do I love her too and i can’t just brake them up or can I.)

Well now that you know that Adrian loves Sakura too how far will he go to brake Sakura and Lei up?

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