FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

His true feelings (chapter one)

Today many of you people have maybe read something like this before but even if you have I don’t care because I just love stories like this that end up happy. Now for he explanation of the story a new kid name still unknown has been very nice to Sakura and that has made Lei very mad and now whenever he sees them together talking he interferes. What will happen to them will Sakura and that unknown person end up together or will Lei steal her heart? You have to read to find out.


( Their Thinking)

~~~~ End of day or different scene ~~~~~~~~~

Sakura: That person is talking or saying something

This story is written in dialogue form

Whenever I write like this without putting any signs it means that I’m explaining something that the character is doing.


The second semester of school has barely started and when Mr. Terada came in he had a surprise for the kids.


Mr. Terada: OK settle down kids I hope you all have had a great vacation. I have a surprise for all of you we have a new student joining us his name is Adrian. Come in Adrian.

He came in

Adrian: Hi how is everyone doing. I’m Adrian

Mr. Terada: OK lets see where will you sit you will sit next to Sakura.

Sakura’s eyes just widened

Mr. Terada: Will you please raise your hand Sakura.

Sakura did what she was told and Adrian went to sit right next to her after everything was taken care of Mr. Terada started his lesson and Adrian turned to talk to Sakura.

Adrian: Hello Sakura or Cherry Blossom.

Sakura: What did you just say?

Adrian: I said Cherry Blossom see your name means Cherry Blossom in Chinese.

Sakura: I know that it’s just that their has only been one person that has ever called me like that and he is sitting right over there.

She turns around and sees that Lei is looking at her and at the new kid but when he looks at the new kid he sees anger in his eyes.

(Sakura: Is he jealous that I’m talking to the new kid or what?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The bell for breakfast rings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sakura was going out when Lei stopped her.

Lei: Sakura we have to talk.

Sakura: About what?

Lei: Well I was wondering if you wanted to go eat breakfast with me.

All of a sudden Adrian popped out.

Adrian: Sakura I was wondering if you could show me around you know since I’m new and don’t know where everything is.

Sakura: Well actually Lei already asked me to go and eat with him.

Lei: No that’s OK Sakura you go ahead.

Sakura: Are you sure?

Lei: Yeah. I’ll just go eat with Zachary or with Chris.

Sakura: OK Come on Adrian.

(Lei: Why did I let her go with that other kid I should have told right now)


Lei: Sakura I have something to tell you.

Sakura: What is it Lei?

Lei: Well I wanted to tell you that I really care ab

Mr. Terada: Sakura I need you to go and finish taken the rest of the stuff to the girls cabin. Sakura where are you?

Sakura: Oh I have to go Lei I’ll talk to you later.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Lei: Man I have to tell her one day or another or else I’m going to lose her to someone else.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~To Sakura and Adrian~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sakura: Well right here we have the music room and here is the English buildings all the teachers right here are very boring you might as well bring a pillow.

Adrian: Well thanks for showing me around how can I ever thank you.

Sakura: Oh you don’t have to do anything it was a pleasure to show you around.

Adrian: No I have to thank you somehow. Oh I know have you seen that new restaurant where everyone tries to go after school?

Sakura: Yeah. What about it?

Adrian: Yeah well my dad owns it and I can get you in.

Sakura: Well I don’t know.

Adrian: Please you have to come with me.


Will Sakura Go with Adrian read my next chapter to find out.

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