FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Author’s Notes: Of course, comments plz! Oh yeah, I know this game thing has been used in a lot of fics, but that doesn’t mean I can’t use it! And it’s a different game! My friends and I made this one up!

Hold Me ?Chapter 3 / Answers

When Syaoran walked down the stairs and into the living room, everyone else was already there and waiting for him. They all looked up when he entered. “Well it’s about time.?Tomoyo said, glaring at him. Apparently, she was still mad at him for hurting Sakura. Syaoran saw the look, but decided to ignore it as he went to sit down next to Takashi and Eriol. “Away from the girls, the safest place to be.?He thought as he looked around. They were all arranged in a circle. His attention caught on Sakura, having an empty spot next to her, and looking quite alone. Maybe I did hurt her?he thought as he stared at her. He felt someone nudge him. He looked down, it was Eriol. He was obviously motioning for him to sit next to Sakura. Syaoran looked at him in disbelief and denial.

“Go.?He whispered, before turning back to the circle. Slowly, Syaoran sat on the floor next to Sakura, who looked hopefully up at him. He, on the other hand, looked down at the floor, to avoid her eyes. Sakura seemed to smile, though he couldn’t make sure since he had his eyes reverted to the floor quickly after. Eriol smiled, half-triumphantly and half-happily. “Okay, the game isn’t Truth or Dare. I’ve changed my mind.? A few surprised and confused faces looked at him. “But don’t worry, it’ll be similar. The game is called Answers. From the title, you obviously get the idea of what we’ll be after. It is sort of like Truth or dare, only everyone except the asker has to answer the questions asked, and you can choose not to answer the question, then you do the dare. But if everyone chooses the dare, then the asker has to ask another question instead of all the others doing the dare. Do you all get the rules? It really is quite simple.?He said. They all nodded and Rika piped up.

“May I start first?? They all nodded, and looked at her. “Who do you like??she said, eyeing everyone. They all looked at each other and blushed.

“I’ll do the dare.?Syaoran said. Everyone turned to him.

“Me too.?Eriol added.

“Me three.?Takashi said, nodding furiously. Eriol stared at the girls. They opened their mouths to talk. They all said the same thing, that they would do the dare. Eriol glanced at Rika.

“I guess that means you’ll have to ask another question.?He said. Rika pouted.

“That’s not fair, I wanted to find out!?

“You see, this game isn’t as intense as Truth or Dare. It’s a little loose. I wouldn’t want any of you being uncomfortable the whole week having your secrets spilled out to everyone present.?Eriol reasoned. Rika nodded.

“Fine then. If you had one thing to say to the person you liked, say it now. Starting from…Takashi.?She said, smiling. Takashi looked up indignantly.

“Is that supposed to mean something??he asked. “Um…what would I say…uh…uh…um?…I want to say…that…sometimes…my stories are true!?Takashi said, nodding triumphantly. They all rolled their eyes. “What? That’s what I want to say! I choose Tomoyo to go next!? Tomoyo’s head snapped up, and she bit her lip.

“Uh…I want to say that…thanks…for everything.?She said, looking down. The others looked at her.

“What is that supposed to mean? That could mean anything! Couldn’t you guys say something more…better??Rika said, getting annoyed.

Tomoyo shook her head. “I choose Chiharu to go next!?she said.

“Um…I want to say…that…I want to thank you for carrying my bags when we were too tired halfway there and when we were on all the other trips? she said, looking anxiously up and nobody. “I choose Eriol to go next!?she yelled before anyone could question her who that special someone was. They all turned to Eriol, all except for one boy, who stared at Chiharu and smiled before also turning to Eriol while she blushed.

“I want to say…I have nothing to say.?Eriol plainly stated. He stared at the disappointed faces, especially Tomoyo’s, and smiled. “Well, being separated from all you guys for a few years, do you think that I would find anyone else? Other than that, I’ve been here as an exchange student for quite a while, I don’t even remember England much!?he explained. Everyone glared at him, with a look that seemed to say “sure.? “It’s true! But anyway, I pick Li to go next.?He said, causing all the attention to be directed at Syaoran, who instantly turned bright red.

“I’m sorry.?He mumbled plainly. Rika eyed him.

“You’re sorry? To who?? Syaoran turned to her.

“You didn’t say I had to answer all your questions, just the one you asked.?He replied plainly. Sakura stared at him. Please let him mean me, please let him like me, she thought as she stared at his face. He glanced at her, and turned back, unable to meet her gaze. Her eyes filled with hope. Please let him mean me, please! Syaoran turned to her, and she felt her heart leap up and threaten to come out. “You go next, Sakura.?He stated. Sakura’s face turned red and she stared at him. “Go.? She stared at the floor.

“Okay.?She whispered so that no one but Syaoran could hear. His eyes widened and stared at her, though she didn’t stare back. He blinked a few times to check if he was dreaming or not. Did she say okay? To him? Or to someone he didn’t know? The someone she really liked. No…it was probably someone else. He looked back at the floor. Eriol sensed the uneasiness and opened his mouth to ask the next question, but a strange rumbling started to sound in the distance, and the earth started to shake. A strong gust of wind blew open the shutters and into the living room, almost causing a few of the items to fall, had it not been that the group of seven had prevented that. Sakura got up and looked out the window, as did Syaoran and Eriol. The ground was shaking because something was putting large wholes in the ground. Eriol’s eyes widened and he turned back to the remaining sixteen-year-olds.

“Everyone, get in your rooms, you’ll be safe there!?

“But technically, that’s more dangerous!?Rika said.

“Just go!?Eriol yelled, before turning back to the scene outside. Mobs of people were fighting with each other, weapons held dangerously in hand. They were yelling at each other, and occasionally it got violent. Then, suddenly one of them started to attack, causing them all to plunge headfirst into the battle. This wasn’t going to be pretty; someone would obviously get hurt. The rumble was from the destruction they were wreaking. They were burning and cutting down anything that stood in their way. “What is it??Eriol asked, staring into the night. A hand was put on his shoulder. Eriol turned to see whom it was, Tomoyo. “Tomoyo, get in your room, you might get hurt!? She shook her head.

“I stayed with the cardcaptors when they caught the cards, and now I’m going to stay with them when they catch whatever’s doing this to these poor people.?She stated, having a tone that left no space for reasoning. Eriol’s expression pleaded, but she didn’t move and walked up next to Sakura. “I’m ready to record.?She said, winking as she held up her recorder. Sakura smiled and nodded. She opened the door and ran outside with Syaoran and Eriol close behind.

“Who are you??she yelled into the night. A voice that sounded like a sad little lost girl answered.

“The Treachery.?

“Are you a Clow Card??

“I don’t know.? Sakura stopped in her tracks. If it was a Clow Card…how come it only acted up until now? How come Kero-chan hadn’t told her about this? “Help me, Card Mistress.?The voice said. Sakura’s eyes widened. “Help me.?the voice said. It sounded so lonely and cold and forgotten, Sakura felt bad for it. She called out into the night.

“Appear before me and let me see you!? For a while, there was no response, then the meek little voice replied.

“You will hurt me.?

“I won’t, I promise. Show yourself, Treachery.? Again, the little creature didn’t say a word, but before long, Sakura saw footsteps in the ground, advancing towards her. She took a step back towards Syaoran. Her hand almost automatically drew back behind her. She felt someone grasp her hand. She didn’t turn, but she knew that it had to be Syaoran, because a chill ran down her spine. Then, a small little girl with light green hair, and sad blue eyes appeared in front of her, facing her, a tear trickling down her young cheek. Sakura stared on. “Who…who are you??she stuttered. The little girl cocked her head, and the tear fell down onto the ground. She wore her hair in two pigtails, tied at her head with two dark green bows. Two black wings spread from her back, and on her forehead was a sign of a diamond, half black and half white.

“I told you already, Card Mistress.?

“But I caught all the Clow Cards.?

“I know you did. I…am a Clow Card, and I…am not.?

“I don’t understand.?

“I don’t either.?She replied quickly, her eyes turning glassy on the brink of tears. “Help me find my daddy, Card Mistress.?

“Who is your father??

“I…don’t remember his name.?

“Why do you want to find your father??

Her eyes narrowed, and she blinked the tears out of her eyes. “To destroy him.? Sakura took a step back, and she felt Syaoran’s grasp tighten.

“Why…why would you want to destroy your own father?? Again, her tears returned.

“Because…he did this to me! Help me Card Mistress!?she yelled, running forward into Sakura’s arms, and beginning to cry, her small little body racked with sobs. Her dark blue dress was torn and looked old and dirty, as if she had been traveling for a long time. Her body seemed weak, as if she hadn’t stopped to rest for a while. Syaoran let go of Sakura’s hand, much to her disappointment, but Sakura wrapped her arms around the little girl and hugged her close.

“Don’t cry, Treachery. We’ll…help you find your father.?Sakura stuttered, feeling sorrow for the little girl. The Treachery brought her head away and stared at Sakura, who was now kneeling to face the girl. She managed a weak smile and she nodded slightly, her hair bobbing up and down. “First, Treachery, stop the fighting. Why must you harm those people?? The Treachery backed away.

“Because I am supposed to.?She replied.


“Because…I am a Clow Card? she hesitated for a while, ?and I am not a Clow Card. Therefore, I can do things a Clow Card can and cannot do.?She answered. Sakura became confused. What did this little girl mean? It didn’t seem like she was very sure herself.

“You can’t harm them!?Sakura yelled, forgetting her position. Immediately, The Treachery turned on her, eyes filled with tears. She pointed at Sakura.

“Stop! I told you not to hurt me!?


“Don’t talk! Now you have to pay!?she yelled. She flung her hand up in the air, and from it, a bright light glowed and surrounded the area, including Eriol, Tomoyo, Sakura and Syaoran. Sakura’s eyelids grew heavy, and she felt herself fall asleep and fall to the ground. She also heard the others falling as well. A voice came, Treachery’s voice, though it seemed weaker and more far away. “I’m sorry…but don’t hurt me.? Then, Sakura felt the blackness, cold and damp, surround her.

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