FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

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Hold Me Through ?Chapter 4 / Treachery

Sakura woke up as bright light shown down on her face, making her squint when she opened her emerald eyes. She heard something in the distance, but she couldn’t put her finger on it, everything was dizzy and blurry. She seemed to be seeing two of things, and her mind was pounding. As she tried to focus her sight, she heard yelling in the distance. It was yelling…her name. She tried to look around but she couldn’t see anything clearly. Finally, she saw two blurs in the distance, one staying in place and the other being whipped around like a broken doll. She rubbed her eyes for them to focus, when they did, she gasped, and her eyes widened. “Syaoran!?she yelled. She ran towards the boy, being pounded against some invisible wall. His tormenter and attacker was…was…her eyes widened. The figure was Sakura, wrapped in black, eyes narrowed and clouded. She stopped dead in her tracks.

How could that be her, there was only one Sakura, and that was the one watching…but then who was the one hurting Syaoran? The tormenter attacked once again, as a black ball of energy flew from the black staff towards the sixteen-year-old brown-haired boy, as he was flown back a few yards once again and rolled to a stop. Sakura couldn’t move. She saw Syaoran wince, as he got on his knees and then to his feet. He took a step towards the black-clad Sakura, dropping his sword. He whispered some words through his clenched teeth, but Sakura heard it. “I won’t hurt you, Sakura, no matter what you do to me.?he whispered painfully. The words brought tears to her eyes. Syaoran really cared? Or was this the real Syaoran? She wished and hoped this was how the real Syaoran felt…though she might as well be dreaming, she thought.

Her legs finally moved, and carried her to Syaoran, she reached out a hand to touch his face, but amazingly, it went right through his solid body. She looked at her hand, eyes wide with horror, then at herself. She was transparent, see through! As if she wasn’t really there, as if she was a ghost! But she wanted to hold him, and tell him that that Sakura wasn’t her! She wanted to bring him away from this attacker, so that he can be safe again, with her. She turned to the other Sakura, wondering how this situation came about. Did the Treachery do this to her? Were the others in the same situations? Was this for real? What was that Clow Card, if she was one, capable of? The solid black Sakura let out a laugh, throwing back her head and replied. “That’s a bad choice, Syaoran. You’ll die doing that.?She said slyly. Syaoran bowed his head, and Sakura saw a tear fall down to the white floor. Then, he thrust it up again, eyes narrowed in determination.

“Then I’ll die, so that you won’t.?he said. Quickly, another black shining ball of energy flew towards him at such a fast pace, Sakura hardly saw it, and something was moving her away from Syaoran quickly. Sakura reached out her hand, longing to push him out of the way, but she saw it hit him. And he flew even farther away…and didn’t get up again.

“Syaoran, no!?she screamed.

Eriol felt warmth shine down on his face, but he couldn’t open his eyes for some reason. It started to get hotter, until it burned, and he forced his eyes open. He winced, as the hotness suddenly disappeared, leaving a burning sensation on his face. He rubbed his cheek and sat upright. What just happened with Treachery? What had she done to him? He looked around, scanning the area. Nothing was there at all. The others weren’t with him, either they were all separated, or he was just separated, but all in all, they weren’t there to help him and vice versa. Then, something materialized in front of his eyes, something that resembled…a bed. A hospital bed. And on that hospital bed, was someone, though he couldn’t see whom. He prevented himself from running to find out; knowing that this could be dangerous. You can never be too sure in a place you don’t know. For all the information he had at this point, he might as well not be on earth, let alone in a place he knew. But then he had to take chances.

He got up slowly, and walked calmly to the bed. He gasped at the sight. The person seemed to be extremely upset, and was covering his or her face with her blanket so that no one could see. He looked around. All the instruments and life sustaining materials were arranged around her, and saw a few tubes extending down under the blanket, where she was. Whoever this person was, he or she was in serious condition, and from his point of view, it didn’t look too good. He walked over to the bedpost, and stared at the paper clipped at the clipboard there. He must have read wrong, he thought, that couldn’t be what I think it is! But the words were large and clear, in big black ink letters. Tomoyo Daidouji. He blinked his eyes, hoping to find that when he opened them again, the words would disappear and change into something else. But it remained the same, no matter how many times it blinked.

Quietly, the fifteen-year-old boy walked up to the head of the bed, and placed his hands on the blanket. He took a deep breath and pulled it away, closing his eyes, hoping, please be another Tomoyo…please not my Tomoyo. He heard a gasp and he opened his eyes, looking down. He fell to his knees and then sat down on the floor. It was her…the Tomoyo who had enjoyed making videos of her Cardcaptor friend, the Tomoyo he hadn’t seen for so long…the one he would always get funny feelings inside when he was near her. This was the Tomoyo he knew, the one that was now lying on that bed, on the brink of death. He heard a rustle in the bed, and then a muffled cry. Immediately, he stood up and looked down at her face.

It was smiling up at him. She raised her hand and touched his, sending a shiver down his spine and causing him to freeze, eyes wide. He managed to smile back at him. “Why didn’t you come back for so long, to visit us again, Eriol??she asked weakly, a sad expression coming over her pretty features. Nothing came out of his mouth, he couldn’t think of anything to say. She smiled again. “You probably didn’t have time to visit the likes of us anymore, right Eriol??she said sadly.

“No! I…was studying and didn’t have time…it has nothing to do with you!?he answered, finally able to force something through his throat. “Definitely not you, Tomoyo.?He added, in barely a whisper. She smiled.

“What did you say?? Eriol shook his head.

“Nothing.?He replied. Then, her hand went limp. And her eyes grew emotionless, skin grew pale. And Eriol heard the loud constant beep of the machine that measured her heartbeat, and he knew what had just happened. He held Tomoyo’s hand in his, it was so cold?Tomoyo!?

“Syaoran, please wake up. Syaoran…please??someone said, though Syaoran couldn’t open his eyes, he felt too weak, and his eyelids were too heavy. Someone was holding his head and stroking his face, and that someone was crying, because he felt the tears fall on his cheek. And her voice seemed so distressed. He forced his eyes open weakly, barely able to keep them from closing again, and he stared up. His vision was blurry for a second, but he saw someone with emerald eyes. She smiled, he knew that. “Syaoran, you’re awake, how do you feel?? He opened his mouth to answer, but his words came out as whispers.

“Not good.?He replied. As his sight focused, his eyes widened. The girl was Sakura! He sat upright, propping his body up with his hands, and looked around. They seemed to be in a cave, much like the one the Erase had been in. “Where am I??he said, his voice becoming more cloud. Suddenly, he felt Sakura lay her head on his shoulder, her hands on his back. He froze…a little bit…sudden. She smiled at him.

“You know. We’re in a cave, because we’ve been separated from the others when the Treachery did something to us. But at least I’m with you? she said, cuddling closer. He couldn’t utter a word, but his shoulder eased. “Don’t worry, Syaoran, we’ll find them.?she reassured. Syaoran wondered. If Treachery did something to him, then how would he know what was real and what wasn’t, I mean, this was Treachery. Traitors, this Sakura, might not even be Sakura at all…though he liked the closeness.

“Are you…the real Sakura??he asked. He knew it was a stupid question, but he could think of nothing else. She giggled and wrapped her arms around him, causing his eyes to widen.

“Of course I am. Are you the real Syaoran??she said jokingly. Syaoran managed to nod. He then pulled away from this Sakura’s embrace, eyes narrowed.

“You’re not the real Sakura.?He said. She cocked her head innocently. “The real Sakura was mad with me, and she…she said she hated me.?

“But you said sorry, and I forgave you.?

“She wasn’t talking to me. She was probably talking to someone else. You’re not the real Sakura!?he yelled, getting up, heading for the opening. She put her hand on his shoulder; he turned back to her. “What do you want??he asked. She shook her head placed her hand on his face.

“I’m the real Sakura.?

“I don’t believe you.? She then pulled closer to him and whispered in his ear.

“Do you hate me?? He didn’t answer. “I…hate…you…too…Syaoran.?She whispered, then she pulled away, and slapped his face. Syaoran’s face turned to the side, where it stayed. He then faced her, eyes narrowed. He felt something come over him, something take over his body, and something forcing him to grab his sword, which was conviently placed nearby, and thrust it through her. She looked down at the sword, smiled and looked back at him. “I hate you.?She said simply, and she fell limp onto the ground, leaving a shocked Syaoran with a bloody sword in his hands. The feeling that had taken over him left, and he dropped the sword and fell to his knees. He moved over to the bleeding girl’s side, where he narrowed his eyes, full of tears.

“Don’t hate me.?

“Takashi…the sounds…they stopped…and the rumbling too…I wonder if Sakura and the others are okay??Chiharu asked, gripping tightly onto Takashi’s hand. He nodded, looking out the window. Nothing was there anymore. His friends were gone, and the farmers had gone back to what they were doing before the fight. The fires had been put out, and all violence had ceased, but he saw no sign of Sakura, Syaoran, Eriol or Tomoyo, as if they disappeared. Instead, a little girl with a torn dress sat in the highest branch of a bare tree, swinging her legs in the air, holding something he couldn’t see. Takashi pointed to her.

“Chiharu, who’s that??he asked. She turned and shook her head.

“I don’t know.?

“I’m so scared, what if something swallowed them up, like the ghost in Takashi’s story? Rika said, clutching her pillow close, worried. Chiharu turned to her and put her hand on her friend’s shoulder.

“Takashi’s stories aren’t true, they never are!?she reassured.

“Hey, didn’t I say that sometimes they are??Takashi defended. Chiharu smiled.

“And you expect me to believe you?? Rika eyed them both and smirked.

“So you were talking about each other??she asked. They both turned to her and their faces turned pink. “Well, it’s obvious?

“Rika!?they both yelled at the same time.

Treachery clutched a silver and gold diamond to her heart, tears lining her dark blue eyes. She narrowed them and stared out into the distance, at the mountains and the sunrise. It was so beautiful when you looked from afar, but the sun is deadly when you get too close to it, she thought. Just like father. And that’s why he made me the Treachery, because that was what he specialized in. Don’t worry, father, I’ll get my revenge on you, and you’ll curse the day I was born. Because you did this to me and my brother, you did this to your little Trina and Teren, I’ll get you back. I’m sure that he’s doing the same thing too, somewhere on this planet.

“They will be waking up soon.?She said to herself. “And by then they’ll know never to cross me. Though I wish they wouldn’t…Teren always has to foil my plans, even though father did this to him too. By the time they wake up, they’ll be totally different, unable to work together because of their fears of treachery. And then, Cardcaptors or not, I’ll use them to help me find father.?She held the diamond so hard it bent under her fingers?pressure. “I’ll destroy him.?

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