FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Author Notes: Yeah, so I’ve forgot a few days. I don’t own Card Captor Sakura! (Actually, I would have settled with just owning Syaoran) They belong to Clamp and everyone else who has enough mula to pay for it! Which I don’t! Don’t sue me! I use all my money on getting anime, and right now…I’m saving up to get that Fushigi Yuugi box set…hehe?

Audience: Will you ever get enough?

Me: Never, give it up!!!! HAHAHAHAH!!

Hold Me Through ?Chapter 5 / Shotoku

Sakura snapped awake, tears in her eyes, and looked frantically around for Syaoran. She saw him lying there, beside her, just like…just like…what she had just seen. Was he dead? No, she could see him breathing. She sighed a breath of relief. He was just temporarily sleeping. Scanning around, she noticed that Eriol and Tomoyo were asleep too. But…where was that little girl? Where was the Treachery? The sad-looking Clow Card, if she was one, was no where to be seen. Where had she gone off to? Something tapped her on the shoulder, but she didn’t dare turn to see who it was, just in case it was the Treachery. She pretended she didn’t feel again. The thing…of whatever was in back of her, tapped her shoulder again, this time calling her name.

“Card Mistress??a gentle boy’s voice called out. This couldn’t be the Treachery, could it, it was a boy! But then again, her name was the Treachery…Sakura took a chance, she stood up, and faced the boy. She glared at him, but he didn’t seem to notice. He had short dark and shiny green hair, slightly parted at one side above his dark blue eyes. He had a blue ribbon tied across his forehead. He looked nice enough. He was dressed differently though. He wore a dark blue shirt with short sleeves under a light green tunic, tied around his waist with a band that’s ends swayed freely in the air. He had brown boots that went up under his knee and dark blue pants, covered halfway by his boots. Around his forearms was a green cloth, wrapped up until they met the elbows. Sakura stared at him, he looked like he was ready for a battle anytime…but no weapon? Her eyes narrowed.

“Are you Treachery?? The boy’s eyes seemed to glimmer with a sense of familiarity, but it disappeared quickly. He took a step back and bowed slightly.

“No. Card Mistress, I am…you…can call me Shotoku.? He looked up at her. He was obviously younger than her, probably about fourteen. She cocked her head. “I am not here to hurt you and your friends…or boyfriends.?He muttered the last part under his breath, smirking and standing up, arms crossed.

“What did you say??

“Nothing. I am here to help you defeat the Treachery.? Then, a groan came from Syaoran, who opened his eyes slowly, looking around. When he caught sight of Sakura, standing up…with no hole through the middle, he sighed a breath of relief. Just a dream…right? He sat up, and stared at the newcomer, with a hint of jealously. The boy saw the glint in Syaoran’s eyes, and stepped two steps away from Sakura, not wanting to start a fight. A whizzing sound filled the air. All three looked up and saw a sharp looking saber flying through the air, the sharp point headed straight for Teren’s head. Sakura and Syaoran’s eyes widened as they stared at the thrower of the weapon.

“Treachery? Syaoran muttered. Indeed, there she stood on a tree branch, hair flying in the wind, arms at her side, eyes narrowed. The flying saber was getting dangerously close. Just as it was about to hit, a blue bubble seemed to enclose the boy, creating a shield. The sword bounced off the blue material and clattered uselessly to the floor. The shield immediately disappeared. Shotoku turned around, to face the little girl. His eyes narrowed.

“Long time no see, Treachery. I see someone has been playing dangerous games lately.?He teased, looking down at the saber which disappeared in front of his eyes. Sakura and Syaoran stared at him, confused. The little girl frowned.

“I could say the same thing lately.?

“Why are you trying to hurt me??he asked.

“Because you hurt me!?she yelled. The boy nodded knowingly.

“And I suppose that’s a good enough reason to pent out your anger on others??the girl did not respond. He glared at her. “You don’t get everything you want in one life, little girl! Because someone yelled at you, or disagreed with you, doesn’t mean they hurt you! They’re teaching you! No wonder you’re still as blunt as before, you’ve never let anyone teach you!?he yelled. The words struck her like a dagger, and she fell to her knees on the branch, before sitting down. She covered her face with her hands, and started to weep. Sakura made a move to go up to her and comfort her. “Don’t.?Shotoku ordered. She made no move. He let the girl cry. Soon, he spoke up again. “It’s time for you to return, Treachery.? Her head snapped up.

“I’ll never come back into that prison! You’ll have to kill me first!?

“That can be easily arranged!?he called back up, startling her. His body started glowing with a strange green aura. Sakura looked to her right and heard a moan. Eriol was waking up. She walked up him and looked down. He opened his eyes wearily. He stared at Tomoyo, and seeing that she was asleep, turned his head. He looked at the boy, dressed in battle clothing. He weakly sat up and pointed.

“Who is that, Sakura?? Sakura turned to the boy.

“He said his name is Shotoku. He’s after the Treachery.?

“But then is he a Cardcaptor too??

“We’re not even sure about the Treachery being a Clow Card, so it’ll be even harder trying to figure out that question, don’t you think?? She was about to walk away, when Eriol stood up and pulled her arm. She turned to him. He looked troubled.

“Did you have any kind of dream…considering…someone…special to you??he asked. Sakura’s eyes widened.

“Did you have them too?? Eriol nodded. “Then Li probably did too. Do you think the Treachery caused them?? Eriol shrugged.

“But I don’t think that I was a target, whether I fell asleep or not. I don’t believe Tomoyo is one either. That would leave you and Li. I believe, you being the Cardcaptors, that you were the targets. Since she said she was a Clow Card, and yet she wasn’t, isn’t there a chance that she could be captured? It’s a very high possibility, isn’t it? And almost every time you’ve captured a card in the past, wasn’t Li there also?? Sakura nodded. Eriol seemed to think.

“So what are you saying?? Eriol shook his head.

“Uh…nothing.? Sakura walked away. “You’ll have to figure it out yourself, Card Mistress.?He muttered, before walking towards the action. The boy now had a thick metal wire encircling him, and he looked up menacingly. Treachery took a step back, but there was no branch there. For a moment, Sakura thought she was going to fall. But when she landed on noting but air, she stayed there, floating. Sakura let out a breath of relief. At least the little girl wasn’t going to fall and get herself hurt. He raised his hand upwards, palm facing the sky. One end of the wire followed his hand, facing up as well. He thrust his hand in the direction of the Treachery and yelled a command.

“Go!?The wire immediately followed, aiming straight at the little girl. Just as it was about to strike her, she jumped away, landing on nothing but air, still floating. The wire went after her wherever she jumped, until an idea popped in her head. She jumped behind Shotoku, knowing that the wire would try the easiest route to get to her, right through its master. Shotoku smirked. “You’re not as blunt as I thought, Treachery. But you can’t get through it that easily. He stepped to the side quickly, and the wire continued its chase. She started to jump again, and again, until she ran out of energy. She collapsed on the ground, and the wire proceeded, wrapping itself around her fallen body. Shotoku walked over to where she lay and looked down at her face. “If you don’t learn, you’ll never win.?He told her. She smirked.

“That’s what you think. You know you can’t catch me this easily, don’t you?? Shotoku nodded. She disappeared in thin air from her binds, and reappeared in front of Sakura. She faced the girl. Sakura took a step back. “You think that I’ll stop this easily, Shotoku? They haven’t had enough, soon everyone will know, with their help, not to hurt me.? she turned to Shotoku. “Including you.? She thrust her hand up in the air, and the same light surrounded them. Sakura once again felt herself fall to the ground, and two others as well, Eriol and Syaoran. But she wondered why the newcomer hadn’t fallen yet. She heard his voice in the distance. “Father won’t be happy with this you know.?

“So? He hurt me like you did.? Then, Sakura blacked out.

The nightmare was repeating itself. And it was just as painful as before. Syaoran felt the slap to his face, and he tried to keep the force from controlling him. “You can’t make me do it, you can’t make me kill Sakura!?he whispered violently, as he fought back with all his strength at the force. Strangely, the force replied him, but the voice was too familiar for him not to notice.

“Yes you do. You’ll kill her, because she hates you. You’ll never get the feelings you have returned, you’re the most hateful person in the world to her!?Treachery’s voice replied. Her strength was slowly controlling him, first his feet were moving, slowly taking the step towards the Sakura that had just slapped him. Then, his head was slowly forced up, to look at the Sakura. Then, his hand was forced open to reach for the sword lying near by, and the other hand to grasp it. The blade came closer to Sakura’s middle, and she stared at him with hate. The slap still burned on his cheek, but he wouldn’t do it. Treachery was forcing him to. Treachery.

“I won’t do it!?

“You have to, theres nothing you can do about it.?Treachery replied. Sakura’s voice echoed in his mind.

“I hate you too, Li Syaoran!? He shut his eyes tight to stop the tears from flowing, and the blade was getting slowly closer and closer to Sakura’s stomach, though he still fought back. But his arms were getting tired, and he couldn’t keep this up much longer. He hoped that this would be over before he was able to stick the weapon through her, before he could kill her.

Suddenly, a strange sounding flute song came over. This wasn’t part of the other dream, he noticed. It played a soft and sad melody, and the force pushing on Syaoran’s limbs became weaker and weaker. Syaoran threw the sword aside, but what remained of the Treachery’s force kept urging him to take it back into his hands again. The song became louder and clearer, the haunting melody seemed to destroy the force on the Cardcaptor, until Syaoran collapsed on his knees, tired and weak from fighting the force. He looked up, Sakura was still standing there, frozen, like the moment he was about to force the sword through. There was no injury, though, and she stayed in the same position. The melody still played.

This was all just an illusion, everything before was an illusion! Caused by Treachery! The ideas finally dawned upon him. Who was playing the flute…who had helped him?

Syaoran quickly opened his eyes, as did Sakura and Eriol. The song was still playing, softly, and beautifully. They sat up, and looked at each other with disbelieving eyes, each knowing that what they had experienced before was not a dream, just merely an illusion caused by the whims of the Treachery. They saw her, on her knees, shaking violently, her hands covering her ears from the song. And behind her, stood Shotoku, a wooden flute against his ears, his eyes closed, playing the song.

Why hadn’t Shotoku fallen asleep, Eriol wondered? Was it because he had had contact with the Treachery before, and was used to her spells? Or perhaps he was just immune to them? And how did he know how to break them free from the spell. Eriol knew that Shotoku wasn’t just some boy who happened to walk by and want to help, there was something about him, something he had found when he had looked into the younger boy’s eyes, something he saw in Treachery’s ?sorrow and regret. Yet they were so different, who was Shotoku, really?

Shotoku kept on playing, until he decided that the little girl had had enough. He stopped and the flute disappeared in his hands, much to the astonishment of Sakura and Company. He looked down accusingly at the little girl, who stared back up at him. “Have you had enough?? She didn’t reply. Instead, she vanished in thin air, leaving only Sakura, Eriol, Syaoran, Shotoku and an asleep Tomoyo present. Tomoyo…the idea struck Sakura instantly. She rushed to her friend’s side and shook her slightly. Her eyes didn’t open. Sakura heard Shotoku walk near. “She won’t wake up. She didn’t have anything to do with Clow, so therefore the illusion sleep had a different effect on her. The only way she’ll wake up is if Treachery is destroyed, or she wishes it so, which has an even less possibility.? Sakura got tears in her eyes.

“So if we don’t do one or another, she’ll sleep until she dies?? Shotoku nodded.

“It’s as if she’s in a coma.? Syaoran kneeled next to her and put his hand on her shoulder, reassuring her. Eriol kneeled down across from Sakura, head held low to hide the tears that were quickly forming in his eyes behind his glasses. A voice echoed in the distance.

“That’s right, Shotoku, and unfortunately, you won’t get to do either of those choices, and she’ll die just like your family did.?Treachery’s voice boomed. Sakura, Syaoran and Eriol stared up at him.

“She…killed your family??Syaoran asked quietly. Shotoku didn’t respond, his head was turned away and his eyes were narrowed.

“And I killed hers.?

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