FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Hopes and Dreams Can Become Reality

Disclaimer: I don't own Cardcaptors or anything involving it. So please
don't sue

" " means someone is talking
() means someone is thinking
~~ means different setting

Author's Note: This occurred a year after Sakura captured the final Clow
Also in this fanfic Eriol coming to Japan never happened.

~Sakura's House~

"Wake up Sakura. You are going to be late for school again." Sakura slowly
her eyes and let out a small scream because as she opened her eyes their was a
yellow animal right in her face. "Kero why did you do that?" said Sakura
who look
like she was about to straggle Kero.

"You weren't waking up so I decided that I had to give a little scare to
wake you up.
And it seemed that it worked." replied Kero as he was flying to the TV so he
can be
his video games. Sakura was now at her closet to get her school uniform when
said "You didn't have to stick your face right at me."

"Okay I am sorry." said Kero. "By the way what was your dream about? It
had to
be good since you have a huge smile on your face."

"Hoe?" said Sakura to Kero's question. She blushed then said it was nothing
special. Why did I even dream about him? mumbled Sakura. "What did you say
Sakura?" ask Kero who was paying more attention to his video game then
little comment. "It was nothing." Sakura quickly answered. "I have to
hurry or I
am going to be late for school so I see you later Kero."

"Okay, bye Sakura." said Kero while he was still playing his video game.

As Sakura was rollerblading to school she was asking herself about the dream
had. (We did I dream of that boy? The boy with those amber eyes.) She
really any answers but as she remember the dream a unknown warm feeling came
over her as she know who the boy in her dream was.

{Sakura's Dream}

"You look wonderful to night Sakura." replied the boy. "Thank you Li. You
good as well." said Sakura as she blushed as she looked at Li from head to
"Thanks" said Li as he blushed at Sakura's comment.

~At a beach~

"Thank you Li, I had a good time night." said Sakura as she put her head on
shoulder. "It was no trouble Sakura. I enjoyed it myself." said Li as he
again when Sakura put her head on her shoulder. "Especially since I was with

"What did you say Li?" ask Sakura who was shocked by Li's last comment. "I
that I care for you Sakura." replied Li who was know looking directly into
eyes. "What I am trying to say is that I-I-I love you Sakura. With all my

Sakura was in disbelief about what Li was telling her about. But as she
looked into
his amber eyes she realized that Li truly loved her and that she truly loved

"Oh Li I love you to." said Sakura as she gave Li a hug which Li returned.

"You don't know how long I wanted to say that to you." said Li. Sakura
from her embrace and looked into Li's eyes again and said "What does it
now. All that matters is that we love each other now and nothing will break

They looked into each other's eyes and slowly they leaned forward and gave
other a wonderful and magical kiss.

{End of Sakura's Dream}

Sakura simply shook away the weird feeling and put the dream in the back of
head as she continued on her way to school.

~At School~

"Hey Sakura over her." said Madison as she waved to Sakura. "Hi Madison."
Sakura. As they were walking to class Madison could see that their was
bothering Sakura. "What seems to be the matter Sakura?" "Oh it is nothing
Madison." said Sakura as she was trying to hide her blushing from Madison.

"You can lie to me Sakura. I know their is something on your mind so why not
what it is." said Madison. After refusing awhile longer Sakura gave in and
Madison about the dream she had about Li last night. When Sakura finish
simply said "Wow, that is a interesting dream Sakura." "You are right
Madison but
this is not the first time had a dream like this."

"Oh really?" replied Madison with a little grin. "When did you start to
have this
dreams about you and Li?" "Around the time when we captured The Earthy
That is also when I got this strange feeling and ever since then I get that
feeling when I see Li around. Why do you ask me that?"

"Oh no reason. Well, I see you in class Sakura, I just have to do something
said Madison while she ran down the hall leaving Sakura who just had a
look on her face as she left to go to class.

~In another part of the school~

Li was heading for class but all he was thinking was about that dream he had
involving Sakura. He had started having strong feeling for Sakura after the
card capture but just could not tell her about it. As he was going down the
hall he
heard someone call his name. As he looked up he say that it was Madison.

"What do you want Madison?" Li ask in a somewhat angry tone in his voice.
"Nothing. All I was going to ask is why are you still in Japan and not back
in Hong
Kong? I mean all the Clow Cards are collected and everything is back to
So why did you stayed Japan?"

"Uh...Because...Uh" stammered Li. "Is it because their is someone here that
don't want to leave behind?" ask Madison. "That is um...none of your
um...business." said Li who was now trying to hide his blushing from Madison
she would not know about his feeling about Sakura.

"Come on Li, I can already tell that you have strong feelings for Sakura so
why not
just tell me so I can help you with it." Li was a little shock at Madison's
but decided that he should just tell Madison about his feelings for Sakura.
"Alright I
well tell you. I do care for Sakura. In fact, I have strong feelings for
her for a long
time now." said Li as he was kind of embrace to Madison about this.

"Oh I am happy for you Li." said Madison with huge girn on her face. "What
are you
talking about Madison? What is so good about this?" asked a very confused
"Don't you get it?" Li simple shook his head saying that he didn't
understand. 'Well
if it seemed that you don't know I am not going to tell you. You have to
just finded
out for yourself." Li just gave Madison another confused look. Madison
could see
this but just said. "Come on. We have to get to class." Li just gave up
followed Madison to class.

~In the classroom~

Sakura was sitting in her seat just thinking about the dream when Madison
came in.
"Hay Madison, where were yo-" Sakura stopped when she saw Li right behind
"Oh hi Li. How are you today?" said Sakura who was blushing slightly and
trying to
hide it. "Uh, hi Sakura, I am just um...fine." stammered Li who was also
blushing a
little and was trying to hide it from Sakura. Madison saw both of them
blushing but
she just did a small giggle and went to her seat as well as Li.

Throughout the class both Li and Sakura glanced at each other and made sure
the other wasn't looking at them. Madison saw this as well and just thought
herself (why can these two see that the other cares for the other?) After
both of their friends giving glances for awhile longer Madison came up with a
to get them together.

~After school~

When school ended Sakura was going to ask Madison to come to her house for
awhile since her father and brother were going to be gone for two days but
said she had to do something and she couldn't go. Sakura was a little sad
Madison told Sakura "Why don't you invite Li over to your house?" Sakura was
completely shocked and ask Madison "What do you mean I should invite Li to my
house?" Madison just grinned and to her that it might help here figure out
the dreams she been having. Sakura felt reluctant to ask Li but decided it
would be
nice to do. She went to Li and ask him "Li, I was wondering if you like to
come over
to my house and keep me company since I will be alone for two days." Li just
looked at her in shock for awhile until he realized that it might be a good
opportunity to tell Sakura his feelings to her. "Um, okay Sakura. I will go
to your
house and keep you company." Sakura looked straight at him and said "thank
Li" and gave him a hug. Without even realizing it Li returned her hug.
After a few
seconds both realized what they were doing and separated from each other,
sorry and trying to hide their blushing from the other.

As the two were heading to Sakura's house Madison was hiding and watching them
and thinking that this will help them see the other's true feelings to the

Both Li and Sakura remained quick because they were still embraced about the
little hug. As they were walking Sakura thought to herself (Why did I hug Li
that? Were just friends, I think. But I have to say I did like the hug).
Sakura thinking Li was doing some thinking of his own. (I don't now why I hug
Sakura. I mean I do have feelings for her but I still don't know why I did
that. All
that I know is that I like the hug). Both turned to see the other. When the
saw the other they quickly turned their heads and blushed a deep red.

~At Sakura's house~

When they got to the house Sakura ask if Li wanted to have some cookies and
some tea. Li just simply nodded his head. As Sakura was in the kitchen Li
around the living room and looked as the pictures on the wall. He noticed
pictures of Sakura as she was a little kid. All that Li could think about
was how cute
she was as a little kid. Meanwhile in the kitchen Sakura was waiting for the
tea to
be ready so she looked through the kitchen screen and saw Li looking at some
her pictures as a little kid. She was kind of surprise that Li was actually
looking at
those pictures and couldn't help but notices that Li looked kind of cute from
she was at.

After the tea was done came out with it and some cookies. "I hope you like
the tea
and cookies Li. I made them myself." Li grabbed one of the cookies and took
small bite. After chewing it for awhile he said "Sakura these are the best
cookies I
ever had." Sakura just blush a little pink and said thank you.

As they continued to eat the cookies and drink the tea they talked about the
times when they worked together to capture the Clow Cards. Then out of
Li asked Sakura a question. "Sakura I just want to no something." "What is
it Li?"
Li cleared his throat then continued. "The day you capture The Erase card
and I
was about to disappear. I just want to know why you were so worried about
Sakura nearly choked on the tea she was drinking and was in somewhat of shock
Li's questions.

After she was able to clam down she told Li why she was so worried. "Well
when I
saw you fading away I was worried that I was never going to see you again.
Because the day before we started to become friends and I didn't want you or
of my other friends to be erase."

When she finished she looked towards Li and she saw that Li look somewhat sad
about what she said. "Oh. So that is the reason Sakura." said Li with a
low voice.
"Well I better be going. See ya later Sakura."

Just when Li was leaving Sakura realized that when she was worried about Li
erase by The Erase card wasn't feeling of losing a friend but a losing of
you loved.

Li was out of Sakura's house and was about to head back to his apartment when
heard Sakura calling him back. He turned around and saw Sakura running
him. "What is it Sakura?" ask Li in the same low voice like before.

"Oh Li. I just realized something." said Sakura as she was looking at the
"I realized that the feeling I had when The Erase card was making you
and this feeling I been having lately is...is." "Is what Sakura?" ask Li
who now a
more lifely voice. "The feeling is love. The love I have for you Li."

Sakura finally looked at Li. Their Li could see Sakura's eyes feeled with
tears. As
he looked into her eyes and realized that he didn't just like Sakura. But
that he
loved her."

Li came closer to Sakura and slowly wiped away the tears in her eyes and
himself to Sakura's ear and whispered "Don't try Sakura. I love you to."

Sakura looked as Li with wide eyes and more tears came out. But this time
were tears of joy. The joy that both her and Li loved each other with all
hearts. She noticed as Li lifted his head up she could see that he had tears
in his
eyes as well. As they looked into each other eyes they both leaned towards
other and finally their lips met and they kissed each other which seemed like
entirety until finally broke apart for air.

"I love you Sakura." said Li as he held her in his arms. "I love you to
Li." said
Sakura as she put her head on Li's shoulder. When Li released her he gave her
another passionate kiss as she wrapped her arms around his neck as he wrapped
his arms around her waist. They continued their kiss knowing that they were
kissing their true love.

Not to far away Madison was seeing what was happening and right by her was a
video camera and was saying to herself. "Wait until those two see this

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