FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Horrid Dreams

A fan-fic
By Pink Delight

Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, etc. are 17 and in 11th
grade. All is peaceful until a new transfer student
comes from America. He seems very interested in
<.> Thoughts
"." Speech
{...}            Dreams

Tomoeda, Japan was peaceful this star filled night.
All it's inhabitants were slumbering peacefully.
except for one.

Li Syaoran stood by his window looking at the lights
of the city, but not really seeing them.

<Sakura.greener than green eyes.Sakura.soft auburn
hair.Sakura.won't ever know I love her.Sakura. > His
amber eyes filled with tears.

Stop it Syaoran, you Baka! Stop saying that! Stop
thinking that! Stop! Stop!! Stop!!! You're hurting one
person: Yourself! His inner voice said.

Go to sleep! Now!!!!

<I can't sleep>

But Syaoran went to bed anyway. But he didn't go to
sleep till 1 0'clock in the morning.

At that time Sakura was having a dream.

{"You should marry him. He deserves you." said a boy
with chestnut-colored hair and a strong build.

"Nooo!" screamed Sakura. She didn't know why but she
didn't agree. For some reason he was wrong, very

He smiled sadly "It hurts me to say so but your meant
together. I don't want to ruin your happiness Sakura!"

"You won't! Just don't go! Nooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!" Sakura
screamed as she saw another boy with black hair and
snapping blue eyes push the first one off a cliff
"Good bye Little Wolf! Your Cherry Blossom is mine!
< LITTLE WOLF?! Syaoran?! NOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! > Sakura
ran to the edge of the cliff. "NOOOO!!!! Syaoran!!!!"

But as he fell he only gave her a sad smile and said
"Be happy Sakura. He loves you."

"No! don't leave me! I love you Syaoran! Not him!
YOU!" Sakura was crying now. "No." she whispered. The
boy with black hair and blue eyes laughed.
"I killed the wolf. Now the flower!" he hissed,
advancing on her. "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" Sakura

Sakura woke up drenched in sweat. <No.> she thought.
<Syaoran> "Kero-chan? Are you awake?"


"I had a dream."

"What? About what?"

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