FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Chapter 2- Best Friends

Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, etc. are 17 and in 11th grade. All is peaceful until a new transfer student comes from America. He seems very interested in Sakura…
<…> Thoughts
"…" Speech
{…} Dreams

10 minutes after Sakura entered the class, their teacher, Mr. Silasaki walked in.
"Class, Today we have 3 new transfer students." Mr. Silasaki looked at the door.
"Amy Summers from Jersey City, New Jersey, USA."
A girl stepped through the door. She had waist-length, redish brown hair. Her chocolate brown eyes were currently sparkling with delight. "Hello." she said, softly. One boy whistled. She blushed.
"Darren Kanada, also from Jersey City."
A boy, a little taller than Amy, stepped in. He had short black hair & dark brown eyes. He glared at the boy who whistled. If looks could kill, the poor boy would be long dead. He turned back to the rest of the class, but only when Amy tapped him on the shoulder and coughed.
Darren grinned, a bit sheepishly. "Hi, Everyone."
"And Feras Daisuke, from Tokyo."
Something tugged at Sakura's mind.
An unsmiling boy with long black hair and blue eyes (which shot looks of dislike to Syaoran and Darren, both of which glared back.) stepped through the door. Sakura gasped. <It's the boy from my dream! >
Mr. Silasaki put Amy and Darren next to each other and Feras in the vacant seat far in the back. (A.N: Where he could watch everything… ;-)
<The boy from my dream, How strange…hmm…> Sakura thought. She looked out at the field where the boys were playing Soccer. Darren and Feras were very competitive against each other and very good at this sport. Syaoran watched Feras with disgust from the stairs. Sakura smiled. She walked towards Syaoran. She sat next to him.
"So… How do you like the new kids?" she asked.
Syaoran gritted his teeth. "They're fine."
"Is that so? Well… How'd you like Feras?" She asked, slyly.
"Huh? Oh…him…He's just fi-"
"Yep, SUUUUURRRE" she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "I really believe you."
"He's just an annoying little-", here, he broke off. Amy was leading a clearly winded Darren down the field towards them. Sakura caught Syaoran's eye. "I trust them, not Feras." Syaoran whispered. As Amy and Darren got closer they caught ::cough:: some ::cough:: of their conversation.
"- He thinks he's so cool. That little (Here Darren said a word that made Amy look at him sharply and say "DAR-REN!!!"). He's gonna pay!"
"Give 'em a break, Darren! He's just a boy. And don't curse. It's impolite."
"Please? For me?" She batted her eyelashes at him.
He sighed. "Who can refuse?"
"Well, some people can. You never know."
Darren snorted. "Yeah. They're ether brain dead, really dumb, or extreme space cases. "
"You are SO dead."
"Yeah, I know. That can happen if you get hit by a soccer ball aimed at your stomach at 150 kmh."
"It was not going 150 mph! And I meant I was going to kill you!"
"I know. An' it was goin' 150 kmh."
"You are such a DUMMY!"
"Thank you"
"You're the one who's brain dead."
"Gee, Thanks."
"You are really pushing it now, you know!"
"An' so?"
"Do you want to die a slow and painful death?"
"What? Did I hear right? You want to die? You really are brain dead!"
"I've got some dignity."
"Could've fooled me."
"WOW! I fooled you? I'm really proud of my self!"
"Yes, Ames?"
He shrunk visibly. "H-hai!" He squeaked.
By this time, Darren and Amy had reached them. Amy shot one last glare at Darren, then sat to tend to his injured head and stomach. (A.N: No doubts about the inured head. ::BOOMING VOICE:: DO NOT MESS WITH AMY SUMMERS, BOY!) Tomoyo grinned. How she had gotten there, the small group would never know, but…she was there nonetheless. "Did you two get in an argument?" she asked innocently.
"Oh, no. That was just normal." Darren said nonchalantly.
"Oh REALLY?" yelled Amy.
"Ummmm… yeah. Really…" He said in a small voice. She glowered at him. He flinched under her dark 'do-not-under-any-circumstances-mess-with-me-or-push-me-over-my-limit' look. Sakura smiled. Tomoyo grinned. Syaoran chuckled. "You two are best friends?" he asked.
"Yeah, I guess." said Amy shyly.
"Yep." said Darren, calmly. Amy shot him a strange look.
"How can you say that with such maddening calm? Like it's normal!" she threw up her hands. "BAKA!"
"Am not!"
"Are to!"
"Am NOT!"
"Are TO!"
"Am NOT!"
"Are TO!"
"Am NOT!"
"Are TO!"
"Am NOT!"
"Are TO!"
"Fighting again, O Perfect Couple?"
"You are SO gonna die Diasuke!" yelled Amy. He grinned evilly.
"Am I?" he asked.
"Don't butt in KA-NA-DA!" yelled Feras.
"Why not? It's fun."
"Dare, Yet me handle this." said Amy, with the most killer glare on planet earth. She stepped in front of Feras, her skirt swishing.
"You are the most disgusting creature on the face of the earth."
"Am I?"
"You are on the same level as the dirt that I grind with every step I take."
"You're insulting the dirt!" Amy looked shocked. She took a step back and said, her face turned to the ground beneath her feet, "Oh sorry, Dirt. I didn't mean it. Please forgive me."
"You are-" started Feras, but was cut off when a small, soft hand slapped him across the face so hard that he stumbled backwards and felt he could never remember why he followed this high-strung (Yeah Right!) girl all the way here. He cupped his hand on his cheek. "Why you little…"
"What? Did I hurt you? I didn't -I mean I did mean it. I wouldn't care if someone hurt you so bad that you bleed." she said, hatred filling her voice.
"Or die." added Darren, hopefully.
"Or die." agreed Amy. Darren looked proud of himself. Feras scowled at him.
"Don't think your so smart, Kanada. One day, I'll beat you in everything."
"Oh really? Says who?"
"Says me."
"Who says you count for anything?"
"Why you little-"
"I don't think you count for anything either."
"Amy? You and Darren agreed? That's a miracle."
"Shut up."
"You guys friends this year? What happened? Did I miss something?"
"Now Amy, Calm down."
"With you around, that won't happen."
"I'm honored."
"Thank you."
Here Amy called him something (obviously bad ;-) in her own language. Darren looked shocked (but not at the word ;-). "Ames! Look!"
Amy turned. Mr. Silasaki was walking towards them. Feras slapped Amy before anyone could think. Amy crumpled to the ground. Darren caught her, glaring at Feras.
"You filthy pig!" He spat. He helped Amy up and sprang at Feras. They fought furiously. Mr. Silasaki separated them. Darren was glowering at Feras. His lip was bleeding, but he was otherwise unhurt. Feras, however, was sporting a black eye, several bruises and a bloody nose.
"Now here's a stupid question! Is anything wrong here?" asked Mr. Silasaki.
"Nothin', Sir." Darren said, looking cool without knowing, as he wiped the blood from his lip and glared at his hand as if it betrayed him. Amy hurried to his side. She didn't even appear to know Feras existed. As far as she was concerned, he was invisible. "Are you okay, Dare?" she asked worried.
"Yep. Fine." Amy looked at him sharply.
"Okay, okay. So I might be a little sore-" Amy shot him another look.
"Okay… so I'm hurt a lot more than it looks like." Amy looked pleased, almost. As she touched a gentle hand to Darren's stomach he grimaced.
"Miss Summers, please take Mr. Kanada to the nurse's office."
"Yes, Mr. Silasaki." Amy lead Darren away.
"And someone take Mr. Diasuke to the nurse too."
"I can go myself, sir."
"Then go, Mr. Daisuke."
Feras left. Sakura looked at Syaoran. He was looking as if his birthday had come early.
"What is it?" she asked.
"It's that Feras Daisuke. He got hurt. A lot."
"Li Syaoran!"
"I thought you liked all the new students."
"I never said I liked him, Sakura."
"Oh, I see. You don't?"
Sakura and Tomoyo laughed. Sakura felt something tug painfully at her heart. She gasped and doubled over with pain. "Sakura? Sakura, are you okay?" asked Tomoyo and Syaoran at the same time.
"No, you're not. Sakura, It can't be a card. We caught them all." Syaoran said worried.
Someone snorted. "You think! There are 9 more cards." a male voice said.
"We have 4 of them." said a female voice. "Someone else has 4, and 1 is still roaming around here somewhere." finished another male voice.
Sakura, Syaoran, and Tomoyo turned to look. Sakura gasped. The three figures were…

Cliffhanger! Ha! I've finally got around to doing this stinkin' chapter. Well, I'm burstin' with ideas, so I'll write faster this time. This is the longest chapter so far. Lets all hope I can write faster & longer & better chapters. If I get 2,000,000 e-mails I'll write the next chapter. If not… ::shrug:: Well…
Just kidding! But if I don't get an email or 2, or 10, I will stop writin'! I'm warnin' ya! Here's my new e-mail address:
Write! Now! Oh yeah! I've got a webpage too. Nothin' much but… here's the address:
Go there! NOW! Well…
Pink Delight ~~~*~~~

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