FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks



In The Beginning...Clow created the guardians, the cards, and the...
by Neohowler

Clow Reed walks across his work room, where he created Cerebos and Yue. Stopping infront of his silver cauldron, Clow Reed waves his hands and with a mere focus of his will, the cauldron is filled with a watery glow. Within the light, Clow Reed summons up an image of a young girl with emerald green eyes and honeyed colored hair. He snickers as the girl runs out the door putting on her skates shouting, "Onichan! Matte!"

My beautiful Sakura, Clow Reed says to himself as a smile stretches across his face. Staring at the girl's face, who is now smiling at a tall leen boy with platinum hair, Clow Reed lets out a little laugh as the girl stumbles over the her words trying to say, "Ohayo Yukitosan". Don't worry, my little flower, I'll make sure you're protected from the deadly obstacles of your destiny.

Clow Reed casts a glance over to where Cerebos and Yue were sleeping. He gives them both and affectionate paternal smile. They'll advise you well and I know they'll protect you. However, Clow Reed frowns for a moment as he stares at the girl's green eyes and then returns back to his thoughts. Theres only so much Yue and Cerebos can do for you. You need someone to protect you when you're in danger, to hold you when you're afraid, to support you when you feel like you need to give up, and most of all...to love you when you realize your destiny...

With Clow's last thought, he waves his hand over the cauldron again and the image of the girl disappears. Only to be replaced by the face of a young boy, no older then the girl. His eyes were amber-brown and his chestnut color hair was messy. His face was filled determination and something else that is rarely found within the Li-clan male members. The ability to listen to one's heart.

He'll do, Clow thought to himself some more, then stare back down at the boy's magic. A green aura surrounded the boy. This is odd! Earth magic...where did that come from?

Which was odd, for the Li family. No one has ever been born with the magic of Earth in the Li family before. Only Moon and Darkness has come from the Li-clan. Since the Li keeps almost all of their engagement within the clan, there shouldn't be anyone in the clan with Earth magic. However, there was also something else there that Clow felt. Something that wasn't normal in the boy's magic. The boy had a green aura of the earth magic, that was obvious. There was something...

Clow Reed's eyebrows creased as he tried to think what was so different about the boy, out of the ordinary. He cares, theres a notch up for the Li-clan in my book. He has the Earth magic, thats not odd in the world, but definately a strange enigma of why a member of the Li-clan should have it. So what else am I missing...

Clow suddenly forwards the image of the boy. The boy was in an open field now, he had something in his hand. Clow's attention went to the board that the boy held. It seemed familiar somehow...where has he seen it before? I know I've seen that board before...but where and why does the boy...(a light shoots out of the bored and Clow's eyes suddenly widen as he figures out what the board was)...THE LASIN BOARD!

Clow's eyebrows creased even more, more into thought then worried, as he watches the boy chase after the light that shot out of the board. "I sense the aura of a Clow Card," the boys says as he silent jumps to the top of a building. Suddenly, the image blurs to the a scene where the boy takes out a card and shouts, "Time card, freeze time!" Then another image of the boy appeard before Clow. He was holding a sword. Clow's eyes widened again as he recognized the sword the boy was holding. Thats the sword I made from the stone that the Li elder showed me when I took mother's ashes to the Li-clan. The image changed again, this time the boy was holding the girl with emerald green eyes and honeyed color hair in his hands. "Don't cry unless its and emergency Sakura..." The image quickly vanished. Then suddenly another image arose from the light and the boy was chanting something. "Force, hear my plight, release the light...Lightning.

Clow frowned at the images that he just saw. What do they all mean, are they trying to tell me what I'm not seeing about the boy? Suddenly, like a dammed rivered had just been released, the answer dawned upon Clow Reed to why the boy was so different. The Lasin board, the Time card, the spells the boy used. Clow Reed thought to himself some more. Thinking about the boys's parents...yes...one of them had the Moon magic, the father. The other had the Darkness magic, the mother. Oh dear...this isn't going to be as easy as I originally thought. The boy has more then just the Earth magic, he has the Moon and Darkness.

Clow Reed frowns even more as he realizes the advantages and the consequences to having the pleasure of multiple gifts like the boy. The Earth magic will give him a nurturing heart. He'll care a great deal about others, that explains his difference from the other Li members. The Darkness magic will mean that he is protective and trustworthy and cautious about his decision. He'll be a bright one when it comes to matters of magic. The Moon magic he has will ensure his good judgement of whose good and bad. He'll silently watch over the people he cares about. And the three magic combined, his magic will rival even mine's when he comes to his full potential. Clow Reed sighs as he gets done with the good part of having all these attributes. Clow's shoulder sinks and little and sighs once more, heavily. On the other hand, people with Earth magic tends be independent. Most become hermits and move themselves far away from society. The Darkness magic means that he'll hide his thoughts and emotions to himself. He'll stray away from people whenever he can. The Moon magic will make him be distant, even from the people who cares about him the most. He'll live a hard life and a lonesome one too...

Suddenly, a thought came to Clow's mind. However, he'll only be this way if he doesn't find his match...and with his multiple magic combination of Earth, Darkness, and Moon his matches are... Clow frowns as he strains to find the perfect match for the boy. However, none came to him. Clow logically tried to figure out which magic element was able to go with the boy's. Maybe some with the Fire magic... Fire is an element of the earth...no, fire is not an element of the moon and darkness will only destroy the fire's light...maybe wind...yes... wind is an element of Earth and Moon...no...the wind will get lost within the Darkness and disappear...perhaps Light...light is both element of the Earth and the Moon...no...once again, the Darkness will not allow light to enter...perhaps the Sun magic...yes the Earth loves the sun... no, the Darkness and the Moon will destroy the sun's warm rays...only one left is water. Will water do? Both of them are Earth and Moon elements...no...the Darkness will alter the water's swift and easy course into rapids and chaos...there has to be something that goes with the boy's gifts. But what?!

Clow was getting frustrated. The boy was going to be destined to be alone. He'll never learn what it means to have to love someone. And without that realization, when it comes time for him to go on his mission, he will only care about his mission...he may not even care about...

Clow suddenly remember one of images that he saw. The boy holding the girl, protecting her. Caressing her gently, even though the girl didn't realize it. Perhaps...Clow thought to himself as he brings back the image of the girl. When the image reappeared, Clow stares at the girl's aura. It was a soft pink. Soft, but strong. Considerably strong. A pink aura? The only magic that gives of an aura like that is...the Star magic! Clow blink his eyes in disbelief as he stares at the girl's aura. People with the Star magic are extremely rare. You're chances of finding a living breathing Chimera that can sing and dance were better then finding people with the Star magic...

Then again...you're chances of running into someone with the three combination of magic that cancels out every other magic is just a rare as well... Clow snickered to himself. But I wonder...the Star magic...yes...the Earth embraces the stars and do the star embrace the Earth...the Moon and the stars are always together, with the moon always standing before the stars, protecting them...but what about the darkness...yes...yes...the darkness and the stars as glued as one in the night...this'll do nicely...more then nicely...this is far better then I'd hope for!

Suddenly, a smiled stretched across Clow's face. I wonder if this is all just a big coincidence...its too big of a chance that cases this rare just happen to be the solution to one another's...hmmmm...perhaps I'm not the only one awaiting the birth of these two...

Clow smiled as he turned around and walked to the other side of the room. Slowly, Clow pulled his key and transformed it into a wand. "I better get started on the Clow Cards now," Clow said to himself. Don't worry Sakura...my pretty little daughter Clow smiled. I've chosen your protector for you, however, its up to you and him to decide where the two of you will end up...what else would a father do for the daughter he will have in his next life?


I'm finally done!!! Yeah, so what do you think, I know, its kinda of corny, but i'm think its kinda cool. This is my first fanfic, so I hope you like it. I was hoping to turn it into a series, but one of my friends read it and told me I should just leave like it is and keep people guessing about what will happen. Anyway, I hope you like. Please Email me if you do, my e-mail is LPS_2@yahoo.com. Thankz!

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