FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks



Chapter 2 "The missing part"

A young boy opens his amber eye to receive a new morning in his life and one more day apart from his beloved 'cherry-blossom'. He sits up and stay daydreaming of her again *I need to go back to Japan* thought the young boy.

"Xiao Lang" called a woman from the door; she opened it to peek on her son whether he is awake or still asleep.

"Hai! I'm awake" answer Syaron looking at his mother

"Well, breakfast is ready, you don't wanna miss your training right?"

"Hai, I'll be right there"

The woman left her son alone and closed the door behind her. Then Syaoran stay thinking again of her.
*Wonder what you're doing now Sakura, I miss you so much…so much it hurt deeply…terribly inside my chest*


After the hard training Syaoran was very tired so he went back to his room and again daydreaming, thinking and picturing his 'cherry-blossom' in Tomoeda. How will she look like now? He can't really figure how she look like, but there is one thing for sure that he won't forget…her green emerald eye… the shining bright green eye which was one of the reason he felt in love with her.

He has train very hard all this years just to be ready to lead the Li Clan; he has always wanted to lead the clan since he was old enough to practice magic. Because he is the only man in the family, he is the one chosen to lead the family and clan. But all of his dreams and wishes has been vanished and changed during his two years life in Japan, where he met his first love 'Sakura Kinomoto'. He has been thinking a lot all this seven years about getting back to Japan with his beloved or staying in Hong Kong to lead the Li Clan, but still can't get any decision made yet, and finally he chose the right choice to his life.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FLASH BACK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

There was Syaoran standing in the airport at the age of eleven, looking at the window where planes arrive and depart.

"Syaoran!" shouted the eleven years old Sakura running toward him

*Sakura…* thought Syaoran when he heard someone calling his name, he turn around and saw Sakura running toward him

"So how did you find out?" he asked with a sad expression, even though inside his heart was really happy she came.

"Tomoyo call me" she said exhaustedly

There was a long silence between them, until Wei came and handed a black teddy bear to Syaoran. Sakura look at it and knew for who it was already.

"Is it for me that teddy bear?" asked Sakura with a sweet smile and blushed pink

"Um…" hummed Syaoran nervously with reddish blush on his face and nodded.

The time when they both touch each other hands passing the teddy bear, they blush even more. They look at each other dreamily and time seems to stop for centuries.

"We'll meet again someday right?" asked Sakura before seeing her love leave her. Syaoran nodded with a sweet tender smile on his face and waved his hand to her until is no more visible of the distance.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ END FLASH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It was dinnertime, Syaoran and his family sat on the dinner table, and everyone was eating except Syaron who was like daydreaming of his 'cherry-blossom' in Japan again. His mother saw him and was worry.

"What's wrong Xiao Lang? Is it the food?" asked his mother tapping a hand on his shoulder.

"I want to go back to Japan"

Everyone stop eating and there was silence in the table, and one of his sisters spoke up breaking the silence asking "What? What did you say Xiao Lang?"

"I wanna go back to Japan"

"But why? Why so sudden?" asked another of his sisters

"Because there is a part of me there, I've left it there for seven years, I'm not complete without it, I feel lonely without it and that's it… that hurt more than seven years of hard training" said Syaron like he was about to cry.

"You finally did it my little wolf, you finally free out your suffers and feelings. To tell you the truth… we all have notice your depression since the day you came back, now that you finally said it…tell us what is it about" said Syaoran's mother with a tender smile on her face looking at her son, also the same with his sisters that was waiting for his reply.

Syaoran raised his head to look at his family and tears was about to come out from his amber eye, but he wouldn't let it out, because his mother told him that men doesn't let tears defeat them so easily; that men should be strong even with unhappiness moments. He was surprise that his family care so much about his happiness, because he thought that his family depend on him only to lead the clan and not really care about he being happy or sad.

"It's Sakura…I can't stop thinking about her since the day I came back to Hong Kong…I feel empty without her smile, without her presence everyday in the morning and without her bright green eye that shine like stars in my life" said Syaoran with a terrible anger and sadness, an expression he have never show before.

"The Card Mistress?" asked one his sister
"But you two still have keep in contact all this years, then why…?" asked another of his sisters

"Girls please…!" said Syaoran's mother to her daughters "Xiao Lang…like what your sisters said, you two have keep in contact…then why so sudden miss? Actually I haven't received mail from Japan lately, why?

"That's why I wanna go back…I know that there is something wrong…I need to go back, maybe she is in danger…"

The woman grabs her son by the shoulder and bend down a little to look into his amber eye and said
"I'll prepare everything for your trip back to Japan, I don't know what is happening, but I'm sure no matter what happen, I believe you'll be back with your missing part". After saying all this precious words she kiss his forehead.

"Xie-xie mama" said Syaron with a happy and sweet smile on his face and hug his mother tightly.

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