FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks



Chapter 3 "You're finally back"

~I shall always be with you…~

"Uh?" woke up Sakura, she frown and touch her head
*Why, why the same dream come over and over again? What they are trying to tell me? What is it about?*


It was morning; 11:00 am in the airport of Hong Kong, there stood Syaoran and his family. As normally from an airport there was many people crowded. And there were Syaoran's sisters who couldn't stop whining about their little brother leaving them again. Actually they're just gonna feel lonely without a little brother to bother and tease of. All his sisters were talking at the same time to him.

"Xiao Lang we're gonna miss you" "You need to bring the Card Mistress back with you" "Come back soon and call please" "Remember to bring back our new mei-mei" all his sister was laughing and giggling.

"Ok girls leave your brother lone" interrupt their mother and she held on Syaoran's shoulder "I've already arrange your apartment in Tomoeda close to the school. Remember to bring her with you as my new daughter-in-law" she smiled to Syaron

Syaoran nodded and gave a hug to his mother, and then he gave a hug to each of his sisters.

"Attention please, flight 108 departing from Hong Kong to Tokyo is now boarding" a female voice announce in a loudspeaker.

"Well I'm leaving" said Syaoran waving to his family and entered the gate

"I'll miss him so much" said one of his sisters "Yeah…me too" said another sister

"I know that my little wolf will find his happiness near 'cherry-blossom', but he'll have to pass what his fate is coming" said his mother with a worry expression

In the middle of the class, Sakura was daydreaming again, facing to the window, and distracting herself from everything. Then she felt a powerful aura just for a few seconds. She gasped and looked around trying to find where the powerful energy was providing from, but sense nothing.

*That aura is so familiar* thought Sakura with the same expression that she senses the Clow Card. Beside her was her bet friend Tomoyo, she look at Sakura worriedly and couldn't wait to ask her in a whisper.

"What's wrong Sakura?"

"Nothing…I'll tell you at lun…"

"Kinomoto Sakura" interrupted Terada-sensei (still their homeroom teacher since fourth grade) "What a nice and interesting chat right? Then please come up here to solve this problem on the board"

"Uh…" groaned Sakura nervously (remember ^-^ her worst subject is math) "Ring…" the bell rang as soon as Sakura was about to stand up.

"Well save by the bell Kinomoto-chan, all right prepare for your next class" said Terada-sensei before leaving the classroom.

All the students gather in little group and chat while the next sensei arrives. As usual that never change, Chiharu, Naoko, Rika and Yamasaki joined with Sakura and Tomoyo. Just when they were talking about the bell saving Sakura, Yamasaki popped out and begin his story.

"Did you know that in ancient time…"

"Yeah, yeah. Yeah we all know Yamasaki" said Chiharu pulling him away by his ear to stop his fake story. Everyone sweatdrops seeing this two funny couple. ^-^'


In Lunchtime

Tomoyo pull Sakura to a place where no one can hear their conversation.

"So Sakura-chan what was wrong with you in Terada-sensei class? Is it something with the Clow cards?"

"I… I got an impression of sensing a very familiar and powerful aura…but it was only for a few seconds…I don't remember where I've sense it before"

"Is it a new enemy?"

"I don't know…I'll ask Kero-chan tonight…I hope that it is not another enemy"

Just when they were talking about the Clow cards, a young man with brown hair pass by, but disappear from a building. Sakura turn her face as when she was sensing a Clow card, she senses that aura again, she look around the area.

"What's wrong Sakura-chan?"

Sakura didn't answer her friend and run away to search for the aura. She runs all around the school and finally stop to a place were it was full of cherry blossom trees. She was tire, but could still sense the aura, it was powerful and surely it was close around there. Footsteps were approaching her, so she turn around and look; it was him, the owner of the powerful aura, the tall young man with dark brown hair and amber eye. She was speechless at that moment, her eyes were widely open, but finally she spoke up.

"Who are you? …Is it…is it really you?"

"Yeah…it's me…"

Sakura didn't talk and run as fast as possible to hug him. Then she felt two warm arms wrap around her, it was from him. Time just seems to stop for them in centuries; there was no sound, no noise, just the lovely silence between them two.

Behind this scene, hide Tomoyo with her camera videotaping all the moments. She was very happy and excited for her best friend and almost cried of happiness. But gosh the time really seem to stop because the bell never seem to rang and they both never seem to move a bit.

Sakura cry of happiness on the chest of Syaoran, and whispering very low…
"You're back…you're finally back…Syaoran"

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