FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

                             Dear, Journal

Hey! I've decided that I'm way overdue for a new fic, so here's a one shot! Oh, and due to recent complaints, I've noticed how little people actually read these little notes at the beginning, so I'llput this in bold.

I've only seen the American version of this show!

I went over it and added a few entries, to make it more like the Japanese series, but if my info on certain shows that were not aired in America is off, please don't get mad at me! I'm greatly deprived, ok? Anyway, I hope you like it!



I don’t own Cardcaptors.

Heck, I don’t own anything.

So don’t sue me, I don’t even have money.




Journal entry sequence

[Author’s Notes]



It was raining. Sakura walked along the path anyway. She didn’t know what else to do. She didn’t want to go home, no one was there. She didn’t want to go to Tomoyo’s house, either, for she knew that Tomoyo would just dress her up in her latest outfit. She had wanted to go for a walk, to clear her head, but nature, as everything else, seemed to be against her. She had found out today that Syaoron was leaving. She had cried her eyes out, hidden underneath her blankets, while lying to Kero that she was ok. She bowed her head, tears falling again, at the thought of him leaving. She had realized a long time ago that she loved him, but she still doubted that he loved her back. She lifted her head; glad the raindrops hid her tears. She looked around her, and realized that even her sub-conscious mind longed for him, for she was at his house. The tears started again. She stopped though. She knew that one way or another she would get here, and she knew she was going to go inside. She wiped her eyes, and walked up the steps to the door. She took a deep breath, and knocked on the door. She knew she must have looked horrible, but she had to see him one more time. The door opened, and there he stood. He gasped at the sight before him.

“Sakura! What are you doing out in weather like this? Get in here, let’s get you warmed up, before you catch pneumonia!”

Sakura gladly stepped inside his warm house, still shivering. She watched him as he looked for a towel for her. She smiled. He was so handsome. She would give anything just to be with him.

She sighed as he brought her a towel. She smiled in gratitude, and wrapped it around herself. She dried herself off, but still found herself cold. She blushed looking at herself, realizing how wet her dress was, and transparent for that matter. She looked back up at Syaoron, who was, too, blushing. He cleared his throat, still blushing.

“Do you want to borrow some of my clothes?” He asked quietly.

“Yes, please.” Sakura answered.

He disappeared into one of the rooms, and reappeared a few minutes later with a shirt and a pair of pants. Sakura took them, and smiled lightly.

“Thank you.” She whispered, and walked into the bathroom. She walked back out a few minutes later, wearing the clothes and holding the dress.

“Um, what should I do with this?” She asked him. He smiled.

“I’ll go run it in the drier for a little while.” He said, taking the dress and walking down the hall.

Sakura smiled, and looked around. She felt really awkward, and she was getting tired. Syaoron returned. Sakura looked at him, blushing a bright red, not knowing what to say.

“Sakura, what are you doing here?” Syaoron finally asked. Sakura sighed.

“My dad is on a business trip. Touya went with him. And Kero is at Tomoyo’s because her cook is making something he likes today. I just wanted to be with someone, and I figured since your leaving soon, I’d spend some time with you.” She looked at him hopefully. He smiled.

“Of course, as long as you want to stay here you can.” He said “I’d be damned if I sent you back out in the rain if you didn’t want to leave.”

Sakura smiled. Syaoron gave her a little hug, but was soon interrupted with a rather large yawn. Sakura smiled sheepishly.

“Sorry, I guess the rain took more out of me than I thought.”

Syaoron looked at her knowingly. He knew she had to have been crying, but he didn’t know why.

“Do you want to take a nap?” He asked. Sakura looked at him, surprised.

“You wouldn’t mind?” She asked, unsure.

“Of course I wouldn’t mind.” He said, leading her to the couch. Sakura smiled gratefully.


Syaoron looked at the angel, asleep on his couch. He had no idea how he had come to know such an extravagant beauty, but he was sure that he was glad he had. She smiled, murmuring something in her sleep. She sighed, and started to roll over, but almost fell off of the couch. Syaoron caught just in time. He smiled at the young woman in his arms.

“Someone as beautiful as you deserves better than the couch.” He whispered.

He carried her into his room, and set her on his bed, covering her up with his blankets, careful not to wake her. She smiled, and cuddled up to his pillow. Syaoron smiled.

‘She looks so adorable!’ he thought. He softly stroked her cheek.

‘I have to tell her. I’m going to leave soon, and she would never know how much I love her.'

The thought of it made his heart twist within his chest. He gasped, and a small tear ran down his face. He didn’t know how he could tell her. The thought of rejection was even worse, and he didn't even want to think about the possibility of their friendship shattering. He then realized why he hadn’t told her earlier. But he knew he had to tell her before he left, and he knew if he didn’t, she would never know. He looked past the angel on his bed, to his desk. On it sat the book, the journal, his mother had bought him right before he left for Japan. He smiled, an idea coming to him.


Sakura woke up slowly. She looked around her, not knowing at first were she was. She looked around, and finally realized she was in a bed. She blushed a deep crimson, knowing at once who’s it had to be.

“Glad you finally decided to wake up.” She heard someone say. She turned her head in the direction of the door. Syaoron was leaning on the doorframe. She smiled.

“How long was I out?” She asked drowsily. Syaoron looked at his watch.

“About four hours.” He said. Sakura’s eyes widened.

“Four hours! Wow, I was tired! Hey, how did I…uh….get in your room?” She asked, blushing at the last part.

“You almost fell off of the couch when you wanted to roll over, so I brought you in here.” He said quietly.

“Ok, this is the last one, how long have you been standing there?”

“Not to long. I went from sitting next to the bed, to sitting on the chair on my desk, to standing here.” He said. Sakura smiled.


She yawned, stretching her arms above her head, and flopped back into a laying position. Syaoron chuckled softly at the level of cuteness she was displaying. He slowly walked over to stand next to the bed. He held out his journal.

“Sakura? I want you to read this.” He told her. She looked at him, confused.

“What? But isn’t that…”

“Yes. Just read it, ok?” He asked. She looked up at him, hesitant.

“O…ok, Syaoron. If you want me to.” She took the journal, and opened it to the first page, while Syaoron, unknowingly to Sakura, disappeared into the other room. Sakura started to read the first page.


Oh, brother. I can’t believe I’m actually writing in this thing. My mom bought it before I left. She told me to write my thoughts inside. Oh, brother. Well, I have to do as my mom says. At least no one will read this. I just transferred to Japan to look for the chosen Cardcaptor. The one that was chosen better than me. She (Yes, it’s a girl) isn’t near what I expected. She’s so weak! I decided to see if I could get the cards. She resisted, and did an ok job at it, too, but it wasn’t until her friends came to help that she got away from me. I’m not sure if that means we match in strength, or if that means I’m stronger. I know she is stubborn. Even if she scares easily, she’s very stubborn. She said that she just kind of fell into being what she is. I guess she’s never heard of destiny. I think I’ll have to settle with helping her, instead of fighting her. I wouldn’t want to hurt a defenseless girl, anyway.

Sakura smiled. He always was pretty full of himself. She looked round, trying to find him. He was gone. She furrowed her brow, confused. She sighed, and went back to reading.


I sit behind the Cardcaptor. Today she was telling me that she was new to this again, and that she knew that she wasn’t a master, like some people (Like me, of course) and then she started talking about my robes! I told her that they were the traditional Li family robes. I didn’t tell her that I had to wear them, and that I thought they were completely dorky. Oh, well. They’re not as dorky as the outfit she was wearing. ‘Meow’?

Sakura giggled. She always thought he looked cute in them. But it may have been the battling that he did in them that was cute.


And she caught the Flower card today. Why is there even a Flower card? It's not hard to capture, and in doesn't help in battle. The Cardcaptor was all exited. It's a card that makes Flower petals! She said her name meant 'Cherry Blossoms'. Duh! I'm not stupid!

Sakura smiled. She knew that, she just wanted to impress him. She turned to the next page.


Today I finally caught a card! I take back what I said about Sakura’s outfits. (Oh, I just called her by her name!) Come to find out, she wears different outfits for each capture. And this one was actually kind of cute. I didn’t have any sleeves, either. She looked like a fairy! Nevermind, forget I said anything.

Sakura gasped. She never thought that Syaoron would think something about her was cute. She looked for him again. He still wasn’t there.


I don’t know what’s gotten into me. I helped Sakura capture a card today. And it wasn’t so I could get it for myself, I just helped her. She doesn’t even know I helped, and she thanked a couple of elephants. Elephants! I wonder how she was brought up, to thank a couple of animals when she thinks that they helped her. I’m not even sure why I helped her. She’s just too innocent. I never thought I’d ever see anyone as naive as her. I’m not sure. I think I might be falling for her. No, I’m not. I just think she’s kind of cute, that’s all. Really cute. I’m going to stop now.

Sakura gasped. He said he thought he was falling for her! Sure, he scribbled it out, but he said it! She looked around again, wanting desperately to find him, but still couldn’t. She frowned, and read on, itching to get out of bed and find him, but dead-set on reading the rest of the journal.


Sakura caught another card today. The Erase. I was almost erased. She looked afraid for me. I wonder why.

‘That sure was short.’ Sakura thought.


The summer festival was today. Sakura caught the glow card. That's a pretty useless one, too. Sakura watched it with Yukito. I don't think she knows about the word Careful. It's like she wants people to find out about her. She still doesn't seem to like me. It's not like I want her to, anyway. I like Yukito. I think. No! I don't like anyone!

Sakura giggled. He didn't seem to want to admit anything, even when no one would read it.


Oh, lord. Guess who’s here? You’ll never guess. Of course you won’t, you’re a freakin’ book. Meiling just got here. I say again, oh lord. She’s being competitive with Sakura. I feel sorry for Sakura. It’s a good thing I know that she’s better than Meiling, or I’d have to do something to help her. Poor Meiling, she hasn’t ever been in a contest and lost. Guess she’ll have to find out the feeling sooner or later. I really haven’t written in a while, huh? Well, over the last few months, I’ve come to a decision. I’ve fallen for Sakura. And hard. Very hard. God, she’s beautiful.

Sakura read this. Enough said.


Today she caught the loop card. We were at a marathon run, and Meiling was competing with Sakura, as per usual. The annoying Gaki sprained her ankle, and I carried her to the end of the track. Sakura was actually worried about her. She is so sweet.


This is going to be short. Tonight we caught the 'Song' card. Tomoyo is pretty good at singing, actually. But I still this Sakura could have done better.


I just saw ‘Sakura’ at the mall. But I’m not sure if it’s really her. She knocked over a display of stuffed animals. Ok, I’m sure it’s not her. I’m pretty sure it was a Clow card, but I can’t tell the difference between The Card and the real Sakura. It’s matched her aura exactly. The only thing to give it away is all the bad stuff it’s doing. I’ll have to watch out. If that thing comes NEAR Sakura…


It was a card! It didn’t do anything to Sakura, thank god. Just her brother. I don’t like him, anyway. But seeing her so worried is enough to make me. Well, temporarily. Come to find out it was the Mirror card. A very strong card, actually. She caught it all by herself, too. No help from me! Well, I did lead her to it (which is helpful with my sense of worth.), but she guessed what it was all by herself. Her magic is really getting stronger. I’m still acting like it isn’t, though. She probably hates me. And if she doesn’t, she is very, very weird.


AAH! We got a substitute teacher today, and she most definitely has magic. Sakura didn’t sense it but then again, she sensed the Clow card, and I didn’t. Maybe she can only sense Clow magic. We got caught in The Maze card. I don’t know why Clow Reed ever made that card. I mean, I like green, but yeesh! After a lot of tries to get out, the maze started to shift, and it ended up with Meiling on a completely different plane as Sakura, Tomoyo, and me. We had to go and try to get to her. She is so annoying. We went though a tunnel, and she disappeared. And then she comes around the corner, with the substitute! And she isn’t even surprised! The teacher busted us out of the maze, and then Sakura captured the card. She is getting so good at that.


This is going to be kind of short, I'm really tired. I found out today that Sakura likes Yukito. She thinks I like him, too. Then, after I almost ran off, she got caught in 'The Return' card, which was sapping magical energy for the Holy Tree. I used my Time card and brought her back. That was really scary. She hugged me, and then I fainted. I'm not sure if I blushed or not, I was too exhausted.


And I caught another card today! It should have been Sakura’s, though. She’s just too pure at heart. She wouldn’t capture it because it was helping her friend. She was so sad when she captured it. I feel sorry for her. I think I’ll let it out for a second tomorrow at the track meet. You know, so that girl will know that the little rat is ok. I’m not going to lend it’s magic to her, though. She has to win herself. What kind of a name is ‘Hoppy’?


I let it out today. All she saw was ‘Hoppy’ jumping up at the end of the track. Sakura ran up to me afterwards and asked if I gave her Dash’s strength. I told her that I was surprised she would ever think that I’d do that. She looks so cute in her Cheerleading uniform.


And this time she didn’t capture just one, but TWO Clow cards. My god, she is so beautiful. And smart. Still REALLY naive, but completely cute. I just hope she doesn’t use The Big card again any time soon.


If Kero read this, I will kill him. Yesterday, Kero and I switched bodies. And I will tell you one thing, being a toy SUCKS!!! Especially if your not used to being one. I looked like a complete idiot to Sakura. You know, her room is a pretty good hideout for Kero; She has so many stuffed animals. She is REALLY pretty. Even when she just gets up. Oh, god.


And another one for me. We went to a skating rink today, only to be attacked by the Freeze card. I didn’t even know how to skate. I learned, though. Sakura learns fast, too. I’ve been blushing too much lately. If I didn’t know how dense Sakura could be sometimes, I’d be worried. She is so cute. I love her so much.


Sakura caught one of the strongest cards today. The Firey. You know, for a minute before I found out why she wanted to talk to me, I thought she was flirting with me. Wishful thinking. Sometimes it takes all of my self-control not to just run over to her and kiss her as hard as I can. I hate my self-control.


I rode on The Fly. With Sakura. Oh. My. God. ~Sigh~, sometimes Meiling can act like such a baby. She had accidentally come across The Shot card, and when she found out what she had, she refused to give it to me, or anyone. But I rode on the Fly with Sakura! With her! ~Shivering~, It’s not like I’m afraid of heights; I like heights, but with Sakura...Wow.


It's the beginning of a new school year. Sakura caught another card today. And showed off how much her power has actually grown. She was kinda scary. The teacher came again. I don’t trust her a bit. She’s up to something, I know it.


The voice Card attacked today. It took Tomoyo's voice. Sakura caught it, of course. Not much else to say. Other then: Sakura is THE most beautiful girl in the WORLD, UNIVERSE, and so on. I'll stop now.


The Dream card is weird. We captured the card INSIDE Sakura's dream, and when we woke up it was in my hand. That is so weird. She looked so scared in that dream. She had fainted in the hall when the Dream card hit, too, which really scared me. I hate how weak she makes me.


And day thirteen strikes again. Why did they pick today to make us draw the characters? There's going to be a play at the Literary fest, and I, yes, me, I have to be the princess. And if it isn't bad enough, Sakura is the prince. This is completely whack. Oh, yeah, and today we caught the Sand card. We had worked together, and it acknowledged us both as it's holder. I gave it to Sakura, though. And you know, it hit right when we were practicing for the play. I would say perfect timing, but I was planning on slightly jerking my head, she she caught my lips instead of my cheek. Stupid card.


Today was the fest. I again avoided having Sakura kiss me when, not one, but two, at the SAME TIME, attacked. It was the Light, and Dark. And Sakura, of course, caught them. I'm afraid I'm getting too obsessed with her. Nah, no one can be too in love with Sakura, she's just too sweet.


WOOHOO! Meiling left! Maybe know I won’t be as embarrassed around Sakura. I still can’t believe how much I seem to like her now. She probably doesn’t even like me. She’s just nice to everyone. I doubt that anyone could not like her. She’s just so innocent, and cute! I really love her.


What a new year! Sakura captured the last Clow card, and became mistress of the cards! She really scared me. I take back the bad things I’ve said about that teacher. For the moment, anyway. She helped Sakura in her battle with Yue. If it weren’t for that annoying teacher Sakura might be dead. Oh, lord. She scared me! If she ever even THINKS about doing something like that again, I’ll kill her myself! No, I won’t. But she really scared me. Annoying wench. If I didn’t love her so much I’d have bashed her head in by now. She is so pretty. I wouldn’t bash her head in, maybe just suffocate her. At least that won’t screw with her features. She’s really pretty. I’m going to miss her.


There’s a new kid in our class. The bastered was flirting with Sakura. I hate him. He smiles too much. Ok, back to Sakura! I’m going to stay here for now. There’s no way in hell I’ll leave Sakura alone anywhere with that Bastered. I’ll just stay here until he leaves. Not that I mind.


Ok, now I have a better reason to stay here. The wand won’t work on the Clow cards now, and Sakura has to change them to work on the wand. Tomoyo is calling them ‘Sakura Cards’. Well, she’s deserved the name. I just hope she’s going to be ok. I won’t be writing too much any more, I need to keep a close watch on Sakura; she’s been getting attacked now. That and I’m nearing the end of the journal.


Guess what? Thirteen has officially become a very unlucky number. Well, for Sakura anyway. She tried to confess her feelings to Yukito today. She told me about it. The dumdum said that it wasn’t love, it was just a crush. Or something like that. I would give anything to have Sakura love me! I doubt I’d care if it were real love. Well, yes I would. She was so sad after he did that. I should go find him a kick the crap out of him. How dare he hurt her like that! I hate it when she cries. It makes me want to cry. I really don’t like it when she cries. I hugged her, to try to make her stop. Well, kind of. Poor girl got her heart broken, and I can’t do anything to help. I wonder if she’ll ever love me the way I love her.


We have found the person who has been attacking Sakura! It’s that new kid, Eriol! I never did like him. We found out he did it so the Cards could be changed, because the original (Clow Cards), were almost out of power, and they would be just plain cards if someone didn’t put more power in them soon. I still don’t like him. Did you know he’s going out with that teacher I was talking about? Isn’t she a little old? Just a little?


I cannot believe I did this. I just lied to my mother, telling her I still have to protect Sakura. I’m getting too attached to her. I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to stay. I wish I could stay forever, even if she doesn’t ever know my feelings. Oh, I love her so much. I’m not going to write too much anymore. There’s not much to write about.


I’m still in Japan, surprisingly. I’m not going to be able to keep this up much longer. I bought Sakura a gift for Christmas. I’m not sure why. It’s a picture I asked Tomoyo for. It’s in a frame, of course. It’s pink, with Cherry blossoms all over it, and a sword on the right. I hope she likes it. If I give it to her. It’s getting harder and harder to approach her now. She’s growing up. If I’m not careful, someone might get her before me. Maybe I should just go home. It’s not like she even likes me like that, and there are plenty of guy’s that would kill for her. Even if the list includes me, it doesn’t mean I’m who’ll she’ll pick. I’m depressing myself; I’m going to go.


I know I’m going to have to go soon. There’s no way I’ll be able to dodge my mother any more than I already have. And I still haven’t told Sakura how I feel. I saw some kid ask her out today. I almost ran up and clobbered him. I didn’t, though. I brought this on myself, I’m not going to keep Sakura from doing anything she wants to just because I’m to afraid to tell her how I feel. This is really depressing.


Wow! It’s been over a year, huh? My mother caught on to my bluff. She called at the beginning of this month and figured it all out. She’s giving me six months to do whatever is needed. Come on, it’s been a little over three years, and I still haven’t gotten the most important thing I need to do done, And now I only have six months? I’m really depressed now. Well, the next entry will have to be the last, I’m all out of pages. I’ll have to make it count, huh?


The day after Christmas. I guess this’ll have to be a late present. At this moment Sakura is asleep on my bed. I’m going to give this to her to read, instead of staying in the room for her rejection. Some warrior I am. Who have believed something I thought to be a doorstop at first could have brought me that much closer to the girl I love? Or that much farther. This is my last entry, and I hope with all my heart she reads on to this page, instead of stopping at ‘5/20/97’, or ‘8/14/97’. This entire next part is directed to Sakura. And only her.

Ying Fa,

I cannot say that I love you. For what I feel for you, I have just realized, runs much deeper than love. The feeling put behind the word love compared to my feeling for you is like an Ant compared to an entire Galaxy. But for the reason that I cannot find a word as pure as ‘Love’, I will use that. I love you, Sakura. I love you more than anything. I love you more than my family. I love you more than my friends. I love you more than me, or my life, and I would gladly give it all up if I knew for even a second it would make you happy. I look at you now, and all I see is an angel. If not for my inhuman, unhealthy, unbelievably rapid breathing, then I would think I was in heaven. Just seeing you, touching you, hearing your voice, makes my heartbeat double, triple, quadruple, and so on. There are times when I think I might have a heart attack just looking at you. I will rather kill myself then see you in pain. I hope dearly that you don’t hate me after this. The thought of our friendship breaking, the way it might, is the worst pain imaginable. I ask you not to hate me. I ask you not to like me. I ask you not to love me. I ask only this. Read what I have to say, and believe it, because it is the one and only truth. I love you. I adore you. I worship you. I respect you. I admire you. I love you. I would do anything for you. You need only ask. But whatever you do, don’t tell me that you hate me, that you don’t like me, that you like me, and whatever you do, don’t say that you love me, unless you mean it. My heart has been through too much, after being with you for so long, to be broken at this state. Don’t give any emotion, unless you are ready to face the consequences. I’ve told you something I thought would never be revealed. And I hope that whatever happens, we can at least be friends. Please, whatever you do, don’t feel guilty of not loving me, or of never knowing. As I said, I brought this on myself. Whatever happens now, I will suffer the consequences. I did what I needed to. And there is one thing that you should always remember. Aishiteru, Sakura.

                                                                                                      ~Li Syaoron

Sakura closed the journal. She couldn’t believe it. He loved her! A tear ran down her cheek as she looked at the book in her hands. It was too unbelievable. He was joking or something. He could really love her. He hated her, didn’t he?

“Did you like it?” She heard. Her head shot up.


Syaoron watched as his one and only love finished the journal. Her face was hidden under her hair. He wished to see her expression; as to know what effect the entry might have had on her.

He finally decided to speak.

“Did you like it?” He asked.

Her head shot up, and he could see a tear in her eye. He quickly walked over, and tried to brush the tear away. Sakura flinched under his touch. He frowned, and lowered his head.

“I guess you didn’t."

He sighed. "At least you know now.”

He stood up, turning around so Sakura couldn’t see the tear gliding down his face. He walked to the door, and was about to walk out, when…

“Wait, Syaoron!”

He stopped, almost to the door.  He kept his back turned, afraid for the worst.

“You think my outfits are cute?” She asked. Syaoron allowed himself a tiny smile.


He slowly turned around, eyes on his feet.

“And I’m cute?”

“Mmm-Hmm.” He slowly looked up.

“Even...even in this?” She asked, motioning to the outfit he had let her borrow.

“Even in anything. Especially in my clothes.” He took a step forward.

Sakura giggled.

“And…you... love me?”

“Absolutely.” He took another step forward.


“Yes?” Step forward.

“Aishiteru, Syaoron.”

Syaoron’s head shot up.



Three large steps forward. Syaoron jumped on the bed next to Sakura, and wrapped his arm around her.

“Really?” He nearly whispered.

“Really.” She whispered.

Syaoron let his tiny smile turn into a grin, and kissed her softly on the lips. Sakura pulled back, smiling.

“So. You really love me?"


"Hmmmm. Kiss me."

"I just did."

Sakura smiled.

"That? You don't honestly think that would tide me over? I want a real kiss."

Syaoron grinned.

"Are you sure you could handle one?"

"Just kiss me!"


He pulled her to him, holding her tight, and kissed her hard. She moaned through the kiss, but he just kissed harder, tilting his head and deepening it exponentially. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pushed back, making both of them fall back on the bed. He pulled away, both of them breathing hard. Sakura leaned her head back on the pillow, catching her breath.

"At least now I know what to expect." She said, breathless.

"Hhmmmm. I asked if you could handle it, you said yes."

"That wasn't a kiss. That was you trying to eat my face."

"Do you not want me to do that anymore?"


Syaoron laughed, while Sakura still waited to catch her breath. She pulled herself up to look him in the eye.



“You’d do anything for me, right?”


“Then will you stay?”

“In Japan?”



He pulled her back to him, brushing his lips to hers until she went limp in his arms, gasping for breath once again. He smiled at her, seeing only an angel were she should be.

“I will always stay with you, Sakura.” He whispered.

She smiled.



She held up her pinky finger, smiling. Syaoron laughed, and hooked his to hers, carrying on the tradition of their pinky swears. She kissed him softly, and leaned her head to his chest.

“Thank you, Syaoron.” She whispered.

“Don’t thank me. I didn’t do anything.”

“Yes you did.”


“You fell in love with me.”

Syaoron smiled.

“Aishiteru, Koishii"

Sakura grinned.

“Aishiteru, Syaoron.”

The End


Author’s Notes:

Ok, I’m sorry! Put down those tomatoes! I did a whole bunch of time leaps, I know! And my information might not be quite right, but hey! I tried! I hope you all don’t really hate me, I really did as well as I could, with my oh so small knowledge of the Sakura Card arch, I did what I could. Just in case, here are the translations on the few Japanese words I used.

Japanese words:

Aishiteru – I love you

Gaki – Brat

Koishii – Beloved

Japanese Names:

Ying Fa – Sakura (Actually, 'Ying Fa', is Chinese.)

Tomoyo – Madison

Syaoron – Li

Touya – Tori

Yukito – Julian

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