FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Just One Wish
A CCS fanfiction
Part I
From Hans…

Let's not delay this entire okay? Now, on with the show!

Part I - Tears…
"This can't be true. No. It can't be true…"
Over the horizon, Sakura, a girl once filled with happiness, a girl that, who meets a guy named Syaoran, who loved him, cared for him, and protected him, seemed that she lost absolutely everything at that moment.
It seems that all of her happiness is gone…
"Sakura-chan…" Tomoyo muttered. "We should go now…"
Sakura looks on the sky. It turned dark. It's going to rain…
"Sakura-chan, we should be…" Tomoyo asked Sakura.
"Please, just a bit longer…" Sakura pleaded to her.
"It has been some time… I can remember those memories… I just can't, I just can't…"
She couldn't say anything anymore. She burst into tears as she touched the gravestone with something written on it.
Li Syaoran
"Heart is one's person door to its true emotion."
"Love is the chain that binds two people together."
"Life may end, but love lives forever…"
You will be always be in my heart… Sakura…
"Syaoran… Why? Why do you have to go?"
--== Flashback ==--
"WHAT! You're going back to Hong Kong?" Sakura was shocked.
"I'm so sorry, Sakura. I will leave tomorrow." Li explained.
"But, why so soon? Why now? Why when everything is looking good…"
"Yes, I know but even at first I couldn't believe it. But my parents… they need me right now. I don't know what's the reason that's why I have to…"
Sakura just don't buy Li's explanation. There must be some mistake. Yes, there must be.
"Ah! Maybe it's Mei Ling's doing. She will do anything just to separate us!" Sakura said.
But Li nodded.
"No. She wouldn't do such a thing."
Sakura faced sadness in her heart, she knows that her one true love will leave her and possibly won't return. She feared the worst. She starts to cry.
But Li hugged her tightly, never letting go.
"I'm so sorry that I made you cry. I really wished we could stay forever but I'm afraid that isn't true, but listen to me, we will always be together. I promise that when everything is finished, I will return, to all my friends, and especially, to you."
Sakura wiped her tears and for a moment, she felt happiness in her heart once again.
"Li-kun? You will?" Sakura wondered.
"I will do everything to come back."
"You maybe just lying to me."
"No. I couldn't lie to a girl I love."
Sakura couldn't say a thing. She threw herself to Li and they hugged deeply forgetting other things.
She felt that she was at heaven.
"Oops, time to go." Li blurted.
"Okay, I'll see you later, Li-kun." Sakura said.
"By the way, you can call me Syaoran instead."
The two lovers separated to return home. Sakura felt happiness and sorrow at the same time. She went home wondering if Li will return, and stay with her, and marry her, have children and…
Thinking of those things made her blush.
-= During the Night =-
Kero is just puzzled on Sakura's face. He couldn't decide if she is happy or sad. She just stared at the night sky.
"Umm… Sakura? May I just ask you about that why are you just staring in the sky?"
She didn't respond.
"Hello? Earth to Sakura!"

"Oh no, her brain might have stopped."
Kero picks up a book and tries to hit her in an effort to jumpstart her. But Sakura reacted by stealing the book from him and bonked his head with the book.
"OUCH! Why did you do that!"
"Sorry, I was just thinking about something."
"About what?"
"Sorry, I can't tell you"
"Maybe it's Li isn't it?"
"Ah! You're blushing!"
Sakura kept blushing on what Kero said.
"Well, it's true isn't it?" Kero exclaimed.
"Hey! How did you know that!" Sakura is reluctant.
"Hey! They don't call me the guardian beast Cerberus for nothing!"
"By the way, is there something wrong with Li?"
"Well, it's a long story."
"Don't worry. I have the time."
Sakura explained to Kero what happened during that afternoon with Li. After telling the story, her eyes are starting to water.
"Thanks for listening, Kero-chan." Sakura wiped her tears.
"Aside from being the guardian beast, I am also your friend, so you can count on me!"
"So, he's leaving huh?"
"Yeah. I guess."
"Well, you don't have to worry about that. I'm sure that he will fulfil that promise. He wouldn't just lie like that because if he does, he's gonna get it!"
"Let's not get violent okay!"
As Sakura and Kero went to bed, Sakura is still thinking about Li.
"Syaoran, I love you." Sakura whispered to herself.
And she went to bed.
-= The Next Day =-
As the plane that headed to Hong Kong announced it's last call, Sakura, Li, Tomoyo, Kero and Mei Ling met together before the check-in counter.
"Finally, Li and I are heading back to Hong Kong. We are alone there and…" Mei Ling said.
Just then, Sakura bolted to her and…
"Do what?"
"Oh, it's nothing, it's nothing."
Just as the two are starting to square off, he quickly got between to them.
"Let's not fight now okay?"
"Sure." Both of them said.
Tomoyo is behind them recording everything…
"Oh, It's so good to see them, but I felt sad that Li is leaving Sakura. That's not just right."
" Flight HK362 is due to depart in 30 minutes. May I ask the passengers to check-in in the counter before departure."
"Oh, there's no time." Li said.
"Syaoran-kun…" Sakura whispered.
"Well, time to get going." Mei Ling said. "See you guys later."
Mei Ling went first, Li however wants to spend some time with Sakura.
"Sakura, its time."
"I know. But I want to ask you again. Will you return?"
"Of course. Even you didn't say that I will go back here as soon as possible."
The two hugged each other tightly, never letting go.
"Yes dear."
"I… I…"
"I love you, Syaoran."
Sakura closed her eyes as she prepared to kiss Li. At first he seemed reluctant to do this at a public place but he didn't mind. He wants to be with her. And the time is now.
"I love you too, Sakura."
The two kissed deeply. Forgetting about everything at that moment. She felt the warmth of Li's body filling her with happiness and love.
She hasn't felt this good in years.
As the two exchanged their love, Tomoyo, along with Kero, records everything.
"How sweet, yet sad…" Tomoyo shed a tear.
As the plane took off, Sakura stood on the terminal to glimpse the plane one last time.
"Let's go home, Sakura-chan." Tomoyo whispered.
"Yeah, I guess so."
"Syaoran, I'll wait for you…"
--== End of Flashback ==--
The rain is pouring down, yet Sakura won't leave. It has been a year since the most crushing moment in her life occurred, and even at that time, she don't want to remember those things.
"Sakura-chan, let's go."
"Syaoran, I'll visit you again okay?"
As the two walked on the street that once grew cherry blossom trees, now they are all withered just like Sakura.
Tomoyo is hurt as she sees Sakura now.
"Those moments, why those moments have to come to us?"
-= Li's Point of View =-
"Sakura… why is she sad? Did I do something to crush her heart?"
Li found himself floating somewhere, like space. And yet he couldn't move a muscle.
"Why am I here? I don't remember a thing. Help me Sakura."
Suddenly, images appear in front of him. At first all of them are blurred, but one of them appeared clear. Li took a look.
"Is… that me?"
--== Flashback ==--
"It took almost forever for this event to occur but now there's no turning back."
Li packs his things as he prepared to leave. He has gotten permission from his parents to stay in Japan, still staying at his apartment there.
To him, it was a blessing he was waiting for.
"Sakura, now my promise will be fulfilled."
He waves goodbye to his parents as he goes to the airport. However, there is a girl blocking his way.
It was Mei Ling. And she wasn't happy.
"Li, Why? Why do want to go to Japan? Is your family not important to you anymore?"
"No, I have my own will and they respected my decision. It's my destiny."
"Is it all because of her? You will give up everything?"
"If it takes all of my valuables to be with her then so be it."
"Is she… that important to you?
"Sakura is my love, she is pure and gentle with a good heart. It is hard to find such a girl today. Even at first we were rivals I started to realize that there is something I feel when we meet, that feeling grew stronger when we became friends. Finally that feeling that I have with her is love. She feels the same way as I do. We love each other so much that, we can give up everything we have just to be together. I just can't lose her."
Mei Ling just couldn't believe what just Li said. Is Sakura more valuable than anything else? She tried to fight back.
"What about me? I am your girlfriend for these past years and you will just replace me with some other girl? What does she have that I don't? What?"
"Only one thing, she cares for me deeply."
Mei Ling couldn't say anything. She knows that Li's heart is for Sakura. She fell to the ground crying.
"I beg you… please don't leave me…"
Li didn't even look at her. He simply walked away. Mei Ling couldn't do anything but to cry.
"I'm sorry. But you have to find another man in your life. You don't deserve me."
As soon he said those words, he left her, crying.
Meanwhile, Sakura got up in bed. Time to go to school.
"Syaoran, It's going to be a beautiful day today!"
Kero just looks stunned at her, for the last two years, all she thinks is Li, during at school, at home, while eating and even at sleep. Since the day Li left, she is counting, counting the days away until he returns.
"Umm… I think you should go now. Look at the time." Kero said.
She quickly dressed up. And heads down to have breakfast.
"Morning to all!"
"Oh, good morning squirt."
Touya, Sakura's older brother is at it again. Teasing her every morning. Normally, she will beat the crap out of him but…
"You… you… monster!"
She sees Li's happy face, because of this she quickly lost her anger.
"Okay, I forgive you."
He couldn't believe what just came out of Sakura's mouth.
Sakura quickly ate breakfast, strapped her rollerblades and head to the door.
"I'm going now, see you later!"
"Huh? What was that all about?" Touya thinks to himself.
"Oh, the trees are just beautiful."
Sakura sees the beautiful cherry blossom trees as she strolls by. It is a start of another good day.
She just made it in time before the school has its opening ceremony started.
"Whew, I made it in time."
As she went to class, she met up with Tomoyo.
"Good morning, Tomoyo-chan."
"Oh, good morning to you too, Sakura-chan."
"Isn't this day great?"
"Yes, I feel like it's going to be."
The two continued their class as usual; not knowing the fact that someone's waiting for them.
As the two are having lunch, they talked about something that they hadn't talking about for sometime, Li.
"So, how long is it?" Tomoyo asked.
"How long what?"
"You know… Li?"
"Oh, I guess it has been around two years when he left me…"
"Left you? Why is he going to do something like that? You like him and he likes you."
"Maybe he found some other girl and forgotten about me…"
Sakura's tears are starting to roll down to her cheeks. The pain and bitterness of leaving her still haunts her.
Tomoyo however, wiped her tears away and hugged her. She couldn't take to see her best friend suffer like that.
"Sakura-chan, Li-kun loves you and he will carry that while he's in Hong Kong. He just won't let go to a girl he deeply loves. You are special to him. Believe me, he will return to us someday…"
"I'm your friend, not just a friend but a best friend. I know what's best for you. Believing that he will return is the best thing you can do."
"Thank you… you know what's best for me…"
Sakura's tears stopped. Thanks to Tomoyo, she can wait, no matter how long for Li to return.
After the classes ended, the two went home together then…
"Sakura… Sakura…"
"Huh? Tomoyo-chan, did you hear something?"
"Hear what?"
"Someone, someone's talking to me."
"Who… who are you?"
"Sakura… it has been time, the airport, the airport…"
Then the voice disappeared.
"What did he say to you?"
"He said something about the airport, it means something. Oh no!"
"Sakura-chan, what's wrong?"
"Sorry, I gotta go!"
"WAIT! I'm coming too."
"That someone… that someone is… Syaoran!"
The two hurried at the airport. Li may be coming.
At the arrival section, the two anxiously waited.
"Sakura-chan, who are we waiting for?"

Minutes turned to hours, but to Sakura, those minutes seemed like years to her.
"Why he hasn't come out yet? The flight says that it has landed an hour ago." Tomoyo asked herself.

Four hours passed.
"Sakura-chan, maybe the thing said to you is just an illusion or something like that…"
"No, the voice is true. I'll wait for him longer."
Two hours passed, no sign of Li…
"I'm sorry, Sakura-chan. He may not come today."
"NO! I won't… I won't…"
Sakura fell to the ground. She's tired waiting for Li.
"You're tired. Let's go home now…"
"But… but…"
"Don't worry, we'll try again tomorrow okay?"
"I… guess so…"
The two are heartbroken. He's not coming after all.
Yet, suddenly…
"Whew! Why that checking of that luggage took that damn long?"
"I hope Sakura's here, SAKURA!"
The man's voice is heard at the airport, catching everyone's attention.
Including Sakura and Tomoyo.
"Sakura-chan? Did you hear that?"
"Oh my… that voice … that voice is… SYAORAN-KUN!" Sakura ran immediately.
"Sakura-chan, wait up!" Tomoyo followed her.
The two voices are heard throughout the airport. No one's stopping them.
The two continued to shout at the top of their voices until… they met once again.
"It has been some since I met you, Sakura."

"Sakura? Say something! Is there something wrong?"
Sakura slapped Li, not knowing why.
"Sa… Sakura? Did I do something wrong? Did I hurt you or…"
Li didn't finish his sentence. Sakura interrupted him.
"You… you…"
"WHAT! What did I do?"
"Uh oh." Tomoyo sees both of them.
"Why do you have to go?" Sakura asked.
"Well I said to you the last time, that's all."
"Why you didn't… at least call me?"
"Um, well, Mei Ling was guarding the phone. Ha ha…" Li is starting to laugh.
However, Sakura don't buy Li's excuse.
Sakura's anger is replaced by sadness.
"Syaoran-kun… this long time, I thought that you now love someone else, someone who is more pretty than me, nicer than me, happier than…"
Li hugged Sakura tightly, much to the delight to Tomoyo.
"Ooh, this is getting interesting."
Sakura just couldn't believe it. After so long, Li, he still loves her…
"Syaoran-kun… I…I…"
Li kissed her. That warm feeling from Li's soft lips fills her with delight and happiness. There is no longer doubt in her mind. Li is here and here to stay, and to love her for the rest of their lives.
"I love you, Sakura. You are just the girl that I once loved and I will love again."
"Syaoran-kun, you are the only person in my heart. Thank you."
The two continued to kiss. Those years of waiting finally ended.
Meanwhile, Tomoyo records everything. She means everything.
"What a happy ending!"
As they continue their kiss, Li noticed Tomoyo.
"Let's stop for a while."
"Why?" Sakura asked.
"There's someone recording us."
"Oh, it's…"
"Don't tell me, Tomoyo?"
"Well, got to record every single detail you know." Tomoyo said.
"Still have a camcorder with you huh?"
"Well, she still do that, that's her hobby after all."
The trio laughed.
"Its night already. Let's go home." Li asked.
"Yes… my love." Sakura answered.
"Oh, they're so sweet." Tomoyo continues to record the two.
However, something bad is happening at Hong Kong.
As Mei Ling continues to cry, someone asked her.
"Are you sad because that man left you?" The voice asked.
"What! Who… who are you?"
"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I see that the cause of your sorrow I that girl named Sakura isn't it?"
"Yes! Without her, Li will be mine!"
"Well, let me fulfil that wish of yours."
Without warning, the spirit possessed Mei Ling. She tried to fight back, but the spirit was just too strong.
After she was possessed, Mei Ling's eyes are different. Eyes filled with one thing, hate.
"Sakura Kinomoto… I will kill you!"
--== End of Flashback ==--
"No, Mei Ling, you're… the…"
Li couldn't believe himself. He sees the horror of what's going to happen.
"I couldn't… stop it."
"Why, Mei Ling, Why?"
"Oh my… Sakura… Sakura…"
-= End of Point of View =-
End of Part I
So, what do you think? Do you like it? That's just the beginning, so watch out for part two!

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