FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Just One Wish
An CCS fanfiction
Part II

Note: Sakura and co. is around 18 yrs. Old.
Clamp owns Card Captors¡K yeah I know¡K
Part II - Sadness¡K
Quote: "The bigger your feelings to someone in your heart. The bigger the hole it creates when that someone is gone¡K"
Clouds, Darkness, Rain¡K
These are just symbols of suffering of one's heart. The cloudier it gets to see the truth. The darker the path to life. The stronger the rain in one's struggle. These are merely tests on many people's purpose on existence, yet to some, these are their description of hell.
One unfortunate example is¡K Sakura¡K
Sakura and Tomoyo arrived at Sakura's house, just in time because the rain is pouring hard.
"I'm glad that we made it." Tomoyo is relieved.
"Yeah, I guess." Sakura answered.
The two opened the door. Fujitake, Sakura's dad and Touya aren't home.
"They're not here." Sakura wondered.
"C'mon, let's see how's Kero-chan is doing."
The two went up to her room and saw Kero, sleeping.
"Hello there, Kero-chan." Tomoyo said in a cheerful voice.
"Man, will you bug someone else? I'm still sleepy." Kero groaned.
"Oh, c'mon. Wake up now. Please?"
As Tomoyo continues to bug Kero to wake up, Sakura looks at a picture frame.
"Me and Syaoran-kun. Posing at the dance ball¡K that's the time when¡K no¡K"
Sakura burst into tears, dropping the picture to the ground. Tomoyo looked at Sakura in a worried look. Kero, who is asleep, woke up at the sound of the picture frame falling.
"Syaoran-kun¡K Syaoran-kun¡K"
--== Flashback ==--
"Oh, I just can't wait for the dance, Syaoran-kun."
"I 'm also delighted at the dance tomorrow, Sakura."
It is the day before the school dance, and everyone is exited at the event. Boys and girls are busy preparing the clothes they will wear and the person whom they will dance with.
Sakura and Li are one of the most anxious, they have been thinking about it for over a month.
"Syaoran-kun, will you be my dance partner?"
"Of course, even if you didn't say it."
"Good morning, Sakura-chan, Syaoran."
"Good morning, Tomoyo-chan."
Tomoyo is happy about the school dance. Not only that she could see Sakura and Li dancing together, but also she will record everything using her trusty camera.
"Well, tomorrow's the day. I can't wait to see you and Li dance together. What a heavenly feeling!" Tomoyo said.
"Tomoyo, you should be ready for tomorrow. It's a once-only event so don't mess up!" Li said.
"Don't worry, I'm ready for everything!"
"Syaoran-kun, by the way, what clothes will you be wearing?" Sakura asked.
"Huh? Clothes? Ha ha¡K well, I don't have a good suit to wear¡K" Li speaks worriedly.
"Well, I don't have a good dress either, Ha ha¡K" Sakura laughed.
"Well guys, no need to worry about that." Tomoyo exclaimed.
"Huh?" The two looked at each other.
"When it comes to clothes, Sakura-chan, I have lots and lots of choices for you."
"You really mean it?" Sakura asked.
"I'll make the best dress for you, Sakura-chan."
"Hey! How about me?" Li asked.
"Don't worry, I'll make the best suit too just for you." Tomoyo answered.
"Thank god! I'm saved!" Li shouted.
At the end of the day, the trio met up.
"Well, I gotta go now, I need to practice some dance moves for tomorrow." Li said.
"Me too, see you tomorrow, Syaoran-kun." Sakura blushed.
Li kissed Sakura before parting. The feeling of love is in the air.
"I love you, Sakura."
"I love you too, Syaoran-kun."
As they exchange their love, Tomoyo, as usual, records the action.
-= During the Night =-
Sakura got home, holding the dress from Tomoyo, dances around the house, already practicing for the dance, complete with music. Unfortunately¡K
"Did someone die here?" Touya starts to joke.
An angry Sakura races down and stomped Touya's foot.
"That's what you get when you try to ruin my dance."
"Oh, so you are practicing for the school dance. So, who's your dance partner?"
"Well, it's Syaoran."
"So, It's the Chinese boy whom you're dancing with."
Nothing seems to happen.
Sakura knew that will happen.
"Brother, why do you despise him so badly? Had he done something against you?"
"Well, he is just¡K different."
"Is that it? You hate him because he's different? He may different to us but¡K but¡K"
Someone opened the door.
"Hey, stop it Touya!"
"Yukito-san." Sakura was relieved.
"You know, It's not right for people to just judge other people only because they're different. Being different is what makes people special."
"Ok, ok, I'm wrong. Well, it's just I don't like Sakura dancing around like a clown with another clown, that's all."
"Brother, don't worry! Me and Syaoran-kun will do great at the dance!" And Sakura races up to her room.
"Thank you, Yukito-san."
"Sakura?" Kero asked her.
"Oh, Kero-chan. I just can't wait for tomorrow."
"Let me guess, it's the school dance isn't it?"
"Yeah, me and¡K Syaoran-kun, dancing together till morning and¡K"
Sakura's starting to blush again.
"So, Li's going to be your dance partner, well¡K"
"Congratulate me for what?" Sakura asked.
"Well, first thing first. You're starting to be a mature lady, which is a good thing to a young girl than you. Second, you're making it out with Li? That's a jackpot!"
"You know that it's the two of us?"
"Not really, but since that time you met him, I made a prediction and¡K"
"No need to say that anymore, for me, it took almost forever to be with him and, I just can't believe it."
"Well, stop lying around and start practicing!"
"Yes, I mustn't waste time. It's a once in a lifetime event. I shouldn't waste it. It's for him, my Syaoran."
And Sakura practiced her dance all night while Kero watches over her.
At Tomoyo's house, she's getting ready for the big event. Complete with video equipment. She takes practice shots for tomorrow's event.
"Better practice my camera skills again, I mustn't screw this thing up. After all, this for Sakura-chan and Syaoran."
"I hope they like the dress that I made. I want to see each other's face when they see each other."
And Tomoyo continues to prepare herself.
At Li's apartment, he's looking at the picture Tomoyo took at the airport. It was he and Sakura.
"Tomorrow's dance, me and Sakura, together, finally."
Li continued to think about Sakura as he picks up the suit Tomoyo gave to him earlier.
"Tomoyo really outdid herself this time."
Suddenly¡K Li fainted. And pictures appeared in his mind.
"Sakura, now, you die!"
"No, please! Don't do it!"
Then Li woke up.
He wonders what those images mean.
There is another airplane that arrived to Japan. It's from Hong Kong.
Of course, planes come and go in these two countries. However¡K this one seems different.
At the arrival section, a girl appeared in a black dress and mysterious looking eyes. Eyes that mean only one thing, revenge.
The girl's name is¡K
Mei Ling¡K
-= The Next Day =-
Sakura is came to school very early. She just couldn't wait for the school dance to start, which is around 7:30. She greeted anyone she sees as she went to the classroom, daydreaming on what's going to happen tonight.
"Yes dear¡K"
"This is the best thing that happened to my life. Thank you¡K no, that's not the right thing to say¡K I love you¡K"
"And I love you too¡K"
"Oh it can go forever and ever and¡K"
"Good morning, Sakura-chan."
Sakura fell to the ground, trying to recover from the fall, met a familiar person.
"Oh, it's just you. Good morning, Tomoyo-chan."
"Hello guys!"
"Good morning, Syaoran-kun!"
"So, you guys are ready for tonight?" Li asked.
"Yes, in fact; it took the whole night practicing myself to death just for you." Sakura blushed.
"I'm also ready!" Tomoyo added.
"Well, see you guys later." Li said as he exits.
But before doing that, he kissed Sakura in the cheek. Sakura is blushing again.
"See you tonight, Syaoran-kun." Sakura whispered.
Li was happy walking along, heading to his class, and then he met someone that made him feeling chilly.
"Mei¡K Mei Ling! When did you arrive here?"
She doesn't answer.
"Well, tonight's the school dance and well¡K who's your partner?"
Upon hearing what Li said to her, she shed a tear, which made Li nervous. Tried his best to explain to her why then¡K
"Just wait¡K just wait¡K it will be all over¡K"
"What? What did you just say?"
Mei Ling walked away, with a different look on her eyes. She may on to something, she may be.
Li just stands there, puzzled.
-= That Fateful Night =-
Wearing the suit Tomoyo gave to him, Li poses one last time before meeting up with his love, Sakura.
"I can't wait what she looks like."
Li hurried from his apartment to the school, heading to the dance hall.
There are people already dancing, though it's still quite early. Li starts to look for Sakura and Tomoyo but to no avail.
"Well, I guess I'm a bit early. Better wait¡K"
As Li patiently waits for the two, Two figures appeared in front of him. It's Touya and Yukito.
"Hey, where's the monster, Chinese boy?" Touya jokingly asked.
"Hey! Don't call me Chinese boy!" Li angrily answered back.
"Now, stop you two! You wouldn't want to ruin this night for Sakura don't you?" Yukito interrupted.
The two looked away.
"Well, Syaoran-san, I hope that you and Sakura have a good time."
Before the two left, Touya left a disturbing statement.
"Hey! No kissing, Chinese boy!"
Li just grinned his teeth in anger.
"Sorry to keep you waiting, Syaoran!"
"Sakura, I waited for so long¡K Oh, it's just you." Li is saddened.
"Oh, I'm so sorry that I jumped in early, but I'm so exited that you two are dancing together." Tomoyo is exited.
"By the way, where's Sakura?"
"I'm right here!"
"Oh¡K my ¡K God¡K!" Li is shocked.
He saw Sakura, like he's never seen her before. Sakura's dress is just fantastic. Wearing a pure white silk dress, similar to a wedding gown. Complete with a hood, with lace and ribbon in it. It seems that they're heading to a wedding ceremony instead of a school dance.
"Do I look good? Tomoyo-chan really worked hard for this dress." Sakura turned red.
"You look really good¡K no, you looked heavenly¡K" Li is lost in Sakura's heavenly looks.
"Um, let's dance. It's going to start now." Sakura asked.
"Of course!" Li shouted.
And everyone else looked at them.
"Sorry, sorry¡K" Li blushed.
"Now, on with the show!" Tomoyo prepares the camera.
"Wait! I'm not ready yet!"
As the night goes on, the dance is getting more and more romantic. Sakura and Li danced and danced throughout the night. Not even taking a rest after hour after hour after hour of non-stop dancing.
It seems the two lovebirds are lost in heaven¡K
Getting the detail after detail of the romantic night, Tomoyo tirelessly records, take pictures, typing everything and it means everything. Kero is around the ball, gulping up food as he goes.
"Oh I just love the food!" Kero is ecstatic.
"Those two, dancing, like they're in paradise." Tomoyo thinks about the two.
Then, the music stopped.
"What happened?" Li wondered.
"I don't know." Sakura is also puzzled.
"Oh, this is going to be good." Tomoyo said.
Attention: the results of the best couple in the school dance will now be announced. The cutest and the best dancing couple in the dance ball is:
"WHAT! You didn't tell us about this?" Li is furious on Tomoyo.
"What is this contest?" Sakura asked.
"Well, I really want to keep this a secret until the results are in, and, I hope you guys win!"
"Oh boy¡K" Li slapped his head.
The winners are¡K Sakura Kinomoto and Li Syaoran! Give a round of applause and let's give the couple the dance hall for their solo number!
"No way! I'm not going to humiliate myself in front of these people!" Li shouted.
"C'mon, Syaoran-kun. I will be fun!"
"Just for you Sakura, I'll do it!"
"Now that's the spirit!" Tomoyo immediately prepares her camera.
The two now stared to dance in a romantic number, alone. People are clapping their hands on the two as they danced at their best.
Li feels the warmth of Sakura's body as they danced. Sakura feels the same way as Li did.
"Sakura¡K" Li said in a soft voice.
"Yes, dear¡K" Sakura gladly answered.
"You know, this school dance is the best idea they've come up with."
"You're right¡K"
"Sakura¡K I¡K I¡K"
"I love you, Syaoran-kun."
"I love you too, Sakura. You're the best thing that happened in my life."
The couple kissed, with Li's lips pressed against Sakura's soft lips. They felt the ecstasy of their love to each other. It's like they're floating in the air.
Well¡K they are actually floating, thanks to the Fly card.
The crowd goes wild, after seeing the two floating in the air. They're starting to celebrate.
"I knew it, I just knew it. They are really for each other¡K oh, it's so good!" Tomoyo sets up her camera and.
At the end of the dance, Li, Sakura, Tomoyo and Kero along with Touya and Yukito are walking to home while talking about the dance.
"You¡K how come you kissed my sister? Can you give me an excuse for that?" Touya taps Li's head.
"Well¡K it's just¡K because¡K" Li tries to find some excuse.
"Oh, what a wonderful night it was!" Tomoyo said.
"Did you get everything?"
"Of course!"
"Sakura-chan, did you have a good time?" Yukito asked.
"Oh yes! It's really a wonderful night!" Sakura is happy that her dance with Li is an astounding success.
Tomoyo plays back the whole event in her camcorder as they walk.
"Oh, it played perfectly!"
Just as they walk, Li heads toward Sakura.
"Sakura¡K It has been fun. Could we do this some other time?" Li held Sakura's hand.
"Oh, Li! You're so wonderful!"
Then¡K someone is walking toward them¡K
"Huh? It's Mei Ling! How's it going?" Sakura greeted her.
But she didn't answer.
"Mei Ling, are you okay? Is there something wrong with you? Could we help?"
Then suddenly¡K she spoke out.
"You! How could you? You stole Li from me! Because of you, I have to suffer like this!"
"No, it's not my fault. Syaoran-kun and I are deeply in love for each other. But that doesn't mean that he no longer like you."
"I can second that. Mei Ling, the moment that I said that you no longer deserve me, I did that because I can't afford to break your heart. Yes, we're together for years but I felt that we are not destined to be together, that's why I broke up with you. I don't want to break your heart." Li explained.
However, Mei Ling grabbed Sakura.
"It's all your fault! I don't want to hear any of your stupid excuses! When I'm through with you, Li will be mine!"
"Please Mei Ling! That's not you who are talking to us now! That's not you!"
"Mei Ling! Please don't hurt Sakura!" Yukito pushed her.
"Why did you do that? You need help¡K" Li pleaded to her.
Mei Ling stood up, looking down. Then, she let out a wicked laugh and the horror begins. She pulled a gun.
"My God!" Touya is shocked.
"Now, Sakura Kinomoto, you die!" Mei Ling pulled the trigger.
"Sakura-chan!" Tomoyo tried to save her.
"SAKURA!" Li jumped in front of her in a desperate attempt to save her.
Then, the gun went off¡K
"Syaoran-kun¡K no¡K"
He smiled at her as he fell to the ground.
He felled to the ground. Blood, bleeding on his back. He's dying.
"Quick! Get an ambulance!" Touya immediately called. Yukito followed him.
"Syaoran, please hang on." Tomoyo starts to cry.
Just as the horrific event occur, Mei Ling's true conscience awoke as she sees the horror.
"No¡K Did I do this? No! That's not me!" Mei Ling is shocked.
Yet her actions didn't come out of her body.
After waiting for almost eternity, Li finally opened his eyes.
"Sakura¡K I'm deeply sorry that I¡K couldn't protect you till the end." Li's voice is soft.
"Hush¡K don't say anything. The ambulance will arrive here so don't worry. You will be safe soon." Sakura's tears are falling to Li's suit. Using all the strength he can muster, he wiped Sakura's eyes with his hand.
"No¡K I¡K made¡K you¡K cry¡K"
"Please¡K don't leave me¡K"
"I won't¡K I'll¡K be¡K here¡K for¡K you¡K" Li's eyes start to close. His voice, fading¡K
"Please¡K open your eyes¡K please¡K"
Sakura's voice is heard around the town. Li is unconscious. It may be late¡K It may be too late.
--== End of Flashback ==--
Sakura couldn't stop crying. That thing is haunting her again. Tomoyo and Kero, are deeply saddened as they see Sakura suffering again.
"I should have removed the photo." Kero said.
"Now that nightmare is consuming her again." Tomoyo shed a tear.
"No¡K not again¡K" Sakura fainted.
"Oh no! She fainted!" Tomoyo rushes to her side.
"She needs rest¡K" Kero added.
In Sakura's mind, only one thing she thinks about, Li and only Li.
"I¡K love¡K you¡K Syaoran¡K"
End of Part II
Well, that's it. I hope you guys like it. Part III coming up real soon!

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