FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Just One Wish
A CCS fanfiction
Part III

Part III - Saying Goodbye…
Quote: "No one can escape fate…"
Images… are they true? Did that really happen? Is that… me?
Two scenes gone along, and yet, the whole story isn't complete. There are some parts that are seemed unclear for Li to comprehend.
"Mei Ling… how could you do such a thing?"
Li couldn't believe on what he saw, Mei Ling, because of jealousy, attempted to kill Sakura, but failed because Li blocked the bullet's path. This action however, has a painful or fatal reaction, he was shot.
He touched his chest thinking it's just a lie. Then blood flowed out from his heart.
"Then, I am shot…"
Another image appeared a horrible one. Li however took some courage to take a look…
It's a coffin…
--== Flashback ==--
The ambulance finally arrived, and the paramedics immediately turned to Li.
"This is not good, he lost a lot of blood. We better send him to the hospital."
"Are there any relatives for this man?"
Sakura walked towards Li.
"We must send him to the hospital, operation must be done immediately."
"Hai." Sakura answered.
"Sakura-chan, you go first. Li needs you right now." Tomoyo said.
"Don't worry. We'll go immediately after we dress up." Yukito added.
"You're right, he needs me…" Sakura answered.
Sakura came along with the emergency crew and stepped in the ambulance. Li is still unconscious. The paramedics immediately began to revive him. Sakura holds his hand tightly, never letting go.
"Don't worry, I will be here beside you. I just can't let you go."
As the ambulance left, Yukito and Touya head to Sakura's house to inform Fujitake the bad news. Tomoyo and Kero, using her car, followed the ambulance to the hospital.
"I hope he's okay." Tomoyo wondered.
"He's strong. He protected Sakura for sometime and he wouldn't just lose to a mere gunshot wound, though I am worried." Kero answered.
Mei Ling however, just stands there. Not even acting on the whole event.
Yet tears started to fall to her cheeks…
"Dad! You have to come with us!" Touya grabbed Fujitake in the arm.
"What is it? Did something happened to Sakura?"
"I'm afraid it is" Yukito looked down.
"Tell me! Did something happen to her?"
"We'll explain everything when we get to the hospital."
"Sakura, I hope you're alright!"
Outside the emergency room Sakura burst into tears as doctors immediately performed surgery to Li. She feels that the weight of the world comes crashing to her.
"Please, give me hope. Please save Syaoran!"
She couldn't do anything. She's powerless over this adversary.
Meanwhile, Tomoyo and Kero finally reached the hospital and frantically searches for her. They were informed that someone is being tended to in the emergency room.
"Emergency room, must be Li." Tomoyo ran toward it.
"Hey! Wait up!" Kero followed her.
"I hope Sakura-chan is there."
When they finally reached the emergency room, they saw her lying on the ground crying. They immediately rushed in. Tomoyo hugged her to ease the pressure.
"Sakura-chan, don't worry. I know that they could do something." Tomoyo said.
"But what if… what if they don't?"
"Don't say things like that! Believe in them, they can help Li."
Then Sakura lost consciousness.
"Oh my! She fainted!" Kero is shocked.
Tomoyo and Kero lifted Sakura on to the waiting bench, with still no signs of movement from her.
"What is this place?"
Sakura found herself somewhere; she doesn't know which place is this.
"Where am I?"
As she wanders around, she saw a figure, and that figure is saying something to her.
"Sakura… Sakura…"
As she heard the voice, she went closer and closer and yet, the figure just went farther as she tries.
The figure turned around to see her.
"Li! It's you! I thought… that I'm going to…"
Sakura tries to reach her hand to Li. However, Li simply turned away from her, walking away.
"No… Li… why?"
He didn't answer.
"Why? Are you leaving me? I won't be seeing you again? You're going to… oh no…"
Li gently touched her, smiling. And he walked away.
"Please… don't… go…"
"Wake up! Sakura! Wake up!"
"Sakura! Get a hold of yourself!"
"Tomoyo? Brother? You're all here?"
"Sakura! I thought that something happen bad to you!" Fujitake exclaimed.
"Dad! You're also here?"
"Sakura-chan, I'm glad that you're okay." Tomoyo thought.
"But… Syaoran-kun, he's not…"
"Don't worry. Li can survive anything, though I'm worried." Kero wonders.
"Worried about what?"
"Mei Ling… I think something's wrong with her. She wouldn't do such a thing to Li even he no longer likes her. And besides, her eyes seemed… different."
"Well, that's a hunch."
As hours gone by, the group waited anxiously on the result of the operation. Sakura frequently passes out, much to the fear of others.
She just couldn't take the pain.
After waiting for eternity, the doctor left the operating room and talked to them.
"Well, the operation is a success." They were happy.
"However, due to the massive blood loss, I'm afraid that he may not last that long." They became silent, hearing the grim news.
"That's not right. If he lost a lot of blood, then we can do blood transfusion, I think someone from us will have a match." Yukito asked.
The doctor weighs the options allowed.
"Okay, but it must be done immediately, for the body may reject any new blood and may not work at his weakened state."
Sakura immediately stood up.
"I'm ready, just do it."
"Sakura-chan." Tomoyo asked.
"It's for Syaoran-kun… He needs our help."
"Very well then, let's do it while we have the chance."
They checked Sakura's blood to see if they can match Li's blood so it may be donated to probably save his life.
The good news spread. It got a match.
"Do you think it's going to work?" Kero asked.
"It's got to work. It got to…" Tomoyo answered.
The process has begun. Sakura sees her blood flowing out, going to Li's body, and giving him a fighting chance.
"Syaoran-kun, just hang on…"
The process is complete. Now all they have to do is to wait.
-= The Next Morning =-
Sakura is now released. The blood transfusion took most of her blood and forced her to rest overnight.
Now, the results are in. The group can't wait for the results. They stayed in the hospital overnight.
"Doctor, what's the result?" Fujitake asked.
"Well, there is good news and there is bad news."
"So, what's the good news?"
"The result of the blood transfusion is a success. His body didn't have any trouble accepting the blood."
"Oh, I'm so glad." Sakura exclaimed.
But happiness was soon replaced with sadness.
"And the bad news?"
"His heart and lungs are just okay last night. However, somehow they collapsed and now he's in a 50/50 state. His only lifeline is the life support system. If he gives out, he'll just die."
Sakura just can't believe it. Imagine all of their efforts just gone to waste.
"No… Syaoran-kun…"
"Sakura-chan, he really needs our support now." Tomoyo said.
"Well, you can visit him now. He needs someone to cheer him up. Just don't stay long." The doctor told them.
The group went to his room greeting him. Li is happy, though he can only manage a smile.
"Well look here, the Chinese boy is…" Touya starts to mock Li again. But before he could say anything, Sakura stomped on his foot.
"Please, stop okay?" Yukito asked.
"Oh, all of you are here?" Li asked.
"Yup! We're here to cheer you up!" Tomoyo smiled to Li.
"I'm so glad."
"By the way, how did you feel?"
"I'm okay, just a bit delirious."
"Oh, so you are Li. Sakura said many wonderful things about you. By the way, I'm Sakura's dad, Fujitake." He said.
"Huh? You're…" Li is nervous.
"Don't worry, it's okay. I just want to thank you for being with my daughter. She's never been so happy ever since."
"Well… you're welcome…"
"Oh my, you're starting to blush…" Tomoyo said.
"Eh?" The group laughed.
"Mmm… I just knew you could survive a thing like that…" Kero mocks Li.
"What did you say? You talking stuffed animal!" Li answered back.
"Hey? How dare you call me a stuffed animal?"
"Oh boy…" Tomoyo wondered.
After a few minutes, Li starts to wonder about Sakura. He noticed that she's the only one whom he hasn't seen.
"Where is Sakura?"
"Oh I'm sorry. She's outside and she doesn't want to…"
"I want to see her… please…"
Just then, Sakura entered the room with her head low…
"Could you guys leave us two so we can talk?"
They obliged. Touya tries to stay watching both of them but Yukito is able to convince him to go out. Tomoyo is deeply worried.
Li tries his best to lift his hand to hold Sakura. After a few failed attempts, he's able to touch her but immediately lost his strength and his hand fell. Just then, she held his hand tightly squeezing and touched her face. Tears start to flow.
"Oh Sakura… I… just… made… you… cry…"
"Why? Why it has to happen to us? I love you but, there is always something that tries to stop us…"
"Maybe it's merely a test…"
"How come a test that will try to separate us forever?"
"I don't know. But I know that we will… we will… be victorious…"
Li tried to open his hand but couldn't. Sakura noticed it.
"Dear, I want you to open my hand."
"What's in it?"
"It's a surprise."
Sakura opened Li's hand. It's a beautiful box. She opened it and with surprise, out came a beautiful gold ring. What's special about it is that the name "Sakura" was engraved in the ring.
"It's so… it's so beautiful…"
"I used most of my money just to buy that ring. Really nice isn't it?"
"Oh Syaoran-kun…"
"I wanted to give the ring after the dance but I don't have the confidence. Now that I finally gave it to you. A lot of weight has lifted in me…"
Sakura couldn't say anything. She's so happy on the ring she got. Most importantly, the person who loves her gave it.
"Do you love me?"
"I do."
"Do you want me to be with you forever?"
"I do."
"Will you…" Li interrupted her.
"I will love you forever and ever."
"Oh please! Don't leave me!"
"Ai… Shiteru… Sakura…"
Li's voice started to weaken. He couldn't move a muscle. And he's starting to lose sight. Fearing the worst, using all of his strength, he hugged her tightly.
Sakura couldn't stand Li struggling. She held his arm tightly. Li tries his best to open his eyes, but to no avail.
"You're just the one that I'm looking for… Goodbye…"
After that, Li's body became limp.
"No, please. Don't leave me… no…"
Sakura burst into tears. The rest of the group is grieving outside on Li's terrible fate.
"Sakura-chan…" Tomoyo couldn't say anything.
"Sakura… I don't know that… nah! It's too late already." Touya lamented.
"Sakura-san…" Yukito tries to go in, but Touya stopped him. Saying that it won't help her.
The doctor checked on Li's condition. It seems that there maybe hope…
"Ms. Sakura. I checked his condition… It seems that thought it may be hard for you."
"No. Say it, please…"
"The bullet that we removed from his neck, was successful. Unfortunately, the damage has been done. The bullet has hit his brain stem, which causes him to, well… the worst case scenario…"
Sakura was shocked. First, his heart and lungs collapsed, now he couldn't move or act or even speak. Her heart is like it was sliced in half.
"He's in a coma."
"A coma?"
"Well… it's a state that a person who is still alive but it lost all feel in the world surrounding him. It's like he's alive but he isn't. He's in a deep sleep"
"Is he going to wake up?"
"It can be, but it may not happen. This state may last up to years and years and it may not change…"
"No… I will wait for him. He's strong, he can… he can…" Sakura tears begin to flow again.
"I know how you must feel but as time goes on the chances get worse and worse. You don't want for him to suffer don't you?"
Sakura sees no one at this point she's all alone…
--== After a few months ==--
It has been a few months since Li's terrible fate. It seems that everything goes back to what it was or was it?
Sakura and Tomoyo went to school just like normal, but Sakura feels different… When they try to go out, she simply says no. When Tomoyo wants to take a picture, she will take a pose with a sad face.
It seems like all of the happiness has been drained out of her.
In order to cheer her up, Tomoyo said something…
"Sakura-chan, let's go out after school okay?" Tomoyo asked.
Sakura looked at Tomoyo with a sad look.
"Oh, sorry for being so…"
"No, it's alright…"
"How's Li-kun?"
"He's still there, sleeping soundly… thinking that he may never come back…"
"How dare you say that! That's not the Sakura I know!"
Tomoyo hugged Sakura.
"Sakura-chan, I don't want you to look bad on yourself. There's still hope that he'll come back, and he'll say that never lose hope."
"But what if… what if…"
"Believe in him, he'll pull through."
"Tomoyo-chan, thank you…"
The two went to school. Continuing the usual day.
-= After School =-
"Are you going to visit Li-kun today?" Chiharu asked.
"Yes, I want to see him today." Sakura answered.
"Well I want to join you too if you don't mind."
"That's okay. Sakura needs company." Tomoyo said.
Kero suddenly appeared in front of them.
"Why are we going to visit that guy anyway?"
Tomoyo hit Kero in the head with a book.
"If you're not going to behave then no pancakes for you." Sakura said.
"No! Please! Everything but that! Sorry, Sakura-sama, sorry!"
The three laughed.
"Well let's go!"
"Syaoran-kun…" Sakura looks at the ring.
After reaching the hospital, the three sped to Li's room. They look at Li, sleeping soundly with wires/tubes all over him.
"Li hasn't moved a bit." Tomoyo said to Chiharu.
"So how's Sakura-chan taking it?"
"Well, she's still the old Sakura but deep inside her, she's deeply hurt."
"I feel so horrible to myself. Couldn't do anything to cheer her up."
As the two talked, Sakura walks toward Li and touched him in the cheek.
"Hi Syaoran-kun… How are you? Are you okay? I just want to see you today. Just checking at you today." Sakura smiled at him.
Then Kero showed up.
"Ahh! I can't wait for him to wake up! If I were she, I should have left him alone! That stupid girl…"
"How dare you say that! Besides, how can you understand her feelings if you don't experience them yourself!" Tomoyo answered.
"What nerve you got!" Chiharu added.
Kero looks at the life support system.
"I'm going to shut it off!"
They wrestled until they fell to the ground. As they try to get up and continue, they saw Sakura still smiling at Li's face, But it turned quickly to tears.
"I know how you feel, but the longer it gets, the smaller and smaller the chances of him recovering. I may sound negative but, if you let this continue, he'll suffer more. Don't you want that to happen?"
"No. I… won't do that. I couldn't do that to him… I love him so much that… I can't… I just can't…"
"Sakura-chan, you're tired. Let's go…" Tomoyo looks worried on her.
"I'll visit you again. Syaoran."
They went home. Its night already.
At Li's apartment, Mei-lin dresses up. She's going to visit Li.
"Li, please forgive me. I swear that I didn't do it! It's not me! I hope that cherry-blossom could understand it. I need help."
She looks at the mirror looking at herself then suddenly, the shadow appeared on her again and grabbed her.
"No… you again…"
Everything went black.
-= Later that Night =-
Someone visited the hospital around midnight. It went to Li's room. At first, it looks at him with a very cold stare. Then looked at the life support system. Its hands touched the switch, trying to turn it off.
But its other hand is fighting back, trying to protect the switch.
It's Mei-lin's voice.
"I won't let you do this!"
However, she's powerless to resist. She was able to turn off the switch, cutting Li's oxygen supply. Li's gasping for air but couldn't do anything.
All Mei-lin can do is watch him die.
"Li… no…"
And she lost consciousness.
--== End of Flashback ==--
"I can't believe this… it's all just a lie…" Li fell down, scared.
"This is purely an illusion, I am still alive…"
Li looks at Sakura's face, thinking on what he can do.
"I must leave… my cherry-blossom needs me…"
Someone appeared in front of him.
"If I were you, I would stop believing that is true."
"Who… who are you?" Li looks on the man, frozen.

End of Part III

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