FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Just One Wish
A CCS Fanfiction…
Part IV

Part IV - Denial…
It's past 9'o clock and the rain's starting to subside. Sakura, Tomoyo and Kero are resting after a tough day. It was a busy day today, lots of things to do.
Tomoyo finished cooking dinner and called.
"Sakura-chan! Kero-chan! Dinner's ready!"
It took some time before the two came down. Kero, still quite asleep, quickly regained his senses, as he smells the good aroma of the food Tomoyo cooked.
"Ah! Good food! Come to me… so I can eat you all!"
Kero immediately reaches for it but Tomoyo hit him in the head.
"OUCH! What did you did that for?"
"You won't eat till Sakura-chan is here."
"Sakura-chan! Sakura-chan!" Tomoyo continues to call her.
Sakura, on the other hand, walks slowly heading to the stairs.
She thinks about Li, which is gone, gone forever.
"Sakura…" Li's voice is heard.
"Syaoran!" She turned around.
But no one's there.
Depressed, she blindly steps down, missing a step. She slipped.
Tomoyo suddenly heard noise near the staircase. She sees Sakura lying down. She fell from the stairs.
"Sakura-chan! Kero-chan! I need help!" Tomoyo rushed to her.
Kero, which is now gulping some of the food, hears Tomoyo.
"Coming, coming." Kero sees Sakura.
"She's lazing around again."
"Stop that! Now help me!" Tomoyo said.
Just as the two picks Sakura up, they noticed something… Tears…
"Oh, Sakura-chan, you're okay." Tomoyo is happy.
But she's really not okay. Tears start to flow from her eyes.
"Sakura-chan, what's wrong?" Tomoyo asked her.
"Sakura? Hello?" Kero taps her in the head.


"Please answer me! Sakura-chan!"
"Oh, Sakura…"
"Why… me?"
--== Flashback ==--
Sakura wakes up for a new day. Today's sunny and the climate's just right. She doesn't have classes today so…
"What a beautiful day today!"
"Wake up Kero-chan!"
ZZZ… "Don't bother me…"
Sakura stared at Kero and dragged him out of bed.
"Wake up now! You're wasting a perfect day today!"
Delirious, Kero looked at her.
"Oh look, a telephone pole…" Kero passes out.
Leaving Kero, Sakura went down to have breakfast. There she greeted her father.
"Good morning father."
"Oh good morning to you too Sakura."
"Isn't this a beautiful day? I don't have classes today and it's sunny! Nothing can happen wrong this time."
Touya appeared in front of her and…
"Just when I say it…"
"What did you say squirt?"
"I thought that you said that you're trying to…
Sakura stares at him.
"Gotta go."
"Finally, he's gone."
Then out from nowhere, Kero smells the pancakes that they made and it made him float aimlessly to the table.
"Pancakes, pancakes, PANCAKES!"
As Sakura tries to dig in, she doesn't notice Kero now in the table his eyes on the food.
"Food, come to me!"
Sakura notices something that's really fishy. Someone's stealing the pancakes! She opens the lid and…
"Kero-chan! What you're…"
Sakura's dad noticed it.
"Sakura, what's that?"
Before finding out, she was able to hide Kero under the table, avoiding from being discovered.
"Ha ha… it's just me!"
Fujitake wonders for a bit, then continued eating.
After eating, Sakura immediately went to her room. Sakura is furious over Kero on what happened.
"Kero-chan! How could you just go there and eat the food. You almost got caught and I don't have a good excuse for that!"
"Sakura, you know that I can't control myself when I smell food, especially pancakes! Please forgive me Sakura-sama!"
"It's okay, but next time, control myself on the food! I'll give you some anyway. Understand?"
Sakura called Tomoyo over the phone.
"Hello, Daidouji residence. Who's speaking?"
"Tomoyo-chan! Good Morning!"
"Oh good morning to you too, Sakura-chan. So, why did you call? Is there something that happen?"
"No, it's just that I want to say to you that if you're free this day…"
"Me? Free? Of course! I'm always here for you. So, what's the occasion?"
"Well… I'm just going to visit Li…"
"Li-kun? Sure I'll be there. Bye!" Tomoyo hangs up.
"Tomoyo-chan! Wait!"
"Well, she's really fast…" Kero comments.
-= At the Hospital =-
It was a bad day right from the start. A nurse is going to check up on Li when she found out that the life-support is turned off.
"Oh no! Who turned this off? Doctor! We got an emergency!"
In a few minutes, doctors, nurses immediately administer emergency procedures. However it has been an hour or two since the system is turned off. Though Li doesn't require that must, it is still vital. And now they're fighting to make Li live, hoping that it wasn't too late.
What's worse, Sakura doesn't know anything yet.
"Doc, I think we need to call the Kinomoto family and give them the sad news…"
As they try to revive Li, Mei Lin has just got woke up in the waiting room. As she staggers on her feet, she notices that something is going on in Li's room.
"Oww. How come did I get here?"
Then, she instantly remembers what just happened.
"No, Li! Is… is this true? Did I do such a thing?"
Mei Lin drops to the floor, crying.
-= Sakura's House =-
"Oh I'm ready, I'm getting ready for this wonderful day!" Sakura sings as she dresses herself up for today.
"Sakura! Oh Sakura! Now where the heck is that girl?" Kero looks around the rooms and saw Sakura just dressing up.
"Ah Sakura! It took me some time to find you! Now where are you… WHOA!"
Sakura looks at Kero.
"Ah! I'm going, I'm going!"
After the little incident Sakura hears the doorbell.
"Will someone please open the door?"
"Hai, Hai!"
"Could it be…"
Sakura opened the door and…
"Sakura-chan! Hello!" Tomoyo appeared in front of them.
"Tomoyo-chan, you're really fast."
"Well… when it comes to Sakura-chan, I'm always there!"
Sakura and Kero saw lots of video equipment outside of the house.
"Well, she's ready alright." Kero comments.
Little did they know something disturbing is happening at the hospital.
-= In the Hospital =-
"This is bad, did someone entered here last night? Are there any visitors?" They asked the reception desk.
"Well unfortunately, were out at that moment and…"
"YOU IDIOT! There might be someone that might try to kill him and you didn't know?"
As the doctors and nurses are quarreling at each other, Mei Lin looks at Li's body.
"No, it's all my fault. Please forgive me…"
As Mei Lin holds Li's hand, the worst thing happened. Li's hands are cold.
"Oh no! Li! Li! Wake up! Please! Help! I need a doctor here!"
-= Sakura's House =-
"Okay, so when are we going?" Tomoyo asked.
"Wait a minute, you ate breakfast first before you got here since I called?" Sakura is puzzled on Tomoyo.
"Well I did see Sakura…" Kero starts to laugh.
Sakura looked at Kero with a mean glare. But Tomoyo is eager to listen.
"Kero-chan, what did you see on Sakura-chan?"
"She's… na… ke…"
Sakura throws a rock at him.
"Sorry for Kero-chan. He just lacks sleep, he's sleeping. Ha!"
As they talked the phone rang.
"Hello, Kinomoto Residence. Who's calling?" Touya answered.
"Well, who's it?" Sakura asked.
"No… it can't be… I'll tell her."
"Tell me! Did something happen to Li! Please!"
--== End of Flashback ==--
Sakura got up after falling down the stairs, Tomoyo and Kero looked worried at her. Her face is sadder than ever.
It's dinnertime, time to eat.
"Finally, I can eat!" Kero jumped with joy.
"Okay then, let's begin." Tomoyo starts to prepare.
Kero and Tomoyo starts eating, as usual Kero's gulping every food he sees. Tomoyo eats casually. But she sees Sakura not even touching the food she tries to cheer her up.
"Sakura-chan, time to eat! It's getting cold now."
"Uh, yeah…"
Sakura tries to lift the fork to pick up the food but somehow, she lost all of her strength. The fork fell to the ground and she shed a tear again. Tomoyo and Kero are worried at her.
"Sakura, are you sure that you're ok?" Kero asked her.
"Yeah, I'm just daydreaming a bit."
She picks up the glass of water and tries to drink it but the thing happened again. The glass fell to the floor, breaking it. She finally burst into tears. Now Tomoyo and Kero are worried.
"I… I don't feel like eating now…"
"Sakura-chan, you should go up to your room now. You need to rest." Tomoyo assists Sakura up to the stairs.
"Sakura, she's so depressed…" Kero looks at them.
Up in Sakura's room, Tomoyo put Sakura in bed still a bit depressed.
"You should stay in here, you need to rest a lot. Don't worry, I'll call Rika-chan, Chiharu-chan and Naoko-chan to have some company."
"Thank you, Tomoyo-chan…" Sakura starts sleeping.
Kero went up shortly after.
"So, how's Sakura?"
"She's okay now, but I'm not sure if…"
"Don't worry, she'll get the hang of it."
"I hope so…"
As Sakura slept, she only says one thing.
"Syaoran… Syaoran… I need you…"
--== Meanwhile ==--
Li looks on the man, feeling that there is something common at him.
"Who are you! What's going on here?"
"How stupid of you, admit it that you lost. You failed to protect her and now, you died and she's in mourning. How stupid for Clow Reed to entrust the Clow Mistress to a weak and pathetic person like you."
"Who you call pathetic?" Li drew his sword.
"So, you drew your sword to protect yourself. But protect Sakura with that thing? That thing won't even put a scratch on me."
"What did you say!" Li charged at him.
"C'mon, show me what you got "little wolf"!"
Li swipes his sword at him, but he vanishes before the blade could touch him. He appears at the other side.
"Wow, he's fast. He somehow knows that I'm going to attack him at that part. Got to think of another strategy."
"So, you try to do that thing? It ends up nothing isn't it? I suggest that you think of another thing if you want to beat me!"
"Got to think of another move. Ah! If he's fast, I can use Time to slow him down. That's it! Now all that I have to do is to time it right."
Li stands up facing him.
"Hey! Don't think that I only use my sword to fight well you're wrong! The fight has just got started!" Li poses himself.
"Whatever you're planning, better that be good. I'm getting bored now."
"Don't worry, this is a big one! Get ready!"
Li rushed straight at him, declaring a move he's going to use for the first time.
"Mystical blade of light, come forth and gather! Let the power flow freely and multiply tenfold and separate! Blade!"
Suddenly, Li's sword separated into multiple swords and starts stabbing.
"Now, destroy the darkness with your mighty power! Let out a series of limitless strikes to confuse and destroy! Endless cut!"
The multiple swords attack the mysterious man at lightning speed. Giving little or no time to respond. He tries to teleport, and that's the chance Li's been looking for.
"Good! It got him! Now time to slow him down!"
"Let time slow down in my command! Time!"
Immediately, time starts to slow down. The man is slowing down. Now is Li's chance.
"Ha! You think you're fast enough to beat Time, now you're as good as finished!"
Just as Li's sword was about to pierce, he saw something shining from inside his body.
"What the… what is that!"
He saw someone inside the light. It's a person. It's…
Li immediately aborted his charge. The Time card already lost its power. But he can't believe what he saw.
"Is there something wrong? You had the chance you've been looking for and you just backed off? What a shame…"
"What… what's that light inside you?"
"Oh this? Well, it's something I just got from someone."
"Tell me. Who are you?" Li's feeling cold.
"Me? Well you're going to get shocked at it if you want to."
"Just show it to me!"
"Well if you like it…"
The man immediately removed his cloak. Li's shocked on what he saw.
"No way… it can't be…"
"I told you, the revelation of my identity is shocking isn't it?"
"The man I was fighting against…"
"It's… me…"
--== Back at Sakura's house ==--
As Tomoyo cleans up the dining table with Kero helping, Sakura still couldn't sleep. She tried to but to no avail.
"I tried to sleep, but I can't. If I do, those things will…"
Tomoyo called to some of their friends.
"Yes, this is Chiharu. Who's speaking?"
"Hey, Chiharu-chan it's…"
"Tomoyo-chan! Good evening! Why'd you call?"
"Well, I just called because of Sakura-chan."
"What happened to her? Is there something wrong?"
"She just needs company at this time, that's all."
"Poor Sakura-chan, don't worry, I'll be there tomorrow, I'll call Rika-chan and the others to come too."
"Thank you Chiharu-chan…"
"That's okay, well bye for now! See you tomorrow!"
"See you too Chiharu-chan…"
Tomoyo hangs up the phone and wonders.
"Poor Sakura-chan… She needs someone right now…"
Meanwhile outside the house, someone is looking on Sakura in a suspicious way.
"What could have caused this?"
That person disappeared instantly.

End of Part IV

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