FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Just One Wish…
A CCS fanfiction

Writer's Note: Well, this is my first CCS fanfic, I am not sure It is going to be a good one but I'll give it a shot.
1) CCS - is just an abbreviation of Card Captor Sakura, an anime/manga made by Clamp. They own the characters okay?
2) Just in case that you don't know much about the characters, here is a crash course…
Sakura Kinomoto - A fourth grade elementary student. Just the ordinary girl when suddenly she stumbles upon the magical book which contains Clow Cards, a force, which can cause peril and chaos to the world. Now she becomes the Card Captor to contain all the cards that has spread throughout the world.
Li Syaoran - Formerly Sakura's rival in Clow Card collecting. Now become one of her best friends. He will stand up to everything and protect her from danger. Most importantly, he has feelings for her but has not expressed his love to her…
Tomoyo Daidouji - Sakura's best friend. Favorite hobby: picturing, videotaping Sakura wherever she goes especially when she fights Clow Cards as the Card Captor.
Mei Ling - Li's best friend and has feelings for him. However, his feelings are for Sakura, which in turn made her jealous. She wants to take Li away from Sakura.

Well, that's for the characters. Now, on with the story…

Prologue - Sakura…

"What am I thinking?" "I have expressed my love to her but…but… What's stopping me?"
Li thinks about Sakura. In his dreams, when they meet, when they have a date, when they have their first kiss… and yet he couldn't ask the one question that he wants to be answered.
"Marriage, that's the only thing that is left, yes, it's the only one."
He remembers leaving Sakura in Japan as he returned to Hong Kong. He couldn't forget Sakura's tears rolling down to her cheeks.
--== Flashback ==--
"Promise me that you come back!" "Promise me that you will stay here okay?"
"Yes. Yes I will."
--== End of Flashback ==--
"My return to Hong Kong lasted six months. Though my parents want me to stay, but…
Sakura… I just can't forget her. My life blossomed when I see her; all of my sadness vanished when I see her smile. Yes, I will go back, go back where all of my friends are, where my dear Sakura is…"
As he thinks about Sakura, a golden case appeared. Inside it is a diamond ring, beautiful; beautiful as the person who is going to wear it.
"Yes, the perfect present for the perfect girl…"
He also thinks about Tomoyo. Sakura's very best friend. And a "fan" of the Card Captors especially when she records their battles.
"I would really be happy when I see her with a video camera. Oh those were the days…"
Li has a lot of fond memories with Sakura. He wished that he shouldn't have wasted time again.
--== Flashback ==--
"Syaoran, please open your eyes. Answer me! Please!"
I tried to speak but nothing came out of my lips. Why I see Sakura weeping on me? Am I dead? No way! I am still alive! Then how come?
"Please, don't leave me. Oh please don't leave me. Please… don't… oh… my… dear… Syaoran…"
Why is she saying this to me? Why?
--== End of Flashback ==--
Li's tears started to fall. He couldn't contain his sorrow. But why is he crying?
"Tears, are those tears are from happiness or from sorrow? I don't understand all of this. I DON'T UNDERSTAND IT AT ALL!"
"Is there something wrong with me? Answer me! Anyone?"
Yet nothing appeared.
"I see Sakura weeping. It is starting all over again. From her sorrow to sadness to depression to… death."
"What! Sakura dead? No, this is not true. THIS IS NOT TRUE!"
He couldn't believe what he saw.
"Have I failed to protect her? To comfort her? To love her for the rest of my life? If so, then, WHAT I AM FOR?"
His sorrow is heard throughout the air, and yet, no one listened.
"Sakura… my dear Sakura… I love you with all my heart…"
End of Prologue

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