FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks


disclaimer: I don't own ccs, I just write stories, you are wasting your time if you think you want to sue my lame work. Well, enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chapter 1-Promises
Eighteen year old Syaoran walked home in silence. He didn't bother driving his car, he felt he needed to walk.
The cold wind reminded him of the winters in Tomoeda, his favorite time of year. At first he hated it, wouldn't you? Experiencing the first snow of the season, while freezing from head to foot, because you didn't bring a warm enough sweater? Syaoran had gotten used to it, though. He was a fast learner and can get used to things such as the weather very quickly. Perhaps it was not the change of weather that he loves so, perhaps it is a certain girl from his childhood love, that he charished for. Perhaps... of course spring is tied with winter for his favorite season? Why? Every where you look, there are cherry blossoms blooming, at least in Tomoeda. How long has it been, you might ask? Eight years... eight years of not seeing the boy's beloved... eight years of not charishing her kiss... eight years of with no one to love... eight years of losing hope...
"No wonder why it's an unlucky number!", thought Syaoran.
Did they ever keep in contact, you might ask? No... at least... not anymore... during the first year they had been separated, they wrote everyday. But soon those times had past, I don't know why. Syaoran chose to push his feelings aside, procrastinating and neglecting the young girl, making up excusses after excusses, until the girl too... lost hope.
Once agin we find our young friend, Syaoran push away his feelings into an empty black hole that feeds on human emotions.
The young man chose to focus on more things. Things he chose not to give up for, such as... the Li clan.
Mother was dying. She has been ill for the past month. At first Syaoran thought, it was just a normal flu, and as strong as Ieran was, it would have past soon. But he was wrong. The illness has just gotten worst, and the young man fear deeply for his mother's life.
At last the young man reached home. It was an hour's walk, but it seemed to Syaoran, only fie minutes.
The mail was in, earlier then usual. But... what is this? A letter from Daidouji Tomoyo? The boy's childhood friend? Syaoran eagerly opened it, for he was curious of the life that she lives in now... and the life of her best friend...

"Dear Syaoran,
How are you? I hope you still understand Japanese after all these years. Sumimasen that I don't know how to wirte in chinese. Finally, I have tracked down your address! After all these years...
So, how are you doing after all these years? Mother retired, and I run her toy factory now, youngest on the board, I keep getting new ideas for new toys to make, mostly dolls, from guess what? You and Sakura from when you were all young, capturing cards. Oh, that is just so kawaii!
Sakura is doing fine. She's devoting most of her time with her studies, and is staying in college for a longer period of time. Sakura has moved on... she... has a boyfriend..."

Those words... it struck at Syaoran's like a bullet. Boyfriend?

"... Sumimasen Syaoran-kun! I just... have to tell you... his name is Yamakeru. He's actually extremely nice and sweet and loves Sakura very much... they have been dating for three years... and... Yamakeru is thinking of proposing to her... Sumimasen Syaoran-kun... Sayonara...

Daidouji Tomoyo"

That letter... broke the last of hopes for poor Syaoran.
"I promise I will be back...", the last words he said to her, reassuring her not to loose hope... but has he ever kept his promise? No... and after years of waiting... she moved on...
"Baka!", exclaimed the heartbroken man, punching his fist into a nearby wall, ignoring the physical pain in his hand, "why didn't you keept that promise?", ask himself to he, "one simple promise... some back to her..."
Sighing, the chestnut hair man chose to forget about the letter. Yet he knew he could not... he loved the girl. Or was it just a childhood crush? No... it was for real, at least that was what he told himself over and over again. But... how can a man love a woman when they haven't seen each other for eight years? He has no idea how she looks like now, all he can do is imagine.
"Move on!", cried the voice in the mind of Syaoran.
After all, Syaoran was a handsome young man with the same messey chestnut hair and amber eyes, He was taller, about six feet 2". His muscles built on, and he always stood tall and firm, with confidence. He now runs his own buisness, teaching younger children the gift of being a good swordsmen and martial arts, and he enjoys the job. He was successful after all.
His cell phone went off, causing an annoying ringing sound that interrupted his thoughts. In anger, he picked it up.
"What!?", exclaimed the angry man.
"Brother...", a feminine voice said, rather softly and sadly.
"Fuutie? What is the matter?"
"It's mother... she's finally awake! She wishes to see you. Please hurry!"
"Okay...", replied the little brother, hanging up. He admires his sister, for being so loyal and faithful to mother. Unlike his other sisters, Fuutie chose to be single, though she was attractive, she ignores the compliments of men and chose to be loyal to the Li clan, because she was the oldest. She knew she would never be in charge of the clan, but still, she felt as if she had a duty.
"Tomoyo's letter have to go unanswered", thought Syaoran, racing to his car, and driving to his mother's house.
"What took you so long, little brother?", ask an angry Fuutie.
"I came as fast as I can!", shouted Syaoran, "I told you not to call me 'little brother', anymore"
"Whatever. Mother is waiting", she told him, motioning him toward the door of where his mother laid.
The room was darker than usual. Must have been the spirits drifting in the atmosphere, waiting to take his weak mother away, at least that was what Syaoran thought.
"Ma Ma?", Syaoran called out in a soft voice only someone as ner as his mother could've heard.
"Xialong...?", a heavily breathing voice ask.
He frowned. He hated being called "little" wolf, but since it was his mother's last ounce of breath, he did not say anything about it.
"Yes ma ma. I'm here. Why have you called on me?"
"Xing Zou"
He obeyed, and sat down on Fuutie's chair near his mother's bed.
"Take my hand..."
He did so.
"Xialong... I maen... Syaoran... you like to be called that, correct? You know I am weak... I am about to go..."
"Ma ma... don't talk such nonsence"
"You know it is true... though I am almost blind, by this illness, I can see it in your face, you are ready, and know I will leave you..."
"I thought so. As you already know, since you were yough, you will have to be leader of out clan. I have left it in my will"
Syaoran turned pale, he was glad his mother was nearly blind, so she wouldn't see his expression. But nothing gets past a mother, and though her eyesight was poor, she can still see his worried face.
"Why so pale? You not happy to be leader? Why, when you were little, you always told me you were looking forward to it"
"I'm not little anymore...", he whispered faintly.
Ieran sighed.
"Then... I can't have you promise you will put aside everything and focus on the Li clan..."
"You... do not want to be leader? It is the most greatest honor... my last request..."
"I... want to... be the leader... of the Li clan..."
"Promise me then? You will put aside everything and focus on the Li clan..."
"What? No answer? Please hurry, my son! I see... a light... the spirts have come to take me away..."
"I promise! Ma ma... don't leave..."
"Zaijian, my son"
Syaoran kissed her forehead, making a warm smile on Ieran's face, before her head tilted to one side, and she passed away...
The boy let go of his mother;s now cold hands, and proceeded to the door, knowing Fuutie must have been eavesdropping, but she wasn't. She was making her lunch, and stared at Syaoran as he came out of the room.
"Mother's dead...", he told her.
Fuutie dropped the knife that she held in her right hand, and the sandwich on her let hand, and ran to the red room, where their dead mother laid.
Syaoran did not follow her, but remained standing, just inches away from the room.
Fuutie came out, moments after. To Syaoran's surprise, not a tear was in her eyes. He admired her. If his other sisters were here, they would have been sonning, but not Fuutie. Mother had taught them to be strong, and she was.
"I'll call everyone and arrange the funeral...", Fuutie said.
Syaoran nodded, as he headed for the door, leaving.
His thoughts were on the promise he given to his mother.
"Focus on the Li clan", it echoed in his mindm as he drove his car home.
Then the thoughts of Tomoyo's letter appeared.
"... and... Yamakeru is thinking of proposing to her..."
"My Sakura?", Syaoran asked even though she wasn't his anymore. If only he haven't broken that promise... before that, he had promised himself never to break another promise again... that means he cannot break his promise to mother...
"The letter have to go unanswered...", thought Syaoran, entering his apartment. He was not in the mood to answer the letter... but then again... when will be the time to answer Tomoyo's letter?

To be continue...

Author's notes: Wow... that took me longer to type then expected... hmmm... to me, this chapter turned out pretty well. Tell me your opinions. This is the first fanfic I ever written, that is actually letting the public read, instead of sharing it with my friends. E-mail your comments/questions to: qtisyaoran@hotmail.com Hope you enjoyed it, and if you didn't screw you, don't e-mail me comments, insulting my fanfic. Oh yeah, I'm not sure if Fuutie is the oldest sister. I read this really great fanfic called "from one to five", saying Fuutie was the oldest, even though the author of it mentioned she was not sure either, so oh well! I'm just going to say Fuutie is the oldest. Thanks for reading this!

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