FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks


Disclaimer: Okay, people you know the drill. I hate writing disclaimers. So, I don't own CCS, and all that stuff, it belongs to clamp, so don't bother suing me for a crapping story, it's just a waste of time.

Chapter 3- true love?

In Tomoeda, a young woman with now short black hair and violet eyes waited impatiently for the letter to be answered. Day after day she would ask one of her many servants of the mail, and day after day, she had gotten the same reply.
"No, miss", the servants would say.
Poor Tomoyo. She has been a faithful friend, after all these years! Tracking down Syaoran and his whereabouts, still concern of his best friend who is now engaged.
Sure she liked Yamakeru, but he couldn't compare to Syaoran. It was love at first sight for Yamakeru. But Syaoran had known Sakura for a long time, before realizing he loved her.
"Syaoran... please reply...", Tomoyo whispered to herself, "I love Sakura, and know enough Yamakeru is not the one for her! You are!"
Of course she never tld Sakura that. It would break her heart, if she did. For years have Sakura waited day after day for the return of her beloved. Not a letter answered... but no more! With a heart full of bitter emotions, hatred steaming out from inside her, she decided to finally move on, and replay a "yes", on Yamakeru's question of marriage.
"... Yamakeru...", Tomoyo whispered, "do you have to be so nice and sweet?"
He was the perfect boyfriend. He was tall, dark, and handsome. Any woman's dream. But was it Sakura's? Tomoyo would have never guessed. Yamakeru had a dark chestnut brown hair color, kind of messey, that of Touya's. He was physically built that of an olmypic athlete. His green emerald eyes matched Sakura's. People gossip that that was how he fell in love. But those who knew, wasn't.
Yamakeru and Sakura first met in high school. Yamakeru was a terrific soccer player, and was already popular on the first day of school. Tomoyo was absolutely crazy about Yamakeru. But his eyes set on the one who did not pay any mind to him, and that was Sakura. Over the months Yamakeru tried everything to get Sakura to notice him, while all the other girls grew of jealousy watching the desperate Yamakeru worshipping the grounds which Sakura walked on, as if she was a goddess, yet payed no mind to the young man, as if he was just some petty slave.
Tomoyo grew with jealousy. How clueless her best friend was on the matters of love!
The reason why Sakura was ignoring Yamakeru was not because she never noticed him, but of Yamakeru's personality. His athletic abilities matched that of Syaoran in a way. Everytime she looks at him, an image of Syaoran flashed in her mind. Finally, deciding to give up on the boy, she went out with Yamakeru, and the rest was like magic.
Tomoyo had gotten over her crush with Yamakeru.
"Puppy love", she had called it. For she doesn't believe love at first sight, from experiences from Syaoran and Sakura. Still, Tomoyo has a keen eye, when it comes to matters from the heart, even though she never felt love on her life, and knows what is best for her best friend, and knows it is not Yamakeru.
A warm sprind day past. A perfect month for Sakura and Yamkeru's wedding.
"Stupid weather...", Tomoyo thought, "even it's not against their wedding!"
"Miss...", a servant called, "a letter arrived from China"
With those words, Tomoyo's eyes grew wide, racing down the stairs, and ripping the envelope apart, anxious for her friend's reply

"Dear Miss Daidouji Tomoyo,

My greatest apologies. This is not Syaoran, but his sister. He has been dead for three years. He died of emotional illness. I'm terribly sorry, you did not find out sooner.


"Dead...?", Tomoyo whispered, her eyes widen, her pupils grew smaller and she fainted.
If that was the way Tomoyo reacted, you should guess that of Sakura!
After gaining conscious, Tomoyo was in the state of denial.
"He is not dead!", she kept telling herself.
Anger thrusted upon her, as the next stage developed.
"Syaoran! How could you die!? What would happen... to Sakura...?"
From that quote, the next stage developed. Fear...
"Sakura and Yamakeru will get married... what would happen to Sakura after these years? She would regret marrying him... I can't let that happen! I'm going to find Syaoran. I know he isn't dead! I don't care how much it costs, I will find him!"
That was bargain, the next stage.
The last stage took a while. That was the final stage in the matter of dealing with death. Acceptance.
Tomoyo had gone through all the stages, denail, anger, fear, bargain, and acceptance. What a reaction! How would Sakura react?
After a week of accepting the fact Syaoran was gone, Tomoyo called Sakura and told her.
"Syaoran... gone?", Sakura ask.
"Sumimasen... Sakura..."
"He was gone three years ago", Sakura said.
"How did you know?", Tomoyo ask, "I didn't tell you that"
"I know... he was gone from my heart and life three years ago..."
Tomoyo hung up. This was way too depressing. Three years ago...? What did Sakura mean "he was gone from my heart and life three years ago..."? Three years ago... the same time Sakura and Yamkeru first met! So that was what she meant... could Syaoran had died because he could sense this relationship, and had died from it?

To be continue...

Author's notes: Well, after re-reading my whole story, I can honestly say, this is the worst chapter in the story so far. Okay... I have no idea what's the whole point of Tomoyo's reaction to dealing with Syaoran's fake death. Well, I guess the whole purpose in that whole thing, is her reaction, and what she and the reader might have guessed Sakura's reaction is, but it turned out that Sakura took it as a no biggy thing... okay... comments/questions, no insults please! You know the drill e-mail me at qtisyaoran@hotmail.com


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