FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

by: qtisyaoran

Disclaimer: Okay, I don't own ccs. It belongs to clamp, so don't waste your time suing me for something so foolish.

Chapter 6- The return

A young man arrives at the wedding. A stranger to Tomoeda, the other guests can tell. He was dressed in a black tuxedo, just right for the occasion. He had the same messy chestnut hair and amber eyes. People gossiped over who he was, since he looked chinese, not Japanese. The young man ignored their gossip, though he heard them all loud and clear, and sat down on the bride's side.
Sighing, Tomoyo entered the open field, which their guests sat. She looked around, hoping to see whom she had expected, though she knew he was not here. But wait! What had awaited her was a smile from the chinese stranger. Could it be? Syaoran!
Tomoyo walked up to the young man, in an eager pace, to make certain.
"... Syaoran?" she whispered
The young man nodded, smiling at the girl.
Tomoyo shrieked in joy, hugging the man, clutching onto his body, as tears fell down her eyes. Syaoran returned the hug, giving her a kiss on the cheek.
"You're alive!" she screamed out "I knew it! I knew it all the time! How could you lie to me!?"
The young man continued not to speak, but his smile grew wider.
Finally, Tomoyo let go of his body, and wiped away her tears. She examined the young man, now standing before her.
"You've grown" she commented.
"So have you" replied he.
"Your Japanese have gotten worst" commented she.
"It's been awhile" he relpied.
"Syaoran..." Tomoyo said, gesturing him to follow her so she could speak to him in private "why did I recieve a letter of your death?"
"I made Fuutie write it"
Syaoran shrugged his shoulders, leaving Tomoyo completely confessed.
"Do you still love her?"
Again, he shrugged.
"Do not lie! Then why did you come to this wedding?"
"I was invited, wasn't I?"
"Yes... but..."
Tomoyo couldn't really pick out the words. She had too much emotions inside. She felt sorrorw, betrayal, lost of trust, lost of hope, anger, and happiness.
"That's Yamakeru..." Tomoyo said, pointing to the young man with neat, dark chestnut hair color, and emerald eyes, standing straight and tall before the altar.
Syaoran eyed him in anger. No, he was not jealous. He wasn't the type to be, at least, not anymore. If he didn't love Sakura, he would have agreed with the rest, Yamakeru was a good choice for a husband.
"The wedding is about to start" Tomoyo told him "are you going to surprise Sakura?"
"Isn't that bad luck?"
Giggling, Tomoyo replied: "Only for the groom" Her giggling stopped as she spotted Touya, coming their way.
Syaoran recognized him, as did Touya.
"Aren't you suppose to be dead?" Touya asked.
"YOU wanna be?" replied Syaoran.
"There is NO WAY you, are going to ruin my little sister's wedding, by showing your face back here in Tomoeda again!"
"I was invited!"
"So, you finally decided to return. A little too late, isn't it? You already broken my sister's heart for not returning. She cried day and night, wishing for your return. But you never kept that promise, did you!?"
For once, Touya had beaten Syaoran on their little arguments. For once, Syaoran had nothing to talk back.
"He did keep his promise!" Tomoyo shouted back at Touya "he's back now. He has returned, just as he had promised!"
"Too late" replied Touya.
"Better late then never!" screamed out Tomoyo.
"Why are you defending this little brat, after all he had done? He lied to you both!"
"I know what's best for Sakura. You're just too stubborn to realize this. I know Sakura would be miserable after marrying Yamakery, she would be forever happy with Syaoran. If you put all your anger aside, for once, you'll realize this too!"
"Have you told Yamakeru this?" Toya ask.
"Why sould I?"
"Because he just listened to your whole speech" Touya said, pointing to the young man behind her, whom all along, she thought was Syaoran.
"Tomoyo? You really thought I was going to hurt Sakura?" asked Yamakeru.
"No... I said she'll be miserable with you. You will never hurt her, I know, but she won't be happy either"
Yamakeru was silent. What was he to do? Is what Tomoyo said... true?
"This is Syaoran..." Tomoyo said, introducing them.
Yamakeru nodded.
"So you are this 'Syaoran', I'e heard so much of"
"Same here" replied Syaoran "if you don't mind, I would like to talk to Sakura before the wedding begins"
Yamakeru looked at him, questionly, with a hint of anger in his eyes.
"I'll leave the decision up to her whom to marry then" Yamakeru replied, as he nodded his head in approval to Syaoran.
"Come in" replied Sakura, staring at the mirror before her, adjusting the earrings Tomoyo lead her.
The visitor entered. Sakura did not face him, but continued to place on her earrings for the wedding.
The visitor examined her from the reflection form the mirror.
"She had changed" thought the visitor "she grown... more lovely then ever..."
Sakura eyed the other reflection from her mirror, staring at the stranger in her mirror, in familiarity.
"May I help you?" ask Sakura, now facing the visitor.
"Sakura..." the visitor spoke.
"Do I... know you from somewhere?"
"This is kind of awkward..." thought the visitor "what do I say?"
"Eight years ago, a ten year old boy told you he loves you. Realizing you felt the same way, you told him. But he had to leave you. He promised he would come back. Eight years had past. A friend told you he had died. That was a lie... I am he"
"Syaoran...?" Sakura asked in amazement "couldn't be... you've... kept your promise and had returned..."
"To you" finished he.
"Why...? Why... on this day? After eight long years?"
This was indeed awkward. The silence made it even worst. Syaoran advoided eye contact during this whole conversation. He was too embarassed and ashamed to even speak. When he finally made eye contact to the girl, he found that she was crying.
Syaoran looked at the girl questionly.
Wiping the tears from off her face, the young lady walked up to Syaoran and embraced him.
"I missed you... so much... why... why did you have to leave me?"
Anger arose inside Sakura's heart, a sinple "sorry", isn't good enough! Releasing Syaoran from her hug, she slapped him on the cheek.
"Why did you lie to me!?" demanded she.
"I... I didn't mean to, really! After Tomoyo told me you were getting married, I had nothing else to live for. Mother passes away, and made me promise to focus on the Li clan. So... I had to abandon you out of my life! Sumimasen..."
Silence... yet again we meet! Sakura was deep in thought, not commenting or questioning what Syaoran had just told her.
"Syaoran... tell me the truth. Do you... still... love me?"
Those words... not again... what Syaoran was pondering all along. Was it just a childhood crush? No... it was love... was? Is! Still is! But how can one love another so, when one have not seen the other for so long? But Syaoran has! At least, he now knows how Sakura looks like. The mixed emotions he felt... that he had neglected for so long, were now coming back to him, as if haunting him.
"Yes" replied he. How he wishes for the same reply from her! But did she? No... silence once again...
"You tell me this... now? Today... out of all days... my wedding...?"
"Do you love Yamakeru?"
"Yes, I do"
"Do you... still love me?"
"LoveD... yes... still... I'm not sure..."
"Sakura... you know I'll never do anything to hurt you. I don't want to ruin your wedding. But I have to know... will you be forever jappy with Yamakeru?"
"If you want me to leave, I will..."
"No... stay... the wedding is about to start anyways"
Nodding, Syaoran then left the puzzled Sakura.
He was alive! Was she happy? But... what about this wedding then? What about Yamakeru? What about her long time love... Syaoran? She loved Syaoran onger than Yamakeru. She started to hate Syaoran for breaking his promise to her. But... he didn't really break that promise... he did come back to her, after eight long years...

To be continue...

Author's notes: Kind of a touchy moment, right? Right...? *silence* Hey! Screw you then!!!!! hehe... anyways well, it doesn;t really matter if you people don't like this chapter or not, what matters is that I like it, and I do, so there! Hehe... okay... I ate way too much sugar today... hehe... lol!!!! Well, thw whole purpose of this chapter, is to add suspence to Sakura's decision in marrying Yamakeru. Turned out all right? Right...? *Silence* Hmph! Hehe... okay, e-mail me on your comments/questions at qtisyaoran@hotmail.com NO insults please!!!!! I get that from myself... hehe...


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