FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

By: Qtisyaoran

Disclaimer: I don't own ccs and all that stuff.

Chapter 7- The decision

As if the whole conversation never existed, Syaoran had a straight face, not showing any emotion at all, about his conversation with Sakura. Tomoyo was anxious to know... yet she knew Syaoran would never tell her. Yamakeru was the most anxious of all, though he stood perfectly stiff at the altar. One would not be able to see, he was shaking from head to foot. And those that were near him, and could see, thought ht was just nervous, after all, it was his wedding day!
Touya eyed the "little chinese brat", as he sat down at the bride's side. How dare he show his face here again! He feared that his little sister would leave Yamakeru at the altar, and marry the one he despises all these years!
Music played, the wedding had begun. Syaoran payed no attention to anyone else, but one person, Sakura of course.
Her father was by her side. She was more lovely then ever, yet... not a smile was in her face... A white veil covered her face, even so it did not conceal her hidden emotion from her father's notice.
"Are you alright?" father asked his child.
Sakura nodded, though it was a lie.
"Smile then"
But she couldn't smile... she was too deep in thought to. Yamakeru? Or Syaoran? It was her decision, and hers alone...
The minister started to speak. The music had stopped, and he was starting the introductions.
"Are there any objections why these two should not be wed?" were the only words Sakura heard clearly. The others were a blur to her.
She looked around. Tomoyo was standing still, not saying a word, but she too, looked around her guests, mainly at Syaoran, who kept a straight face, refusing to say anything.
"This is Sakura's decision" his eyes seems to say.
"I do" replied Yamakeru.
"Do you take this man to be your husband?"
"Sakura?" Yamakeru asked "go ahead, reply"
"I... dont't... know..."
Gossip roam around the guests, as they all gasped in astonishment. All eyes were now on Syaoran.
What was Sakura to do?

Author's notes: Hello all you eager fans of my work! Okay, I'm a sucker for happy endings. But then, this fanfic will suck more so, if I left it a happy ending, because everybody expects that to happen. So, I'm making it two ways. A happy ending, and a sad ending, you decide.

Sad ending:
"I do"
A dagger... a dagger to poor Syaoran's heart... he poured out his heart to the girl, yet... she chose the other. He felt no need to stay for the rest of the wedding and started to leave.
Who else could it be to stop him? Sakura...
"Iie... don't apologize... I should be the one to. I shouldn't have come here in the first place... this was all a mistake..."
Tears formed in her emerald eyes.
Syaoran hated seeing her cry. It makes his heart ache more so at the sight.
"Tears... for me? Why?"
"Syaoran... I love you... but... I love Yamakeru more"
Running up to him, she wrapped her arms around him long and deep.
It was not a kiss of love affection... but a kiss good-bye.
"I haven't gotten you a wedding gift yet" Syaoran said.
They were surrounded by cherry blossoms. Syaoran jumped up, and grabbed one off from a tree, and handed it to her.
More tears formed in the eyes of his love.
"Do not cry for me..." Syaoran told her.
"I... can't... help it..."
"Live a long and happy life, Sakura. Promise, you will never forget me"
"I never had... I never will"
Yamakeru watched from a distance. He watched as his new wife approached him, her eyes red form the tears she shed for Syaoran. She embraced him, her new husband.
Looking up at Syaoran, he nodded to him as if saying; "I will take good care of her, I promise"
Syaoran nodded back in response
"Keep that promise..." his eyes seems to read.
"Be forever happy my cherry blossom... be forever happy..."

Oceans apart
Day after day
And I slowly go insane
I hear your voice on the line
But it doesn't stop the pain
I see you next to never
How can you say forever?
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be
Right here waiting
For you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be
Right here waiting
For you...

"Syaoran... there will always be a place in my heart for you... I promise..."

Author's notes: In case you were all wondering, that was NOT a poem! It's a real song, by a guy name Richard Marx, I think. Well, I first heard this song, not from him, but rom a Korean CD, a live concert ny H.O.T, and I just loved this song! It's so beautiful! *weeps* I recommend you listen to it. It's call, "Right here waiting"

Happy ending:

All eyes laid upon Syaoran.
"Told you that little chinses brat will ruin everything" Touya whispered to Tomoyo, who turned away in disgust.
<Sakura, the perfect guy for you is Syaoran>
<... at least you picked the right guy to get married to>
<But I have to know... will you be forever happy with Yamakeru?>
Flashbacks of the words of the people she loved in life, trying to help her reach her decision. But it had only gotten Sakura more confused.
"Make your decision" Sakura told herself "everybody is expecting"
She stared at Syaoran, as did everyone else. She knew he felt uneasy and uncomfortable out of this whole thing.
<Do you... still love me?> the words that came out of Syaoran's mouth, appeared once again in the young lady's mind.
"I don't know..."
That was all Sakura came up with. But... it was the truth... her mind is coming out with a complete blank.
Growing more embarrassed, Syaoran got up to leave.
"Why bother?" thought he "she isn't going to choose me"
Apparently Sakura had seen the young man stand up, and began to run after him.
Turning back to face her finace, he decision was finally made.
"Yamakeru... I..."
"I know..." replied he.
"Sumimasen..." with those words she came up to him at the altar and kissed him on the cheek. She held out Ymakeru's right hand, and dropped something in it, nobody noticed what it was, not even Yamakeru. She closed his fist, concealing the small item in his hand, and ran after Syaoran.
Watching his love disappear to the other, Yamakeru opened his fist and found his engagement ring, he had given to Sakura in his hand.
"Syaoran... Syaoran... wait up!"
Breathless Sakura finally caught up to Syaoran and collapsed in his arms.
"You all right?" ask he.
"Yes... and no... I broke off the engagement with Yamakeru"
"There is someone else I loved so long, that I haven't realized until now" with that, she embraced him.
From a distance you could see a young woman in a chinese style outfit, smiling at this beautiful scene.
Cherry blossom pedals dropped down like confetti to the happy new couple.
"Don't worry, little brother" the young woman said "I will take care of the Li clan. Your cherry blossom needs you, and you need her..."


Note: okay, you all can stop bugging me about the ending now! hehe... no... i'm just kidding. Thank you for all your comments and for reading my story. I hope you all enjoyed it! I just can't let a story go unfinished... anyways the whole purpose of this story is to test the love between Syaoran and Sakura, with Yamakeru and the Li clan/Syaoran's mother in the way. *Kero: Hey! How come I wasn't in this? Qtisyaoran: Sorry Kero, I just can't find a place for you in this story, or Yukito. Yukito: What!? (Kero and Yukito jumped on qtisyaoran and started beating the crap out of her)*... hehe... lol!
Comments/questions e-mail me at: qtisyaoran@hotmail.com


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